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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. Exactly.


    Where we have talent we lack depth, and where we lack talent...well we're already doing a lot to cover up those areas, but an injury of any kind to any of the of the following players would severely handicap the Bills in 2009:


    1. Stroud
    2. Schobel
    3. Edwards
    4. Walker/Butler
    5. Evans
    6. Owens


    What about Wood or Levitre to that list? It may just be the pessimist in me, but I have a dreaded feeling that sometime this season we'll hear the dreaded ACL tear/ankle/arm/rotator cuff "placed on IR" from one of the two....

  2. Anything over five would be good for the group, I'd say. Considering we're hoping for somewhere near 25 between all the recievers, and maybe 3-5 for the RB's, that'd end up over 30 - which would be great.



    I love trent, but i don't think he's a kind of QB that maxes out at 22-25 tds, if we're lucky

  3. With the inner bills fan squabbles, you all are missing the common sleeping enemy: the canadians. The canadians have infiltrated twitter and are whispering that TO should live in TO.


    Everyone, we must rise up and kill put down as many of these uppity and inferior neighbors to the north as we can! Rise up my friends! Rise up!




  4. The Deer Run in Amherst is part of a subdivision called Woodstream Farms which was developed starting in the mid-sixties. At the time of it's inception, it was one of the most opulent neighborhoods in the Buffalo area. I believe Paul Snyder still lives at the corner of Deer Run and Briarhill. Former Buffalo Braves player Bob Kauffman lived there. Also Paul Batt who owned the Buick Dealership, former Channel 4 News Anchor John Corbett, and lots of doctors and lawyers.


    Yeah, OJ lived there from about 1970, I remember bicycling past his house as a kid. Butch Byrd lived in another nearby trophy neighborhood, Chapel Woods. Before OJ moved to Deer Run he lived in the Williamsville Towers, a semi-hi-rise condo on Main Street in Williamsville and yes, this was before "Rich" Stadium was built.


    The Deer Run in Orchard Park is in a subdivision called Eagle Heights which is kinda the Woodstream Farms of it's time. Very large homes and lots of trees and winding roads, cul-de-sacs. Eagle Heights was developed I think starting in the early 80s.


    The two Deer Runs are very analogous of different eras. The main difference is that the one in Amherst is (of course) flat, having been built, like most of north Amherst, on the Great Baehre Swamp, while the one in Orchard Park is built along the escarpment on Jewett Holmwood Road and has quite a rolling topography.


    Grew up around East High School a couple blocks away. I knew Snyder lived there but I didnt know OJ did. Do you know which house? I thought our most famous resident was sadly Mr. Slepian.



    Quick transition....TO gets angry that someone says he'll start drama, so he calls them out on twitter. Sounds to me like some drama!

  5. COme now all of you. If you guys remember, Ellis was pretty angry that he had to switch from DE, where he played all of his career, to LB when Parcells switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4. He actually wanted a release for a while.


    Now I don't know if he's changed his tune since then, but he might want to go back to being a 4-3 DE.

  6. Someone should have told that to Wayne Huizenga before he bought the Dolphins, then. The rule only prohibits cross-ownership of franchises in different cities (i.e., Jeremy Jacobs would have to dump the Bruins to buy the Bills, but Tom Golisano could make a bid).


    I hear you on that one, its been brought up a million times. But where does Stan Kroenke fit in? He has 40% ownership in the Rams, but also owns the Nuggets and the Avalanche, where the Broncos play. You think the rule only stands for majority ownership, or all invested parties? If that's the case, Jacobs could buy take a sizable share off the hands of Jimbo if and when Ralph dies.



    And to throw in another angle, its been reported that Checketts (the Blues owner) is interested in putting a group together for the Rams. If that goes through, ownership will effectively be split between the owners of the Blues and the Avalanche...I wonder how Roger Goodell would feel about that.

  7. I like piling on about other teams misery, especially Jax and their problems with blackout tarps.






    Do we all forget those times in the 70s and 80s where only 15-20 thousand fans showed up to football games? Different times of course, but it still happened.



    Or how the bills suddenly plummeted from 55 thousand season ticket holders to less than 30,000 in less than 5 years after Kelly retired? We were still pretty decent around that time...not SB era teams but we were decent.



    I guess the belief these days is that the NFL is so popular that there is no reason you should have a team if you don't sell out. I get it. But stuff happens.

  8. DJ on the new offensive line:

    It won't be easy," coach Dick Jauron said, assessing the challenge of getting all five working together by September. "There's no doubt it's a challenge. I believe we have the right group of guys for it. We have to count on getting some weather situations, so that makes is tricky"


    Thanks DJ


    Hey, it's tough to win the NFL.... :w00t:

  9. I saw this on Total Access. Link.




    The following quote was aimed at Clyde Christensen and Pete Metzelaars...



    "It's not normal not having a full coaching staff. I know we hired a couple of guys to come in, but these guys are learning. They're not offering a lot of coaching out there, I can assure you of that,'' said Manning.






    Hey I wish somebody on our team said that about Schonert and Kugler last year... :w00t:

  10. Just say....oops....didn't realize that he wouldn't be able to practice with the team....well we aren't going to count on him anyway so we might as well continue with his rehab and see where he is at later on.....thanks for letting me know






    "But, but, but............I KNOW they'll IR him! I just KNOW IT! You guys are all mean. I'm sorry I don't know the simple fact between PUP and IR.....its just so gosh darn TECHNICAL!"


  11. ESPN Editor: "Wojciechowski, your column's due tomorrow and I haven't seen anything yet."


    Wojciechowski: "I know boss, its a dull month for the NFL, now that the draft's over."


    ESPN Editor: "Tough. We've got space to fill and ad revenue commitments to keep. I want something now!"


    Wojciechowski: "OK, OK....I can always pound out 1,000 words about TO. Just spout the same old, same old and the lemmings will eat it up."


    ESPN Editor: "Right. It's worked before, it'll work again. Get on it ASAP...."


    Wojciechowski (to self): "Boy, this is easy...and I get paid for it to boot."


    Well, you guys ARE talking about it, so who wins?

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