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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. MARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FREEEEEEEKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WILLIAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. KW, Dareus and Mario for the next 5 years......WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I love your revisionist history. You were slobbering all over yourself for LeFevour! Btw, I wasn't the only one who liked Clausen. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-draft/09000d5d8176e5ae/Mayock-s-Clausen-evaluation
  4. Great, so since he's better than a fourth round pick let's sign him up! Great logic. The guy has proven to be injury prone and soft at the POA.
  5. Easy Mel Kiper Jr, you said the same thing about Dan Lefevour who is on his fourth team in 2 years.
  6. Can someone explain what Bell has done as a Bill? Sure he a good athlete and a great story but he's been injury prone and average when he's been on the field.
  7. I've been very critical of the front office and if they whiff again I will be right there with ya. But it looks like they are trying to make some things happen so I have to give them the benefit of the doubt and let thing unfold. Terrible troll.
  8. They're legal now aren't they? You can be our maid of honor.
  9. What a completely clueless and ridiculous statement. Did you watch one South Carolina game this year or last? He was playing behind Cliff Mathews, who was an all SEC performer and a senior. He played a ton as a junior and besides his 9 sacks he had 11 TFLs. To be ranked near the top of the SEC in TFLs and sacks for 2 seasons in row makes you a very good football player. Watch a game before you comment.
  10. I'm sick of decent attempts. We have the money now show me the baby.
  11. There is no excuse not to make a big splash in free agency.
  12. He's a great story but he's done absolutely nothing to earn that money.
  13. If he signs an offer sheet that the Steelers can't match they have no choice.
  14. I would gladly give up a 1st for Wallace but Fitz can't throw the deep ball. I have a feeling that NE gets him.
  15. This discussion is very simple. The Bills lost 8 of 9 to finish the season. They mishandled Spiller all season long. Gailey fell in love with the passing game and never adjusted to defenses in the second half. The 2010 class continued to fail. They lost their last game of the year by giving up 49 straight points. So the question was asked, "why do the last 12 years get lumped together?"
  16. The bills have a few decent WRs and they can get by at tackle. But there is not one player on this team that can get to the QB. The answer is Mario Williams. It's not just his pass rush ability but he is long and he takes away throwing lanes. Barring injuries, the Bills have a good shot at a WC with Mario Williams in the lineup.
  17. Do you understand that this is how the world works? Aren't Dems and the GOP Americans but with different views? Why do you have such a hard time with someone not agreeing with your opinion? Go ahead and try to find a post of me saying, "I told you the Bills would suck" I haven't done that and I won't. But by week 5, the Pollys were starting posts demanding people apologize who didn't predict playoffs and said the Bills weren't going to be good. But that's okay because they agree with you right? Seriously, grow up. People aren't always gonna see things your way.
  18. What is cherry picking about losing 8 of 9? Fitz playing well for the first 8 games does nothing for me (this is the very definition of cherry picking!) It's a 16 game season and progress is usually based on how ya finish not how ya start. Am I right? And believe it or not, I do have the ability to separate my personal life from my sports frustrations. Just like I have the ability to separate work from home and so on and so forth. Actually, I'm numb to the Bills ineptitude. It makes me laugh. You are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome Dr. D. It's okay, there are many on this board just like you.
  19. It always scares me when a player has to be motivated. The Bills don't have the leadership like the Ravens/Pats and Steelers do to humble a guy like that. It's hard to slack when you have to answer to Ray Lewis. Pass.
  20. I'm not crazy about the other ones but who was banging the drum on here for Aldon Smith last year? The draft is a crap-shoot but Ingram is a rare athlete who has great football instincts and has a history of production. Hell, he even returned kickoffs early in his career at USCjr!
  21. If my posts annoy you then imagine how I feel when I read yours?!? The Bills lost 8 of 9 to end the year and gave up 49 in their last game and I'm supposed to be happy because Nix resigned Morrison, Fitz and Chandler? Come on! And my thoughts are redundant because the Bills ineptitude is redundant. Your thoughts, IMHO, are baseless and pinned solely to hopes/wishes. This regime has pegged Fitz as the future! That's not cause for optimism I'm sorry. I'm not going to argue who is and isn't a fan. Life is about differing opinions and everybody thinks they are right. So let's just move on from that silliness. I can't drop the Polly thing just like I won't stop accusing the Pollys of having Stockholm Syndrome. Would you like if I started calling you guys Pattys (as in Hurst) instead? It's fun, it's not personal at all. Blame Rico. If he wasn't so spot on 3 years ago there would be no "Pollys"...and what would this board be without Pollys?
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