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Nick the Greek

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Everything posted by Nick the Greek

  1. So take they guy they don’t like? No guys, no glory. GO BILLS!
  2. I was positive we were gonna be 4-12 last season.. and we break the curse. But I hear ya, always hard to be optimistic as a Bills fan.
  3. Losing 10-3 to the Jags on the road is getting “embarrassed”? We execute a few plays and we win that game. It’s fun to rip the team sure, but let’s be honest when we do it at least.
  4. Yea we already had Lynce but he did pull off some amazing runs. At the end of the day, he was nothing more than a contributor to the drought. Onwards and upwards.
  5. There are 32 teams in the league. Some are horrid, like the 0-16 Browns. How anyone can argue their o-line is better than ours is beyond me.. but don’t let that get in the way great post.
  6. He’s washed up. Great career tho. I remember him being a fantasy football MONSTER in his prime.
  7. We won’t get any outside of the Thursday game (we never do). The cowgirls wil will get like 9 prime time game tho. Go figure.
  8. Looks like William DeFoe to me. https://www.google.com/search?q=willem+dafoe&rlz=1C1RAEH_enUS700US700&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj05dCF78LaAhUuh-AKHdE3CBMQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=z3lzSn4RPIb_pM:
  9. Tyrod honorable mention. Got us to the playoffs.. and tough as nails.
  10. Or how about Rex Ryan’s last hurrah when the team gave up like 200 yards to Jay Ajai. That was late December as well.
  11. Ah he’s joking around. dont take yourself too seriously Sammy. Lord knows the posters on TBD do.
  12. Over priced and over the hill. He’s no T.O. No thanks.
  13. Whenever I used to to to games I was so far up in the nosebleeds there was no way I could see the Jill’s.. so no, I don’t miss but it’s not therir fault.
  14. People that do CrossFit get Rhabdo. For fun, look up the cartoon uncle Rhabdo. That’s Richie! https://goo.gl/images/pe2rPg
  15. Makes you think the CTE is starting to kick in.
  16. Liver and kidney problems? How would football effect those organs? Too much juice there Richie, and the docs are telling you to lay off it?
  17. Will always be remembered for winning the snow bowl vs Indy.. we absolutely needed that win to make the playoffs and break the streak. His place in the Buffalo history books is forever.
  18. I hope you’re right man.. but people have been saying that for years. Someone has gotta be right eventually eh?
  19. We are the Patriots farm team, and have been for years. This one hurts.
  20. Did he ever fleece Pegula. What a life.
  21. “And it’s a, great day to be alive, the suns still shining when I close my eyes”.
  22. You’re welcome!!!!
  23. Mastodon. And I do love the fact that 2 of the members represent the 585.
  24. I’m sure statistically one would want some bullet points on a resume. Im thinking along the lines: had the 5th best run defense in the NFL, etc. Stuff like this isn’t reallly common knowledge as one would think.
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