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Everything posted by DerekJ

  1. {with uplifted eyes} For all that is holy, PLEASE let the season start already! This stuff is getting tired.
  2. This is like putting drunk pics on your Facebook. Don't do it because a future employer may be watching. Kid should just chill out and see if something good comes along. Ah....at least he realizes his mistake. Nice mea culpa.
  3. The national sports media is all but laughing at the Bills. That's alright...let them because "NOBODY circles the wagons, like the Buffalo Bills!!"
  4. It's a tough call between Fitz and Brohm. Ultimately, I think Fitz gets the nod for #2 but we may very well see them keep Brohm and see if Brown clears waivers.
  5. Since when did a little optimism and wishful thinking hurt? I hope people are right about Trent. As hard as it may be for some to accept, late blooming is a real phenomenon.
  6. I'm all for entertainment. Yes, we would like to see a playoff run but if I can find myself on the edge of my seat at the end of a game, I would be just as pleased. GO BILLS!!!!
  7. If I can look forward to Sunday's with optimism rather than dread this season, I'll take it. Go Bills!!!
  8. Best of luck for Trent. I'm hoping Chan is able to rehabilitate the guy. It may be a cliche but he's the QB right now and it's time to rally around him.
  9. Willis McGahee - The dude insulted our women...wtf Mike Williams - Never showed up Dick Jauron - Milk toast coach Perry Tuttle - Who?
  10. Awful news. RIP Mrs. Cowher.
  11. Born Buffalo 1962 Moved to Depew 1972 Depew HS 1980 Away to College 1980-1985 Moved to Albany 1985 Graduated Law School 1988 Been in Albany area ever since
  12. That's Yuma Asami in the pic. Hot, hot, hot...
  13. I think the OP and many others are reading way too much into this article. I'm no Vick apologist but the story falls far short of implicating Vick as the shooter. That being said, Vick is on a short leash with the Commissioner and he really needed to be celebrating his birthday is some manner other than a bash at a club. When you're a person of Vick's stature/exposure, common sense would say that nothing good is likely to come of such a party.
  14. I'd like to know who is advising this kid. Whoever it is he/she should be fired immediately. Lynch needs to surround himself with people who have a clue before he completely throws away what is left of his career.
  15. Nice piece. Hope the kid works out.
  16. Well, it HAS been a long time since the OL had a nickname. I propose "The Penis Principle". Can you imagine the exhortations of the fans in goal line situations..."STICK IT IN...STICK IT IN....STICK IT IN...!"
  17. Can I have some of what you're smoking??
  18. LOL! I just blew chunks of the apple I'm eating all over the screen!
  19. I'm sorry.... NO TO TEBOW Sam Bradford or Jimmy Clausen gets my vote.
  20. This is a race issue now? C'mon....
  21. I heard that this morning. Clayton was speculating.
  22. I remember that play. Bills fans were going wild and the camera panned to George's mother who was at the game. The look on her face was a mix of horror/anguish and anger.
  23. Oh man....great thread. I don't remember much because I was 8 years old. My dad took me to see a game against the Bengals at the Rockpile in 1970. We lived within walking distance of the stadium back then. We got killed but it was a great father/son day. I miss that guy.
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