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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. It's not the best investment. Actually it's real-estate.
  2. I agree with you, but the market corrects itself faster and better without regulation and bail-outs. History proves this as well. The longer this is bailed-out the worse it gets for the little guy, and the more it protects the lobby groups funded by the groups that are being protected. The market will have bursts and bubbles with or without gov't intervention, they just get worse on both ends from worse decision making based on gov't protection, to dragging it out longer on the back-end trying to "fix" it (i.e. bailing out their buddies that we pay for in inflation).
  3. The real laughter is that people vote while being uneducated about who or what they are voting for most of the time.
  4. It has nothing to do with them, but Obama's 2010 timeline. You seem to think this is a McCain/Obama thing. No, it's just an Obama thing. Staying on topic is a tough task for some, but Obama's timeline is a problem. I will admit that Bush's new timeline is political in nature, but that was not my point at all. I know that not supporting Obama=Bush is the only way people think who are partisan. Obama can't get to 2010 unless troops are leaving now. He can change policy once elected, but it will be impossible by 2010. Why should we believe Barry Soetoro, the fact he was registered as a Muslim in grade school lies about it, or anything else he says when he lied to get where he was BUT PRETENDS he's different. Go ahead, tell me that equals Bush if it makes you feel better.
  5. http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/posto...awal_129150.htm TRANSLATION: Obama, "Oh, oh, oh... let me look like the Messiah and save these troops." That's change we can believe in. I also find it funny the AP does a pic of Obama this morning on the Wall St. crisis the the pic is focused on "Change" below him than his face. Yeah, no bias of course. The medias head-bobbing below the table is a disgrace, as well as their purposeful stifling of true democracy by having other 3rd parties who have a base of over a million to not have their voices heard with legitimate debate.
  6. Yeah, and how was his run-blocking most of the game?
  7. Just more proof that when the gov't steps in to guarantee bad debt investors will invest without impunity to the detriment of others. People consider this the free-market proving itself to be unreliable when in fact it's proof that subsidizing an industry always brings about mal-investment.
  8. Evans, Royal, and Hardy are going to increase red-zone TDs more than 4 times from last year. We just didn't score down there and Evans cannot be utilized without big red zone threats like Harrison was to Indy.
  9. We lack real cohesion from a standard view of how an offense is presented for consistency. Reed doesn't cut the mustard, and never will, at the #2 position. While we are waiting for Hardy to develop do we stick with Fast Freddie? The guy just looks good and works hard. He matches up really well against CBs and looks unstoppable to tackle one-on-one. Remember last year with him running a quick slant for 40 yards on Washington? He might be a great stop-gap at #2 until Hardy develops, then stick Reed in the slot. Oh, and we need to extend him. He won't be expensive and he does everything.
  10. I would grade him about a D+. Where did he run-block effectively?
  11. I agree we have a problem with the running game. You're not the only one who sees this as a problem. With the exception of a few runs our O-line isn't giving holes to the RBs to run through, nor is there a push on short-yardage situations. Same as last year, with the exception that we have a good chance of making the playoffs and it's our Achilles Heel. Who cares what the stats were on those teams last year, what matter is that we imposed our will because there are better defenses out there and the excuse machine won't be there when we lose. As long as we win we give ourselves amnesia, but when we lose we start to admit the frailties. Good call on the thread. If Edwards wasn't so sharp there would be ZERO offense. We have talent with the RBs, but not on the O-line for our running game. Also, Marshawn doesn't have a great burst and tries to swivel his hips more than hitting holes, but there weren't any to speak of because Jackson usually runs hard to find one and couldn't.
  12. Your point is excellent, and if you talk to my neo-con buddies they want a piece of Russia on 2 conditions: -That we fight the commies on their soil -That it's imperative that it's other people's blood and not their own We have, and now just in the past tense, good relations with Russia. Our stance of stabbing them in the back every 5 seconds is some of the worst political decisions imaginable. We should take lumps to be their friends and grow economically and politically with them. I just see this as another cold war that is being brought on by terrible foreign policy of empire mentality tactics, not from genuine desire to be a friend to the world.
  13. Xenophobic racists for talking about facts about what's happening to France and Europe? Sure buddy, keep drinking the kool-aid. Europe doesn't have a future and all projections fiscally and demographically show it. But that's coming from a xenophobic racist because I use facts. Labels are wonderful when you don't want to talk about reality. N'est pas?
  14. I did like her right up to this moment, so that does not apply to me. If she wants to perpetuate a war or start a cold war in which there are no victors tell me what you think is accomplished by showing your teeth. No one needs to twist a thing as we cannot fight another war militarily without a draft, and we cannot afford it without completely destroying our currency in the shambles it's currently in.
  15. To even think for one second that we can be open to war to Russia over Georgia is insane. She should have said something like this: "Well Charles, war is the last option and the answer is no, I would not want to wage war unless there are no other options. I don't think that's the case right now. Our friendship with Russia is worth pursuing first and foremost, and we should talk with them on how to build peace and stability in the region." She answers the question, and does not dodge it, while simultaneously show a face of world diplomacy. The world needs better diplomacy and less war. We don't want a cold or hot war with this nation because no one wins. Our face is one of peace. To even mention the possibility of war and using it as tool on the table to do an operation is egregious, stupid, and very poor taste as a politician who lacks nuance and common-sense.
  16. A lot of my friends were hoping Palin would be conservative, not a neo-con. Today she really exposed herself and I hope anyone hoping to vote for the scum that is McInsane/Failen should be shot. Sorry McInsane, you think you got the conservative vote? You just lost 10% of your following. It won't show in the polls, but it will show in the turn-out. Obama's past will be the only thing that will take him down as this country loves Motherment. http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Palin_tells_...ussia_0911.html
  17. Why doesn't the other camp just use the word CHANGE, as it's so original.
  18. You are advocating every player should hold out after one great season? Fantastic, what's next should Stroud hold out around game 8 and cry in his car for the next 9 weeks after? Brandon's doing the right thing and controlling the situation. If you know anything about negotiation the first thing you should realize is that you hold your own position first.
  19. If Peters doesn't pan ship him to AZ for Boldin, a guy who is pissed at the team lying to him and shows as a team player and plays like a man possessed.
  20. As long as we don't break the bank on Evans I say sign him. He shouldn't get over $7/mil a year. Berrian money is par for him although he's better. Berrian is over-paid anyways. As much as I like Lee, I like the idea of Roy Williams if we can't keep him. Williams is a true #1 who can dominate a game in a way Lee can't. Lee can't get open like Steve Smith, and he's not big enough to dominate on the goal line. I would still pay him, but no more than than Berrian whose compensated at the same rate as Reggie Wayne. Wayne is better than both right now. Lee is definitely worth 6 years $42 million for future contract appreciation. Peters may be traded at the end of the year, he won't have the money to lock him up and Stroud. I would prefer Peters as he's younger, but he's going to want $9-11 mil a year. No one is worth that in a FA league unless you are Brady or Manning.
  21. You know that's exactly what I thought too at the time. I remember posting on another board that we still have some inadequacies that were evident at that time and we just had great timing for that game. This time I feel like we DOMINATED from beginning to end, although my biggest fear is #2 WR in a tough game. Unless Royal becomes a threat in the passing game we might have some issues coming up and it's our Achilles heel. I'm hoping Roscoe can do half of what Welker did last year, and #2 position can pull a Stallworth of 50 receptions and 650 yards. If not I expect problems against better teams who stop the run. Our push from the O-line isn't good for any RBs, even from last year. Get that straightened out and the sky is the limit and we can catch lightening in a bottle. I'm excited, for the first time since the late 90's and our freakish D.
  22. So what you are admitting is that Obama is for illegal invasions of countries while Bush bad??? Maybe Obama is a hawk to court the conservatives. McCain will definitely expand the war, Obama will do what he can to prolong it while courting libtards who believe his lies.
  23. At least their not subsidized with my gubmint cheese libtard.
  24. The taught me that I don't trust either party. Lobbyists should be abolished. Look at how McInsane and Obamination were big on getting AT&T for privacy violations, now they want to move forward. Huh? Well then again AT&T helped sponsor the DNC, and gave McInsane $270k or some such number. Neither party really has the interests of the nation. If people want small government who can they vote in? Even Reagan appeased too much with the Dem Congress. Oh well... there's always the bright days of AT&T of China, Walmart of Hong Kong, and Nasdaq of Kuwait to look forward to. Maybe I can get food stamps in 20 years... oh wait... there will be no money for anyone in that fund. The 2 party system: It's one more than China
  25. See what $10,000,000,000 buys you? No respect... You pay dictators who you prop up in Musharraf, and then you expect the country to honor your every whim and caprice. Good job Georgy!!!
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