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Everything posted by DerekJ

  1. I must have giggled for a full minute when I read your thread title. Well done!
  2. Interesting. They have a drunk tank, which could be argued to be an acknowledgement of their duty of ordinary care. [supposition: The guy was obviously seriously intoxicated. So much so that he was ejected but the drunk tank wasn't considered or considered and rejected.] The Bills could be liable for some damages here.
  3. Can't touch the variety of NYC but IMHO, our women are no slouches either.
  4. Hmmm.... OP should get credit for this. After the replacement refs debacle, NFL fans are owed better efforts at getting a quality product on the field. They take our money, our loyalty and sometimes our emotions. Not every team is going to be relevant each December but fans at least deserve the effort. #MakeDecemberCount
  5. Too early to panic. Check back with me in 2-3 weeks.
  6. Hmmm....I see we have begun to eat our young here. Panic sets in once again.
  7. I think it's fun. Don't be such a killjoy.
  8. Agreed. This is SO bad...
  9. No doubt. Time to get out the torches and pitch forks and march on the NFL offices before it happens.
  10. See how unglued Billicheat was at the end of tonight's game? If the Bills beat them next week, I'm betting his head explodes.
  11. A sure signal of the collapse of the Patriots dynasty.
  12. I'm 50. Born in Buffalo, went away to college in 1980 and then stayed away for law school. Have been living in the Albany area ever since. Being a Bills fan is just something that is expected when you are involved with me. My ex-wife (originally a Steelers fan) became hooked while watching my excitement as the Bills started to get good in 1988. She's still a Bills fan. My son, born in 1999, has no problem following dad's lead. My fiancee is from Japan...she doesn't know anything other than golf and baseball so it was easy to make her a fan.
  13. I'll second you on the food. Before I became desk-bound, my job took me to NYC quite frequently. Anything you had a taste for, you could get.
  14. "In space..." What happened to "in the open"? That was much clearer and less pretentious. JMO
  15. I'll second that.
  16. Sorry for your lost. Regards to your family.
  17. 1. Salvaging more Bills pride. 2. Screwing up the Pats' home field throughout the playoffs. 3. Sweeping the Pats for the first time in who knows how long. Yeah, the Bills still have something to play for.
  18. I think you pay him but rattle his cage a bit to remind him that this sort of thing is unacceptable. What's with these kids these days? They would rather do a dance routine than trot back to the sidelines. Miss the days when Thurman would just hand the ball an official. The short field was created by his stupid penalty. Had it not happened, the kicker (whatshisname) would not have been motivated to try to drive the ball downfield to try to make up those lost yards. Was he directly responsible? No but he set in motion the chain of events.
  19. Can't tell if you are proud or remorseful that you did this.
  20. Happy Birthday!! Hopefully, we can all celebrate with you.
  21. Mine arrived today. It shows Bruce on the package, so it better be (gift so I can't open to verify).
  22. Prediction: Bills gameplan away from Revis. Revis gets complacent and Stevie burns him once for a BIG play.
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