Speaking of which.. what ever happened to Savior Peterman?
he got laughed off the board? Or maybe he changed his name. Regardless, he needs to come back.
I’ll give it a watch. Since I live in the tri state, the NY Guardians are my team.
hopefully it will be fun to watch!
I've started to lose interest in college basketball so I need something else.
The dude is a beast. I can only imagine how bad torn ligaments hurt.
and he played a whole NFL season?? I guess we know why he may have regressed a bit.
he will be back stronger. I want more more badass year from Jerry.
A person hating in upstate NY. Something new and different.
i mean, talk about an old, unoriginal bit.
Upstate NY is a place, I don’t care what any says.
It’s gotta be Kyle Williams running it in for a TD in 2017.
When that happened, it felt like something special was happening, and something special did happen. We broke the curse. I’ll always remember that play.