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Speedy G

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Everything posted by Speedy G

  1. well said, I like to consider it cautiously optimistic, had my heart broke one too many times over the last 10 years, so if they kick butt, great!, if not, keep it close and exciting, and maybe someday there will be a breakthrough that we can all hang our hat on, regardless of how it plays out, its our team and we will support them...
  2. Wherever they finish, as long as they are improved over last year and they "stay healthy", then the wins cant be too far away. I think the players go into every season thinking the same, they want to win, and maybe now we have a competent coach (not the walking robot corpse we had last year), and a GM with some cajones, who is not afraid to tell it like it is, things are on the upswing.........
  3. With a new season, there is always hope, what else do we have? 10 yrs of no playoffs have taught us one thing, never give up! I for one always look forward to this time of year when everyone is 0-0 and now with all the changes that are being made, a renewed sense of optimism, some might say I look thru rose colored or in this case, red, white, and blue colored glasses, but it can turn around quickly, i.e. the 1999/2000 Rams went from worse to 1st, so anything is possible. CHIX seems to be doing and saying what we want to hear, making necessary changes, and the sort, so let's support, and "Circle the Wagons" to finally get where we want to be........I know a lot has to fall into place for this to happen, but if the goal is the playoffs, and no one knows what will happen until the games really count, keep the faith! You might say, be real, but the realtiy is that we need to stay positive and focused, I know, I know, you are losing patience, but good things come to those who wait, and boy have we been waiting, so the " Bills " are definately due...! Go Bills...!!!
  4. He's done here, they are gonna try to work out a trade if he still wants to play, that's the only scenario, either that or he retires...!
  5. Wasn't Gaither reported as getting hurt, damaged goods....!!!
  6. Maybe it'll be Spiller the AFC East "Killer", or "Spoiler", right now he's late for dinner so it dont matter...........
  7. nice post, glass is 3/4 full for me as well, hopefully they will surprise some teams, Spiller will be put in all sorts of spots, to get him into space, everything hinges on the O line staying healthy and how fast the 3-4 Def gets absorbed....Let's Go Bills...!
  8. how about get the monkey off our back day.........!!!
  9. Has anyone seen the movie "Second String" ?, it was on TNT back in 2002, it wasnt replacement players but the Bills won the super bowl......if you are a true fan, watch it, it will give you the warm fuzzies, chills , and lots of other feelings, it was awesome, lots of western NY references...
  10. if they use parrish in the same manor the patsies used wes welker then maybe so, but Johnson seems primed for a break out year
  11. The "coolest" Bills thing I ever did was to deliver the game ball to the center of the field with Ms. Canada riding with me, then getting out and handing the ball to the referee and seeing myself with the ref., Ms. canada, and the Jill of the week on the Jumbotron, and hearing my name announced in the stadium, it was awesome..! They made a Tape of it for me, it was the San Diego game in 2000 where flutie came off the bench to set up the winning field goal in overtime, my wife and twin 11 yr old sons were there with me and got to go on the field and sit on the players bench, they still talk about it to this day, I will never forget the feeling............
  12. Sounds right, Mr Comeback...
  13. Yeah, there's one in our division.....a 6th round pick...future hall of famer............anything is possible.......!
  14. I dont care who scores, as long as its a Bills player, and they do it alot........!
  15. the bottom line is that he has the desire, if he prepares for it, it can happen, because "the will to win is nothing without the will to prepare"........!
  16. I'd like to see Brown light it up, Edwards gone, Brohm be the 2, and Fitz if he stays be the 3, I agree that Fitz is the more agressive QB so far, but he seems to be better coming off the bench, or to support 1 and 2 with a clipboard. Brown has a chip on his shoulder since his hometown team ( Titans ) didnt pick him, he's got something to prove,......... let's just hope this competition provides this team with a competent QB.......!
  17. I was watching some highlights on BuffaloBills.com and when they were showing the defensive highlights, it seemed like every interception was thrown by Fitz, are they signaling in advance that his days are numbered?, I for one hope so, and for that matter, Trentative as well, didn't see any long throws by him, plenty of long completions by Brohm and Brown, if I missed the positive by Edwards and Fitz, I apologize, but after seeing them crash and burn last year, I'm ready for some change, anyone agree??????
  18. it's probably the "gun" thing that make people think he's a thug?
  19. Sorry, didn't check that far up, your right, Thurmans '89 score FB card number was 211,....not his weight.
  20. Wasn't Thurman Thomas 5'11", and 211lbs.........yeah thats too small...........NOT!
  21. Even though Lynch has had his problems, the fact of the matter is that if the Bills had an O-line, he would be kicking some serious A$$, he had a couple good years, then the line took a dive, he got suspended, and the rest is history. But, he is only 24, Jackson is 29 or 30, not sure, so getting Spiller is a good pick because he can be utilized in ways that Lynch cant, and when Jackson has lost a step, Lynch and Spiller will still be there, so the bottom line is that CHIX has made the decision the the more weapons the better, and if Lynch is sincere about cleaning up his act, then look out AFC East, Jackson, Lynch, and Spiller will be eating up yardage in large chunks!!!
  22. LOL,....let's not forget where "he" was drafted, the 6th round, a very lucky pick, wouldn't you agree?, so anything is possible. . . .
  23. Not sure if anyone mentioned this but Eric Wood was a center in college, maybe hangartners replacement is already on the roster?
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