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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. There was way too many concerns about Oher. He is / was a mommies boy based on his whole background. Plenty was written up about it predraft as Denver badly wanted to draft him, but didn't because they weren't sure if he would bolt on them. It was expected that really they only place that could/should draft him was tennesee and everyone else was taking a big chance based on predraft interviews and psycho-analysis. Turns out Bmore hit the big one there, but it was a risky pick, with his background.


    I'm not tryin to call you out, but Denver was interested? They have all-pro ryan clady and solid ryan harris, what would they need another tackle for?

  2. Not really. Seattle traded one of their LBs away because they didn't want to pay him. Remind you of any moves the Bills have made?


    trading your over the hill (and injury plagued) LB with a lot of money remaining on his contract while you still can for a decent DT doesnt sound cheap to me. Especially when you account for the fact they had big contracts commited elsewhere. And they drafted a LB in May.

  3. It was clearly DJ. That is also why we picked a db in round 2 (although that one worked great, it was still a reach pick for a db, highly indicative of DJs influence.


    We will be paying for DJs moronic take on the NFL for many years to come.


    IIRC the Bears came out after the draft and said they would have picked Byrd with the 49th pick if they had a chance. Was it a reach? At the time yes. I remember screaming because Everrett Brown was still on the board. But hey as of now it's worked out.

  4. wilson started the NFL as we know it today. he was a pioneer of the sport as we now know it.


    i dont think you have to worry about his ability to hire a good GM or coach. after 50 years in the business he has many connections to the best minds in the game.


    believe me he will not rely on brandon to make the decisions for him you can bank on that. he is fully aware that brandon is a marketing man,no worries man!



    Yeah Ralphie did have a lot of connections but I'm pretty sure they are all dead by now

  5. I've been saying since Perry took over that if he wants the HC job beat the Pats*. Seems to me the most logical measuring stick if he wants to keep a job - beat the team we're supposed to beat at least once in 8-9 years. If he cant do it this year, when would he?

  6. if anybody has dvr, replay the postgame handshake again. Belicheck's skinhead bodyguard/assistant coach took out a cameraman with a crosscheck about 5 seconds after the handshake. Unreal. And unfazed he pushes another cameraman otta the way a few seconds later. Wonder if you can get fined for that?

  7. Did everyone read Sully's quote from Jauron after the game? It was classic.




    Jauron finally used motion on half a dozen plays against the Texans. Pressed on the subject, he offered this explanation:


    "Just talking regular motion or fake? We faked a lot of reverses trying to affect their defense and to force on the backside and then that comes off of that. The movement off the fake reverse, and the reverse and in and out, and also just to get a feel on man or zone along with the first two things, really."


    That's straight off the quote sheet. Sheer gibberish from the Yale grad. Jauron clearly didn't want to discuss with mere laymen the merits of putting men in motion, or explain why the heck he hadn't been doing it for the first seven games.

  8. Everyone needs to calm down...its a mock draft in early November. I think they were ranking talent not necessarily which team will pick them, although the "solidify the cornerback position" line is pretty hilarious. In the same article they link Sporting News which has us picking 6th with OT Okung out of OSU...too bad he'll probably get a bigger contract than Peters! :cry:




  9. Probably because I'm a Bills fan but i thought he sounded like an arrogant a**hole. On inside the NFL, they also had Ray Childress miked up and he was much more classy and professional sounding. He was even complimenting the Ravens on that last minute drive telling AP they had the "heart of a champion". Anyway, if Dick was miked up you would just hear yawning or something!


    Classy or not Childress is a universally known as a terrible coach!

  10. So I just talked to my cousin. He has a girlfriend. His girlfriend has a step brother. That step brother's boss is friends with a girl who is Warren Buffett's secretary. According to the secretary, Warren Buffett is in secret talks to buy the Bills and bring them to Omaha and build a brand spanking new stadium. I know its about 8 levels of rumor, but just sayin', goddamit its true!



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