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John Cocktosten

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Posts posted by John Cocktosten

  1. Hiring a guy with some NFL experience who went on to a mediocre college coaching career? No, that's not something Buddy would do...


    Weo, while I appreciate your frustration, the Bills got this one right. Saying he had a mediocre college career is pretty ignorant. He took over a complete dumpster fire. He has zero recruiting base in NY. DC, which is used to be a fertile recruiting ground for Syracuse is gone to the SEC (Bama's monster RT is from DC), and he had Dukes point guard starting at QB in his first year. His career at Cuse was anything but mediocre.


    This last year he whooped a BCS team, tied for the division championship, won a bowl game vs a Big 12 team and beat a team from the SEC. Anyone who follows CFB knows he did a top 10 coaching job there this year. What was he suppose to do at Cuse?


    Who do you think is the best GM in the league? How about best all time? Look at their draft record. Every GM has LOTS of misses.


    By the way, I absolutely think Dareus is a cog.


    Dareus was the 3rd overall pick. Didn't take a genius to pull the trigger on that one.

  2. 1) GM's don't develop any player.


    2) He got what he could for Lynch. No one was offering any better.


    3) I blame the lack of QB on Gailey who so badly wanted Fitz. I suppose you can blame Nix for not ignoring Gailey.


    Anyway, you can make a list of things ANY GM didn't do.


    Well I guess you're right, you can't develop a QB if you don't draft one. He also hired and didn't want to fire Gailey. Gailey was Nix's choice so anything Gailey did goes back on Nix. He was the one who extended Fitz. And lets not act like guys like Chandler, Urbick and Carrington are pro bowlers. By the way, Carrington is a DT now.


    There were plenty of reports that Nix could've gotten more for Lynch.


  3. Coaching decision aside, Nix has done a fine job at GM. So I don't understand all the hate.


    Spiller is now one of the best RB's in the league. Carrington is turning into a damn good DE. Dareus is the cog of our d line. Searcy is very good depth. Hairston has become our revolving lineman able to play tackle or guard, left or right. Urbik is our starting RG. Gilmore looks to be a stud. Cordy Glenn is our LT of the future. Brooks looks like the 2nd best CB on the team. Not to mention Bradham who looks good. Add the signing of Mario Williams, and Nick Barnett.


    That's not bad for 3 years. He has done a solid job, I don't care what anyone says.


    I notice you didn't mention his record, or how he failed to draft and develop a QB in 3 years, or how he made Fitz the QB of the future, or how he traded Marshawn for sh*t, or how he has drafted exactly one impact player in 3 drafts. I could keep going but he's gonna be fazed out soon so what's the point.

  4. What is hilarious is how people are rallying around this hire. Just like they rallied around Jauron and Gailey. How much more info do you need than Marrone finised .500 in the Big East?!?! I really feel sorry for so many of you. Low expectations and low intellect is a terrible combination!


    Believe me, I'm as cynical (as I should be) as any Bills fan. And I can understand why there is so many negative comments about this hire. It's called ignorance. When you say he was .500 at Syracuse and act like that is the major red mark against him you simply are uniformed and don't realize that he took over a complete dumpster fire. Syracuse is a horrible program with awful facilities and terrible fan support. Add to that that the location alone puts them in a horrible disadvantage when it comes to recruiting. Plus, PP initiated the death of that program and Greg Robinson took over the dumpster fire and dropped a bomb on it. Do you remember who started for Marrone in his first year as a head coach? Duke's starting point guard who hadn't played football in 5 years! That's what he had when he started.


    Marrone had Cuse putting up massive offensive numbers, destroyed a good #9 Lousiville team, beat an SEC team and had his team playing their best at the end of the year. He's a leader with a pedigree that's proven. He's great offensive mind that believes that believes in not forcing his philosophies down his opponents throats (Like Gailey) but having the wherewithal and intelligence to adjust what he's doing to opposing defenses. His offensive attack will be whatever the defense gives you. That's refreshing to me.


    What the hell did you expect him to do at Cuse? If it's more than an 8 win season, and a bowl win, you simply don't know anything about college football. He had the same record in the BE that Rutgers and Louisville did.


    Great hire. Get on board. The Bills finally did something right for a change so you should be happy.

  5. Then by your observation and holiday wish for us to not "bite on another 3 year plan"...there is no hope yes? Should we expect a 2 year plan? Maybe I have gone in the wrong direction and4 is the mark? Obviously, plans are made and more often than not, fail and do so quite spectacularly. I would consider Buddy's failure to be more of a fizzle - the only mark missed was his investment in Fitzpatrick. Either way, I am sure after the obligatory long off season, your belief in what is happening on One Bills Drive will be reinstilled by the arrival of Mike Vick and a highly touted draft choice. Until then, cue up The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" and enjoy the Holidays...


    The point is so many were completely convinced and excused terrible football because of Buddy' ridiculous plan. How bout a one year plan? No novel of an idea for ya? It seemed to work for 3 or 4 other teams this year.


    To your second point, you cannot be serious. He brought in Chan right, his drafts have been bad, he passed on 4 or 5 QBs that will be in the playoffs this year right. And you say the only thing he;s done wrong is give FItz an extension? 15-32 sounds more like a men's airport bathroom than a fizzle.


    INo improvement in year 3 of Nix's master plan. He said it himself, "show me the baby". Let me translate this hick's BS into english, "let me see the results!" 15-32


    So spare me with "all of talent that he's brought in." Where are the impact players not named Spiller? You'd think in 3 years he would have picked or drafted more than one. Urbick, Chandler, Pears are nothing more than average and I some people act like he's bringing in All Pros. This is fans suffering from such a lack of talent for so long that a decent player is crowned a good player. It's sad. You want to see impact? Watch Seattle and watch KJ Wright, Bobby Wagner, Richard Sherman and Brandon Browner. Those are guys that impact football games who weren't taken in the first round round and all are in their first or second years. Buddy brings Sheppard, Searcy, Williams, Bradham and Graham to fill spots and that's about all. No impact Buddy, your baby is a troll.


    Quit giving Buddy a pass it's embarrassing.

  6. When Buddy came in here and talked about how it's gonna take 3 years to build this team. I couldn't believe the buy in from so many fans on this board. Never mind that so many teams have proven that it can be done in an offseason. That big mouthed dope convinced the Die-hards that, "We are gonna do it through he draft!" and we "aren't gonna sacrifice our future for some instant gratification". Well Buddy, you went from 4-3 to 3-4 to 4-3, spent a a billion on FAs and now you are ready to trade up for a QB and your third year ain't even up!


    So what happened to the "build through the draft" philosophy? The best players on the team besides Spiller were all here!!!


    Here's my point, there should be no "set" plan. One philosophy doesn't fit all and great teams do everything well, not just the draft (Which Buddy has shown to be below average at).


    The amazing thing about Buddy the failure is that he was so busy "sticking to his guns" that he ignored the two most important things in modern day football; get a QB and bring in a great coach. He hired Chan and doubled down on Fitz. There is no defending this clown anymore. He has failed miserably.



  7. Buddy Nix is a failure. The Bills have been terrible in his tenure. These are his players, his drafts, his FAs and his coaches. On top of all of that he's been a big loudmouth. Taking shots at the Raiders and McNabb for no reason and letting the entire world know what his plans are for every draft have been have been mind numbing.


    The biggest indictment of Nix is his management of the QB position. Do I really need to elaborate?


    It's amazing to me that so many fans bought this guy's act from the very beginning. He's a 70 man who's been in football forever and he's just getting his first shot as a GM with a franchise that is a joke. I wonder why? Shocking that he is an utter failure.

  8. punch that smug grin off Carroll's face during the handshake. The guy ran a fake punt on you up by a million punts. A total eff you move. So what does Gailey do? Shake his hand and say good game.


    I'm the most optimist Bills fan in the world but I will struggle mightily to get any sense of excitement if Gailey and Fitz are leading this team next year. Way too much talent to perform like this. Our offense has more talent than the Seahawks and we are held back by 2 people. Why, oh why, did I have to be a Bills fan? I can't take it anymore. :wallbash:


    And the last Polly falls...

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