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Nick the Greek

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Everything posted by Nick the Greek

  1. They have nowhere to go but up. Even winning just 4 games would be more than double the amount of games they have won over the past 2 years. and they picked up some veteran FAs in Hyde, Landry, and Tyrod. They are improved, at least on paper. That said, I hope they win 3 games this season.
  2. Ideas of what could be driving the rivalry: 1) They got our old coaches (Marrone/Hackett). 2) playoff battle last season. 3) Both AFC teams so we play each other often (I’d say at least once every 2 years). 4) both smaller market teams so we are similar sized franchises. We are comparable so that something that could cause competition. 5) they got out disgruntled D-lineman Marcel Darius.
  3. Always like Fairburn so plus one for Athletic. always hated the curmudgeons at Buffalo News, so minus one for them. tiebreaker: I don’t pay for content, so they both lose. I officially take the side of Syracuse.com, D&C, and WGR.
  4. I think many players are afraid of getting fined? Would it be worth $40,000 of your game check to take a shot against someone? Most players I think would say no. And also, a 15 yard penalty in a close game could decide a win or a loss. The coaches would NOT like that.
  5. Well you are in luck. From our past experiences with players who have hurt our guys, we never retaliate (referring to Gronk and Landry in particular). Maybe the fans want blood, but our players know better. Maybe karma will get him one day.
  6. Start Peterman.. give Allen time to develop. Take it SLOW, I’m very encouraged by what I’ve seen from Allen, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
  7. 4 three and out in a row is no fun.
  8. That was a bad sack.. he saw the hit coming tho. Better to see it coming.
  9. See Jordon Porter as well.
  10. Zay wasn’t as bad his rookie season as everyone is making it out to be. He pull in that catch vs Carolina, he’s already a hero. He will be back, and he will be good. You heard it hear first.
  11. He was good for the Jets in like 2011. It was utterly mind boggling that we hired him. His Jets teams were god awful at the time. I think the season before we hired him, we destroyed the Jets by like 50 points each game. And we hire the guy? Unbelievable. that said, no, his career is done.. unless Russ Brandon finds a new job.
  12. Lotta brew in that fridge.. blackout city!
  13. A civil suit? This is good news. I’d be worried if he was hit with criminal charges, but it doesn’t look like it is going to happen at this point. I would say the chances of him being suspended have been greatly reduced.
  14. They are, who we thought they were! I BILL-eve in this online!!
  15. The silver lining here is that we don't play the Panthers for another 4 years or so. We have no history or rivalry with these guys. Might as well let it go.
  16. Actually yea, you can get good gear here.. you gotta be in Bills country tho.
  17. Target has Bills stuff. I got one of my favorite shirts at the one in Irondequoit. Also, randomly, you can find stuff at Tops supermarket. Usually has to be during the season though. Good luck!
  18. The Bills go 6-10. That my prediction every season. Take the over. Easy money.
  19. So to summarize.. we got a speedster that is made of glass. Sounds like Maqueas Goodwin 2.0. did much better at the 9ers than in Buffalo tho. Maybe the change in scenery will help Corey as it did Goodwin.
  20. Hoping to see Shady run wild this year. We got the best running back in football. Let’s hope the o-line doesn’t miss a beat from last season.
  21. Makes me think of Rocky IV .. the Russian with the high tech training and Rock chopping wood. But it what does Hollywood know anyway?
  22. Will he be a Welker reincarnation? We shall see. Who cares. If he’s a richer man for what he did, all the power to him. Money > Super Bowl all day I say.
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