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Everything posted by DerekJ

  1. While I wasn't as anxious as I would have been under that other coach, there was still a twinge of doubt. I look forward to the day when I no longer have doubts.
  2. Looks pretty good to me. Not quite my type but I'll echo another poster: over 40 is nowhere near dead.
  3. It has only been two games but Perry clearly is getting more out of the same players than Dick did. If the team continues to improve and play hard, I think he would merit serious consideration.
  4. Post reminds me of that scene from Full Metal Jacket...."Now choke yourself.....not with your hand, with MY hand g*ddammit..."
  5. OK....two interceptions so far!!! Hey anyone remember that old Morris Day and The Time song from the 80s? The Bird....!!
  6. Still translates into a W....I'll take it.
  7. There is no "easy win" but there are winnable games and the Bills have a bunch of those coming up. Hopefully, the OL will learn how to play together during that stretch, AVP develops a means of getting Evans and TO into the passing game and Trent learns that it is ok to go down-field.
  8. No question. How much do spotters actually pay attention anyway?
  9. Maybe he needs a sit-down with Jim Kelly. I'm personally sick of the tendency of the team (and some fans) to go into panic mode with our QBs. Whatever happened to development? The guy needs proper coaching. My suggestion is that they let AVP concentrate on the OC spot and find a good QB coach.
  10. or try this: http://www.wham1180.com/main.html
  11. anyone have a link for the stream of this game?
  12. I've been in the Albany region since 1985. Bills support around here waxes and wanes with the success of the team. You should have been here during the Super Bowl years...there was weekly voting on whether the local NBC affiliate would show the Bills or the Jets (Bills games usually won). There are lots of us Bills fans still around here.
  13. Update: I just read that she was telling family that he told her the divorce would be finished in two weeks. A search of county records showed no pending divorce. Source: http://www.tennessean.com/article/20090706...d+to+wed+McNair Things coming into focus.
  14. This girl does not strike me as being ugly but then, to each his own. Crazy? Now I can agree with that based upon what appears to be the case here. What's a 36 yr old doing with a 20 yr old (with obviously still developing coping mechanisms -- not unusual for that age) in the first place besides the obvious? Raises questions about Mr. McNair's judgment. For those speculating on whether the wife knew, I read in the Tenneseean this weekend that the McNairs recently put their house up for sale. Couple that with the fact that McNair shared the condo with his friend and no attempt was made to hide this relationship and I think it's safe to say that the wife knew and she and Mr. McNair were already on the outs (whether occasioned by the affair or something prior).
  15. True but it is very rarely prosecuted in those states in which it is a crime.
  16. nfl.com is reporting a 1-year deal...
  17. I just called the station. Apparently, they have be deluged with complaints. The game will be showing.
  18. This pic is reminiscent of what I think was 1989 the year of the Bickering Bills. Remember that shot of the whole team standing on the sidelines holding hands in anticipation of a field goal attempt. Think it was the Cleveland Wild Card game.
  19. I have my son this weekend and I'm not taking him to a bar. Does anyone know of an online feed?
  20. Chris Collinsworth just said he now likes Buffalo for the division! I take back everything I ever said about that guy.
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