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John Cocktosten

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Everything posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Who gives a sh*t! What have the Bills done to deserve any attention? Mario doesn't erase 10-22. Seriously, I love the Mario signing as much as anybody but the Bills haven't won a game with him have they? FA isn't over, the draft is a month away and the season starts in 5+ months. When it's week 8 and the Bills have 6 wins on the board you will get the attention that so many of you desperately need. Until then, the job isn't even close to being over.
  2. Simple, cut Kelsay and his 30 career sacks. Take his money and sign Mark Anderson or Kameron Wimbley.
  3. How about Mark Anderson or Kameron Wimbley? They probably aren't going to be all that expensive and they have a track record of being solid pass rushers.
  4. He's never going to be 100% healthy ever again. Achilles injuries never are the same
  5. I'm not saying that some current players had nothing to do with it. I'm saying that 50 mil was the closer. This smile isn't because they honored Merriman's contract. http://ow.ly/i/vL7N
  6. A man walking down the street sees a sign on a door that says, "Sandwiches $1. Handjobs $2". He walks in and looks at the woman behind the counter and says, "Are you the one giving the handjobs?" The lady replies, "yep!" He says,"Well can you wash your hands and make me a sandwich?"
  7. If he gives you anything at all it will be as a situational pass rusher. He just can't hold up for an entire game anymore.
  8. Waiting to hear presser. Seriously, how does anyone listen to Schopp?
  9. Houston never had a great D Line. They drafted Watt and Reed this year, and Connor Barwin came into to his own in Wade's D and the made a huge difference.
  10. The thing that scares me about Martin is the type of offense he played in. Run heavy with a lot of play action and having a very mobile QB. He got destroyed in the USC game. Stanford's offense is not an open spread offense that the Bills run. Draft another Pass rusher and we have the best D line for the next 5 years.
  11. At least Clausen didn't get cut 100 times. He never got a fair shot. The first rookie QB to have to rookie WRs start more than 6 games since 1999. Then they draft Cam and the offense doesn't fit anybody but Cam. Clausen will be in the league for a long time.
  12. If Ingram or Coples is there you draft them. Look at what the Giants have done with an amazing pass rush.
  13. Sorry, Bell has not been one of the best LTs. If he was, he'd be long gone by now and getting a monster contract. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/6/27/2246151/demetrius-bell-jared-allen-bills-vikings
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