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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. It is still ridiculous. Toronto is still an hour and thirty minutes away. AND it is in another country. I'm not sure, but I would bet that if RWS doesn't sell out for a game and WNY is blacked out, Canadian cities still get the game because they don't have to deal with American television contracts/Direct TV/ect.


    This is a complete slap in the face to Buffalo.


    Still, it is probably a moot point because Rogers or the Bills or some corporate entity will probably buy up the rest of the tickets to avoid such a firestorm and embarrassment.

  2. Started thread bout this a few days ago about WNY as a whole...and I just posted this on that thread:


    "Right here from the Toronto Star


    If the game is not sold out in time [today at 4], it will be blacked out in the Buffalo and Toronto areas. The NFL's blackout policy states that a home game cannot be televised locally if it is not sold out within 72 hours before its scheduled start time.


    How ridiculous is this? They say they only have 1,000 tickets left, but what?????


    I'm sure some big wig or the Rogers Comm. will buy out the rest to avoid a fiasco, but really? This is crazy.








    thread url: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...20&start=20

  3. Right here from the Toronto Star


    If the game is not sold out in time [today at 4], it will be blacked out in the Buffalo and Toronto areas. The NFL's blackout policy states that a home game cannot be televised locally if it is not sold out within 72 hours before its scheduled start time.


    How ridiculous is this? They say they only have 1,000 tickets left, but what?????


    I'm sure some big wig or the Rogers Comm. will buy out the rest to avoid a fiasco, but really? This is crazy.



  4. Doubt it. He had a Florida license that expired almost 6 months ago...ample time to get it renewed.


    And look at this article, the second point:




    Before 2006, prosecutors would need to show that Burress had the intent to use the gun unlawfully against another person, not just carrying it around without a license. Now because of this new law, that is thrown out the window.


    I'm pretty sure this is why P. Diddy got off on his gun charge stuff back in the day, and now why Plax won't.


    the only thing he can do here is to plead guilty, hope to get some sort of plea deal and hope and pray its less than the mandatory 3.5 years.


    I don't think theres anything that would be enough to challenge the constitutionality of the law. And theres a difference of staying at home than bringing it to the club, loaded, while youre getting loaded on booze. he's royally screwed.

  5. Flash Back to 1993.


    The Patriots* had not made the playoffs since 1986, almost as long as the Bills. They had an aging, 70 year old stingy owner who wouldn't put a buck in the team. His debts were piling up. All of a sudden, their team was sold to James Orthwein, a descendent of Budweiser's Busch family in St. Louis. Like any out-of-town owner, Orthwein wanted to move the Pats* back to his hometown of St. Louis, who had been without a team since the Cards moved to AZ in 1988.


    Seemed like a logical move. The Pats* were one of the least valued franchises in the league, had made the playoffs only 6 times and had NEVER sold out a season of games in 33 years. Did I mention that they didn't have a fan base? But there was one sticking point in Orthwein's plan...Robert Kraft held the rights to the stadium and the stadium lease. Orthwein needed to buy out Kraft so he could remove himself from the lease, and he offered Kraft 75 mil.


    Kraft responded by counteroffering Orthwein 175 mil for the team, the highest ever paid for a franchise at the time, and considered a pretty bad deal by most who covered the league.


    The rest, they say, is history. The Pats* have made the playoffs in 9 of 13 years under Kraft's reign, and are now valued as one of the richest franchises, highest ticket prices, and have arguably the best media exposure.



    Obviously, this is only a comparison, and the scenarios between Buffalo and the Pats* are strikingly different. Buffalo actually had a rich history and GREAT fan base, while the Pats* never had one. To New Englanders, the Pats* were always 4th or 5th best on their list of teams to root for, and I'm pretty sure just as many people were BC Football fans as there were Pats* fans.


    Moreover, Boston has the corporate, financial, and media wealth and population to support a rich team and a pool of billionaire-would-be owners to choose from, while Buffalo does not.


    But there is one thing we can get out of this: Winning solves almost all problems. Even if Kraft had bought the team for such an inflated price, they would have never been so financially successful if they didn't win. I'll say it again: the Pats* did not have any fan base, they were one of the least valued franchises in the league, and most new englanders would not have cared if they left for Saint Louie. Consistently winning allowed them to raise ticket prices, fill the stadium, build a new stadium, and build from scratch a pompous, egotistical and idiot fanbase like they have.


    And what Bostonian would have told you in 1993 that the Pats* would have won 3 titles down the road in a 5 year span, much less that they would have stayed in New England past 1995, or even the fact that he would have even CARED if the Pats* one a title?


    We gotta keep the faith people, no matter how bad it gets, how sh------- the coaches are, how bad the players might get, how many times Ralph ralphs on a decision, ect ect ect....because winning that big one will erase all the pain and hardship this team has brought us.


    IT WILL HAPPEN...keep the Faith!

  6. Who gives a crap. If the Bills leave Buffalo, they are no longer my team. They will be dead to me and I'll go find something else to waste my Sundays on.


    Although I don't wish death on anyone, I'm not bothered by Ted dropping if it helps keep the Bills in Buffalo. I didn't know the man but he sure came off as a pompous, arrogant prick.




    Exactly. You'd actually root for the "Toronto" Bills if it ever got to that?


    As I said in my second post, I was merely joking about the "Death to the Infidels" comment, I was trying to stir up some Bills Jihadi spirit...i guess people didn't see the sarcasm.


    But the Bills moving to LA? Is this really being brought up? They haven't had a team in 15 years, and if they haven't got their crap together, I can't imagine them having one in another 15, regardless of what Goodell says about expansion.


    Besides, the city government in LA puts Buffalo to shame. They can't find the space, nor can they come to agreement, where to put a stadium. I sincerely doubt the team is going to LA.

  7. This should have been addressed when we drafted MacGahee instead of Jeff Faine. I still am stunned that Donadouche that to us.


    I thought we we're getting faine that year too, but as the other poster said, this isn't something to put blame around from 6 years ago.


    Jeff Faine was a free agent this year, after a 07 pro bowl nod (alternate), and we could have had the guy. he was great in college, and has been nothing but smart and stellar in the pros. I'm really surprised he's on his third team already.


    But I was also surprised why we didn't sign him. Maybe it was because of that 6 mil a year price tag, which coincidentally, is about the same amount of money were paying Chris Kelsay.

  8. I wonder what this guy will do to us? Another gaffe by our front office. If you missed the highlights from a few weeks back, maybe even more impressive than his running is his pass catching. Starts at 3:26 mark. Earlier on in the vid he shows his special teams talent.




    And why did we, along with 31 other teams (that all had three chances) take Chris Ellis over Steve Slaton? Everybody who knows even a little about college football knew Steve Slaton was nasty in college. Everybody predicted him to be just a third down back; but we already had our workhorse, and our 2nd stringer for that matter.


    What happened? Slaton has more yards than every RB in the AFC other than two (Chris Johnson, Thomas Jones). More than LT. More than Addai. More than Willie Parker. On an unrelated though, who thought a rookie and thomas jones would lead the AFC this year after week 13?


    Translation: the draft is a crapshoot. Obviously, you know this, but it happens every year. Its hard to predict these guys, even if they are pretty obvious and had a stellar college career, like Slaton.


    For every Slaton or Pey there is a Ron Dayne. It happens.

  9. One thing that I don't understand about hiring a coach at a rediculous salary is the fact that he's gonna be dead pretty soon. And after he's dead, or if he DOES decide to sell the team before, he or his children are going to make a RIDICULOUS amount of money. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS, even after taxes. What's ten mil?


    And if he signs Cowher to a long term deal, after he's dead, some other owner will have to pick up that salary.


    It is totally a win win for Ralphie.

  10. Cowher aside, I think the only logical way of keeping the bills in Buffalo is to raise the prices, even a little. I've posted about this before. They say the Bills make 4-6 mil a game for our regular season games, well below the average of about 8-10 mil in most other cities.


    If the Bills raised ticket prices about 10-12, even 15 bucks, we'd be in the middle of the pack when it comes to ticket prices. And the Bills would obviously have increased revenue.


    Obviously who wants to throw more money at a team that hasnt done anything since Flutie. And I know this is a tough economic time, but we're really talking about 70 to 100 to a 120 bucks here. If you have seasons, that means not buying an extra jersey this year, or maybe one less beer a game. Somewhere, anywhere, you can probably find a way to take that money out of your budget and give it to the bills, even if you're tough on cash.


    And hey, we might be able to buy a coach. And some players. And maybe some respectability.

  11. ok buddy....just going by what I read. On the Channel 2 News last night they were able to get 10 tickets in a row in the $255 dollar range on-line, so the numbers may be inflated...


    I mean, they lied about the number of tickets given out at the preseason game, and they have the history to do it again. Ten tickets in a row sounds like its pretty empty to me!

  12. Pre-season games are blacked out if not sold out locally.



    From the article I posted earlier in this thread:


    So the game will go on Sunday afternoon here, the struggling Bills versus the improving Dolphins and as of yesterday about 3,500 tickets, mostly in the $300-plus price range, have yet to be sold. If anything, those of us in Toronto should be congratulated for not playing the part of rubes.


    buddy, i read the article, i started the thread and I mentioned 3,500 number in the first post. i'm just saying that i wouldn't be surprised if the Rogers people are inflating numbers and that there are actually a lot more tickets available.


    I find it hard to believe they sold 6,000 tickets in one week.




    But back to the original intent of this thread: If future games are not sold out, will Buffalo be subject to blackout? I can't find anything about it in any media or on the NFL blackout rules site.


    The one thing it says is that in a 75 mile radius blackout rules apply, and Buffalo is certainly in a 75 mile radius. Still this is something that has no precedent, and wouldn't be surprised if the NFL turned its back on such a rule for this case.

  13. The preseason game in TO was far from a sell out and was on Buffalo TV and the same NFL TV rules applied. This game will be on TV, if it were not going to be, trust me, there would be a lot more noise out there about it on the radio, tv news and newspaper.


    From what I remember, the preseason games are always on TV, regardless if they are sold out or not. I don't think that blackout rules apply to preseason, and thats why they were on tv. Right?


    And about the differing accounts of the number of tickets available, I did read a week ago there was 9,000 left and today the Canadian papers said the team reported 3,500. I'm almost certain its probably a number in the middle somewhere...the Rogers people are trying to inflate their sales so they dont look bad, once again.

  14. My belief is that it should be said in schools. It is part of our countries history, it instills a sense of patriotism and can/should make kids think about being part of this great country. Especially when they are being taught the history of it.


    No valid reason not to say it.


    A few points:


    - If by history you mean for about a hundred years out of our 250 year existence. Also, it didn't become our official pledge until the 1940s when Congress made it so. Yes, it talks about the countries history, but in the grand scheme of things, its not too old of a tradition.


    -Secondly, Francis Bellamy was, whats that? A SOCIALIST. If only everyone knew a damn socialist created the pledge, would it still be used today?


    Thirdly, West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette in 1943 ruled that the state did not have the power to compel speech in that manner for anyone, since they ruled it violated the First Amendment. Anybody that has taken a constitutional law/government/civics class knows that.

  15. Rogers basically bought the Bills for the day and moved the game to Toronto. Therefore it will be viewed as a sellout whether he can resell all the tickets or not.


    This sounds about right. Have you read this anywhere, or do you have any proof?


    On one hand, I can't imagine the NFL would allow the telecast in Buffalo if there was not a sellout, but on the other I could totally see the NFL saying "it's still in your market, you have to sell out to get the game on TV."

  16. Or...relieved. :devil:


    well, i'm being optimistic that by the time next august comes around, we'll be excited for a new team with hopefully a better future.


    On the blackout restrictions, I've tried to research this so far and have come up with nothing. I believe Rochester and Syracuse get blacked out when we don't sell out, so there would be precedent with our supporting markets.


    But obviously, a game in Toronto has no precedent, and this is a whole different animal that blackout rules in 'cuse or roc.

  17. I've read that the T.O. game has 3,500 tickets remaining, but for some reason its still labeled a sellout. Something about how the tickets are expensive and thought of as more luxury tickets than as regular ones (I don't know).


    But in the future, if these games do not sellout (I see this as a distinct possibility), will the blackout restrictions apply to buffalo?


    The preseason game was on TV, but i'm pretty sure they always show preseason games. Can you imagine the people of Buffalo not being able to see a game at home or at a bar because Toronto wouldn't sell out a key game?


    if this is the case, there will be a lot of unhappy people in Buffalo.

  18. luckily my hand is fine..no cuts, no broken bones, no blood loss. the one good thing out of a series of unfortunate events.


    it was a pretty freak thing...glass gets cold and brittle in the winter I guess. but now i have another memory of why i hate lindell, even though our whole team played like crap for 4 quarters.

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