Having lived in the Capital Region since 1985, this was one of the worst articles I have ever read. Most writers at least make an attempt to sound professional and somewhat balanced. I was prompted to write:
Hello Ms. Gish,
I just finished reading your article regarding Bills fans. Judging from your picture, I am not sure you have been around long enough to understand that fortunes do change in the NFL (and any sport for that matter). As a consequence, we Bills fans are keeping it real because change is in the wind. What would you have us do, Ms. Gish? Root for some other team because ours is has been in a dry spell? We Bills fans bleed red, white and blue. Take it from our left arm and we will gladly offer you our right....because that is who we are: Bills Nation.
In my nearly 50 years of watching this team, I feel quite qualified to make that statement. It's the little things you notice...qualitative things that become quantitative before you know it. I had that sense in 1988 and 1989. I have it now.
My suggestion is that you get on the train though it may be too late for you to avoid being labeled a bandwagon jumper if you do. Pay your dues and you will be allowed admission to the greatest fan base in the NFL: Bills Nation.