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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. Except for:










    Well, so much for that theory. In the era of the successful rookie QB, for the Bills to not be able to pick one for over 10 years is just inexcusable.


    Do you have any idea how good the offensive lines were for each of these respective players during their rookie years?

  2. I don't care who starts out of the two, as long as they get around 30 carries between the two of them. This is a good "problem" to have, and they both have varying running styles, Freddy appears to be quicker to hit the hole, while Marshawn is more of a banger and tougher to bring down. They are both good receiving and blocking backs (although M.L dropped too many passes last year) so we won't miss a beat with either of them in an any circumstance.


    I would say that we are top 5 in the league as far as running back tandems are concerned.


    +1 on this too

  3. WTF... Are you nuts? Lynch carried this offense behind a piece of sh*t OL for two years. I agree he should not be given the starting job back. The locker room would be fractured if he is just given the job back. My hunch is he goes down to Miami fresh and runs for 75-85 yards on about 12 carries. He is going to be a monster. Do you really think it is Fred Jackson that makes the screens work? It is the OL and AVP that have finally gotten this offense working. Lynch is going to be a stud when he comes back.




  4. Trent is an accurate passer and his arm strength is not the problem. His problem is having the patience to let the deeper routes develope and trusting that his receivers will make it to the opening that WILL be there. That extra half second can make all the world of difference, but that comes with time and building a chemistry with the guys on the field. He has to trust that the line is going to protect him, he has to trust that the WR is going to run the correct route, and he has to trust himself that he can get the ball there. I think Trent has shown major improvement thus far and against a 3-4 defense right out the gate.



    No offense H2O but it is spelled develop. I've seen about 20 different users on here adding an "e" at the end that makes absolutely no sense.


    You usually make pretty good points around here, but stuff like this throws off your arguments.


    Just wanted to clear that up.

  5. Good find. It's nice to know there's some sane posters out there after the fallout.


    One thing I'll add: what year was the Miami game when sage rosenfels brought miami back like 21 points in the 4th quarter? Wonder what we did the next game.



    EDIT: 2005 Week 13: Loss @Miami 24-23 (after up 21 in first 13 mins, 23-3 going into the 4th)


    2005 Week 14 Home NE 35-7


    We also went 1 -3 after the MIami game to finish the season. But hey, that was a really bad team







  6. Another reason why we shoulda canned Fairchild after he got another job last season with 3 games to go and let Schoenert have a three game tryout. I mentioned this back then, I know some people in the News did the same thing. Stupid stupid stupid. Now we go into the season with a brand new OC. We'll, at least somebody over at OBD knew the stuff on the field wasn't acceptable.

  7. Anybody see this quote?


    "Of course, there's no point in being sentimental in a vacant house. Jacksonville has more trouble selling tickets than any NFL franchise, averaging 60,400 per game last year, versus 70,700 in Green Bay and 67,750 in Buffalo, the league's other small markets."


    I thought the general consenus was Buffalo had between 71,000 and 73,000 seats (I guess depending on how you term the club seats).


    Is 67,000 general admission tickets not including club? I sent Easterbrook an email about it.


    I figured he'd be a pretty good authority on a subject like that since, you know, he's from buffalo and all.

  8. Isn't everyone just tired of hearing that we cannot get a REAL coach and/or football mind in hear cause Ralphie will never pony up the money.


    If the disaster that all of us think is going to unfold this year does happen and the old fool decides to go the CHEAP ROUTE as usual, why just take this totally pathetic franchise out of town. Go to another city, but you lose the Buffalo Bills label and the NFL stands up and do what they did for the city of Cleveland.


    Bring in an expansion franchise (the new Buffalo Bills) with much much more competent ownership.


    I know that this is won't sit well with WNY, cause it could take a long time to get a team back in Buffalo, but aren't we all just completely tired of the HOF owner (yeah right) being on the cheap for quality front office personnel.


    stay in long island and worry about the islanders moving.

  9. I know I read or saw that somewhere. Thought it was in that arrticle.




    This might of been what you saw:




    It says he's cooperating with the police. No talk of a charge.


    The article you posted had the police saying "unless we are recontacted by the victim, and the victim changes their mind that they want us to follow through and pursue an investigation. At this point we're not doing anything else with it."

  10. Raiders HC faces possible felony assault charges.


    Maybe it takes us a few extra weeks to sign our #1 pick but at least Dick Jauron doesn't break the jaw of an assistant coach screaming "I gonna kill you!!' Al Davis hires Tom Cable to be head coach but then insists he picks the coordinators. Anyone who accepts the Raiders HC job needs a head exam.




    Not to nit pick, but where does it say in the article he faces possible felony assault?

  11. I like this response on PFT:





    # Bender says: August 21, 2009 8:09 AM


    This whole "we know its hard times" line is total bull. They want blackouts. If they didn't they would price seats so that a family of four could reasonably enjoy a day at the game for the same as a night at the movies.


    Right now they are getting ZERO dollars for every empty seat, when they could be getting 15 or 20.


    They want blackouts, they want a reason to move the team.



    Um, don't they have the cheapest seat in the league?

  12. I'd rather get rid of Kelsay and his 23 million dollar contract

    Denney is very good against the run and knows how to use his size to his advantage. He bats a lot of passes down at the line with 6'7" frame.


    I would try to move Kelsay at all costs. I don't think that is likely to happen if Maybin isn't in camp/under contract.


    Except Kelsay has already earned about 16-17 of that 23 mil going into this season. He only makes 3 mil this year and 3.7 next year. So if you want to be correct, you might as well say "get rid of kelsay and that 6.7 million dollar contract."

  13. I don't think the line was that bad against a good d line. livitree was horrible. get lower for god's sake? maybe butler to guard bell to right tackle and Levitree to the bench?


    If you're going to sack a guy played terrible, you might as well spell his name right. At least give him that...

  14. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one on the radio shows is taking my callllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I'll GO TO TWOBILLSDRIVE INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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