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Nick the Greek

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Everything posted by Nick the Greek

  1. Am I the only one that hates all his weird prime time nonsense? 1pm on Sunday is perfect, bring those back!
  2. I did a victory lap around the kitchen/living room when The curse was broke but did I cry? Nope.
  3. Now must see TV? They always have been.
  4. It’s been a long wait but damn.. it feels weird
  5. Oftentimes we played like them as well.
  6. I always felt deep down, he was a Lions fan.
  7. I think its a little early to say that they will miss the playoffs for the next FIFTEEN YEARS.
  8. I think he's pretty solid. Has a ring, and the Steelers are pretty much competitive every year.
  9. I've never understood the infatuation of this win. Sure, it was exciting, but overall, the Ravens went 9-7 that season. Why are people only drooling over the BuNgLeS, yet none of the other teams that beat the Ravens that season? I mean, each loss dealt to the Ravens that season matters just as much as that last minute win by the BuNgLeS.
  10. I’ve heard of him. Git er done Beane.
  11. And a nasty one at that.
  12. I think they referred to Cole as Vic Beasley as well 😂
  13. That was was dirty, I agree. But to say that’s why his career is over is a massive overstatement. He got old.
  14. To think, he may cap off his hall of fame career by going 0-16 with the Jets. What a legacy to leave.
  15. Honestly I’m surprised it wasn’t Bosa but we got the win, so to the victor goes the spoils.
  16. McDermott is the man. Best coach we’ve had in 20 years hands down. Long live McClappy!
  17. You should like coach McDermott talking like that.
  18. Kroft has 3 TDs so far this year. That counts for something I say. he also missed a game due to COVID, so those numbers could potentially be even better.
  19. That quote certainty didn't not age well.
  20. Moorman for sure. Had a great show on local TV for a few years, went to a pro bowl. You could even argue he was our best player on some of the bad teams during the drought.
  21. That’s why you play the game
  22. An easier way to look at it is we have to beat out the dolphins for the division. Forget the rest of the AFC teams.
  23. Thinking back to his last concussion he was out for a long time, multiple weeks. Loving to see him back after only missing one game.
  24. That amount seems more like the air fare from upstate NY 😂
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