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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. Actually, my point was to see your hypocrisy when JK/molson post such tripe. Strange you don't add the same responses. Thanks for playing idiots!
  2. At least Obama admits he's a Muslim http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/0...ls-his-critics/ Glad Obama's different and not a politician now that he reflects he wanted to join the military just 25 years past his due date... glad he's a man for Change http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...S-military.html Yah, that Obama, he would be a great Muslim president who almost was in the military.
  3. I think the greatest effect is that I know for a fact they aren't winning the Superbowl this year and the genius over in NE will look pedestrian.
  4. My biggest criticism is the lack of a #2 WR on this team. Reed blocks well, but where in the world is the possibility for us to be consistent on offense if our #2 WR really doesn't make a difference. Better teams will make us pay. I hope, very strongly, that Hardy gets a better handle on the team because he should be able to replicate that performance and be physically large enough to create mismatches that have to be reckoned with. Reed has none of that.
  5. Thanks guys about Wild Wings, I was already planning on going as I caught a few games at Wild Wings last year in San Antonio. Oh, and Corpus isn't the worst city in the county... not if you were in my business where there is no recession happening here and the economy is doing just fine... Why do you hate it? Just curious, as I've only been here a couple of weeks.
  6. Yes, his supporting of Malcolm X and other radicals just needs a nice "I'm sorry" attached to it and the media darling will feel a tingle in their leg again.
  7. Social liberalism has many intrinsic flaws to its version of justice: -Abortion is a choice about their body, when the choice is not about their own body but someone else they are trying to kill -Abortion is a choice, but not the killing of a bald eagle egg -Abortion is permittable, but not when it happens to a lamb in its in the mother's womb (recent PETA "outrage" just last week) -Aborting a baby is fine, but not when a man aborts kittens and was arrested because of the protests -Open minded towards homosexuality as genetic, but not towards the science that shows no genetic evidence, and even suing studies that prove the contrary, and even suing one company that found a "cure" for homosexuality -Open minded towards homosexuals, but not when priests have relationships with young men (93% of cases were homosexual in nature, not pedophilia) -Open minded towards history as long as any Christian developments to society are undermined and untaught (e.g.founding of universities and public hospitals) -Open minded about a true liberal education (which is a valid), but not towards ideas antithetical to their substructure and lie about the argument (e.g. intelligent design is "creationism") -Open minded about moral deviancy, but complain and act violently when Judeo-Christian ethics are employed by an individual to the detriment of what they consider "best" for others -Preach give to the poor in the form of welfare, as long as they don't do so unless there are tax benefits that outweigh their "gift", also surveys show over 80% of all volunteers to the poor label themselves "conservative" -Preach tolerance while showing none to the other side and usually use name-calling as a means to quell their "hate", a word over-used by the left -Preach against hate-crimes, while committing more acts of "hate" than any other group... for evidence go to most Youtube videos made by conservatives and see what is typical of responses there -Preach separation of Church and State while using State court to enforce liberal state laws on religious groups, and individuals -Preach the non-legislating of morality while enacting laws to enforce their own morality
  8. Really it boils down to mud-slinging is fun to validate your beliefs. Many people don't care if they are true, only if they give them an advantage. The truth is no longer important in this country, the attempt to make a truth is more important to show others why they don't support the other side. It all boils down to trying to gain an unfair advantage.
  9. How about all the laws the Dems enacted to force me to hire under minority banners, force doctors to give abortions who don't in conscience want to do so and force med students to learn the procedure, or force "tolerance" in the form of intolerance to Christian view-points in public. Yeah, the Dems are for freedoms. Even though that's true, I cannot believe what the Patriot Act is and will become. It's enough to scare me out of the country if it gets any worse, and I cannot believe the Dems supported it and voted to increase its powers when they have majority rights of vote.
  10. He's not going to change much of anything, but if he does restore the rights of the unborn from murderers that's a huge change in itself. Imagine everyone having rights to life instead of being murdered under the pretext of choice? That change in itself would be fantastic than the holocaust against babies. Also, allowing schools to teach intelligent design is a positive change as it allows the ideas to become the debate, not the fringe lunatics who are not open minded to all of science, which includes the science of metaphysics. Even Charles Dawkins believes in intelligent design, as long as it might be an alien. Also, what's the big deal about Palin supporting Buchanan? He would have been one candidate would have stopped all these pseudo-wars and brought our troops home, that cannot be said for McInsame or Obamination. I see you are a spoon-fed liberal who eats the dog poo-poo the media gives you to eat. You should try to think beyond the talking points.
  11. Funny and accurate.
  12. Well they explain what you would do to succeed? France isn't protecting anything by the way, they are self-destructing. Tell me the French prognostications for citizens in 20 years? If you want to throw stones you're being idiotic. Tell me how you succeed in today's market place. I'm interested to know.
  13. Um give her more credit than that... she's a dinosaur feminazi whose an inspiration to "Women You Shouldn't Marry Coalition" has helped million of Americans become sour-puss whores whose only concern is their ego. And that's how I really think
  14. So Cokehead, adulterer Obama is being helped by the Enquirer? God save the Queen!
  15. I'm not disagreeing with you one bit. My question is knowing this how do you protect the middle class long-term? I know what will probably happen, but how can the middle class be protected?
  16. Wait a second... are you saying we should throw out 2 games in horrific conditions and compare like conditions with both athletes? What kind of sense are you talking? Reason isn't allowed here.
  17. Ok, that's good point, but is that part of what they believe as a platform as a main tenet or is it just a nutcase saying that? Should Obama now shun the Catholic Church and alienate voters because of Phelgler's statements?
  18. What did I miss? What's wrong with Jews for Jesus and how is that wrong? How can you compare a group that tries to convert people to what they think is salvific and does no harm and cause no bigotry to a church in Chicago which believes whites are devils unless they believe whites should be in subjection to blacks? Again, what did I miss?
  19. Well that's my overall point... we can't compete with them at all and we trade with them increasing our balance deficit while simultaneously wiping out the middle class. How do you fix that without raising tariffs and stopping the illusion of free trade under managed trade agreements. Just looking for views...
  20. What kills me is Obama listened to stuff much worse than this for 20 years from his MENTOR and somehow the parallel doesn't fit for libtards.
  21. Notice I said semi-isolationist, not total isolationist. I've clarified what I meant but if you want to believe I said that you can. What I mean is strong import tariffs while trying to export as much as possible, much like America circa 1955, and currently China. The success of China has more to do with deregulation than stupidity.
  22. Most of them prospered, most especially China of recent. While China doesn't have a middle-class to re-route the money back into the military system, they certainly are doing well with high import tariffs and becoming strong with a big manufacturing base. Their middle class problem is more a problem with Communism, not their economy.
  23. You act as if the salary cap is expendable to whatever you want. Sorry, but reality dictates he isn't worth top 5 money. Front offices pay according to reality and long distance value. Lee has shown to be inconsistent and almost one-dimensional. I've very rarely seen him take a 5 yard out and break a tackle for a big play, and never for a touchdown. The money may not be coming out of my pocket, but you have to think critically rather than saying anything that sounds ridiculous on this board. I mean why not pay him $17/mil a year then if we have 19/mil?
  24. He's not a top 5 talent, but he is a good, above average WR. He's not worth top-5 money whatsoever. I would rather pass if he wants top-5 money, and even if he wants top 8 money. Top 10 he deserves, and not because he's top-10 as a WR, because he hasn't proven that at all, but with the increase in salaries and raises to bonuses by the time we are in year 3 he will have a 20 WR salary, which is where he's at.
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