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Speedy G

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Everything posted by Speedy G

  1. If you cut Cassel now, Belichek will scoop him up fast, and learn Romans offense. It would save money if he's gone but why not keep all 3? Lots of insurance!
  2. http://media.wgr550.com/urss?s=1628356 gotta download the podcast from here....
  3. Goodwin is gone! Not tough enough, always hurt... Tuel is out, wrong fit for Romans offense.... I'll have to study a bit more to figure out the rest... But those two are for sure!
  4. Up to this point, I'll give him an A... Turned a roster lacking in talent, into one of the most talented in the league, I know it dosent equate to wins and losses yet, but since the umbilical was cut from Budday Nix, he has done an outstanding job of infusing talent and changing the culture! Helped to land a worthy coach(time will tell), and staff, and given this organization an attitude of doing whatever it takes, he works well with the owners too... I'm encouraged!
  5. Was thinkin the same. Love Sal! He's the best! But he works the sideline during the games....don't think he'd give that up....I wouldn't!
  6. No way! He's horrible, having his worst year ever!! Definitely a head case! NOT A CHANCE! No way! He's horrible, having his worst year ever!! Definitely a head case! NOT A CHANCE!
  7. Where did they go? It's crazy!! They were there last nite?
  8. Paychex? Really? Wrong Billionaire ....lol
  9. This movie keeps me pumped. I watch it every year before the season starts... I mean come on man....it's about the Bills 🏈
  10. Just a thought: has anyone thought about the fact that the Steelers saw EJ and co for 2 days in practice before this game, and when u practice against someone, you can see their tendencies and read them like a book. I know it was only 2 days, but it does make a difference. EJ looked good in the second practice, so the Steelers learned from that and took advantage of it. Yea, I know, everyone is sick of hearing "it's only preseason" but it holds merit. No one cares what your record is in the preseason. It dosent count, but it matters... There were some questionable things for sure, but what team dosent have questions. We all think we know it all, but we don't!!, or we'd be on a coaching staff in the NFL. So let's just drink the koolaid until the real bullets fly, and depending on which way the chips fall, you either enjoy the cool refreshing drink, or mix it with and adult beverage and get the warm fuzzies to take the edge off! But no matter what, Support our team!! #LetsGoBuffalo!!
  11. It dosent matter how many catches or yards he has does it? It's all about winning! How about 5 or 6 guys having 700 yards and winning 11 or 12 games? If he can draw attention away from other playmakers, to let them do their thing, then I'm all in for spreading it around, the only thing that matters is to WIN
  12. While hurrying up has positives and negatives, what everyone needs to realize is that if they can do it at a fast pace, then they can do it at a slow pace! Their bread and butter seems to be face paced, obviously! With Hoestler on staff now and the playoffs or bust mentality, game planing and in game situations will dictate when to slow it down. i.e. to eat up clock, or change personnel, etc... Let's wait and see if Hackett has learned from experience before we roast him on a skewer! I know there's uncertainty, but come on man, relax and stay positive! Hard work pays off, and these guys have been workin their A$$ off, so it's just a waiting game until we see amazing results. Anyone that says I'm just drinking the koolaid, has no clue of what it takes to build a championship caliber team! There's quality depth at every position now so there shouldn't be a drop off if anyone goes down. It's all about one thing...WINNING! I see it heading in that direction. We've been waiting so long now, we are so ready for prime time! The table is set, the NFL won't know what hit them...bring it on!! #GoBills #ThisIsOurTime
  13. 1st of all, are you on the stadium committee? 2nd, as long as they stay in WNY, I don't care where the new stadium is built. #GoBills
  14. Kony Ealy in the 3rd then Colt Lyerla in the 4th....
  15. If one the three amigos fall to the Bills, another team might want to trade up to get him, which might happen. If it does, and more picks can be acquired, pull the trigger. As long as the trading team isn't too far down the list! From what I've heard, the top twenty picks are blue chip prospects, so you never know what the FO is thinking. But they need a starter out of this number 1 pick for sure!
  16. Lol...it wasn't a motto, just a statement ! How about. "We've upgraded everything, come help us cross that last river"!!! ....to the playoffs...lol
  17. They'll be promoting the stadium upgrades for sure!!
  18. No, too many other needs to waste on another 1st round QB. Just saw Mayocks assessment do Bridgewaters pro day, he wasn't impressed, and from what I saw, he didn't impress me either, kinda reminded me of Thad Lewis, but not as good as him...lol. Year two for EJ in this system is gonna be better, he just needs better protection and more weapons!
  19. Saw him say that on NFL network! Got me pumped, but I wouldn't trade up, they need as many picks as possible!
  20. I think he said that the Tag is in play!...whatever that means???
  21. You're right about that...it was some talk that I heard in the beginning of the season...and until he proves It, he's worthless to this team! This year will tell us a lot about his ability or lack there of! I'm hoping he can take it to the next level, not for his sake, but for the Buffalo Bills organization and all of us loyal fans.
  22. I know Hackett isn't quite ready for a HC position, I was stating what I heard and read during the preseason based on his enthusiasm and the system he wants to put in place. That was severely put into question because he had to deal with a QB carousel and by him being the OC and QB coach. So we never really saw his ability as an OC. You're right about him not being worthy until his unit produces, and I for one would like him to stay on once they produce to keep the winning here! As far as WR coach, good observation as to why Hilliard was fired, thus the reason for bringing Rob Moore in, they've got a working relationship from their time in Syracuse. Moore has a better idea of what Hackett wants receivers to do, I like the hire !!
  23. I think you missed the point of this....all I'm saying is that there is a lot more experience on this staff that has the potential to get us to the playoffs, and that when that happens, other teams may start to look at how and why and want a piece of that...just keep it positive dude...�� this had nothing to do with Pettine! More about what the FO has put together now and where it can be in a few years. If that success means promotions for the guys that make it happen then so be it!
  24. With the new additions to the staff, it seems to be moving in the right direction. Lots of experience has been added. One thing comes to mind when it comes to the hierarchy. On the defensive side, with Schwartz having HC experience, do you think he will want to be a HC again? I would tend to think so. That being said, with the addition of Pepper Johnson as D line coach, and him stating that he'd like to be a DC someday. The front office could have a plan in place should Schwartz get a HC gig after next year. On the offensive side, there was talk that Hackett would make a good HC someday. If this offense takes off like we all hope it does, he may be making that jump sooner rather than later. With the addition of Jim Hoestler as Sr. Offensive assistant, none of us know exactly what that title means, but, he has been an OC in the past, as well as a WR coach. This too could be the FO having a plan in place in case a swell of massive success overwhelms this team and the inevitable happens, the purging of those who made it happen. I'm not saying I want any of the coaches to leave once the success starts, rather, if they're leaving, it means this team will be on it's way to become legendary and other teams I'll want a piece of that! Here's to planting deep roots with this Coaching tree and allowing those roots to take this team into the stratosphere and beyond! Just Sayin'.... Go Bills!!!
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