God is provable through several means. Just because you don't understand or grasp them doesn't mean that it's not true. It's like arguing there is no such things as nuclear physics because you never finished calculus or don't grasp math. The argument presented here are 2 cent thoughts of absolute stupidity. God "must exist outside the universe", and Pascal's Wagers are not proofs of God. Pascal's Wager is about wagering your life if you don't think God exists and the wager of longer punishment or happiness whether or not you chose God. It's not meant to be a demonstrative proof but a means to happiness and virtue.
Aquinas's 5 proofs are demonstrative. The proof through motion as an Unmoved Mover, 1st Being, final cause, etc. are demonstrative through induction and deduction.
Let me show you show stupid one argument is:
"...it's easily provable that you can't prove God exists: God, as creator of the universe, must exist outside the universe. The universe, by definition, contains the sum total of everything that is knowable." The universe by definition is not truly quantifiable as we do not have the means to quantify it, but quantified in part, not in whole, by what is empirically known. The universe is a quantitative explanation of what materially exists. God is spirit (not like Scooby Doo idiocy I see here) and is hence immaterial. Therefore to reduce God to universe is about as intelligent as a plant preaching to humans that they are the most intelligent life they know. In both cases it's bad, bad logic.
The material in the universe is not all that is known or can be known. We know spiritual ideas such as justice, society, goodness, etc. which cannot be quantified. Society doesn't have black or blond hair, goodness is not attached to gender or age, and I can go on and on.
The problem here lies in the fact you are guys are clueless when talking about why God doesn't exist. Why not take a book on Epistemology and Ontology and get back to me.