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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. Since I was going to post the same thing after reading the thread I don't have to anymore. I still would've preferred Ngata. Safeties are not worth top 10 pics and yes Palomalu is an exception, but that's it, just an exception, and he's much bigger and his playing speed is faster than Whitner, even in college. I'll take a great DT over a great safety anyday. It would have saved us the McCargo trade-up and some other pics in spots that are worth safeties. Hell, we could have had Ngata and a decent TE right now.
  2. So extended his contract isn't extending him because it really isn't? Why do you think teams with high caps lose good players when their contract is up? It's an extension, and I'm not against signing him, but not for over $7/mil a year. There is one thing that Clements taught me, namely, swallowing the cap for one player that isn't a game-changer isn't worth it. Evans has not been a game-changer and disappears in games. Look at a guy like Boldin on the Cards, that guy is always open changing the Defense. That's a game-changer, same with T.O who always looks open.
  3. Socialism is not thrown around nearly enough. If you realize what we have and what is here you would realize it's socialism. Here's a good definition: "An economic system where the means of production, distribution and exchange is determined by the state/public sector in some form" Now tell me where that doesn't apply to any part of the economy that isn't regulated, legislated, and tell me what we are free to do and open as far as businesses are concerned. When the sheeple are blind the politicians love it.
  4. Wait a second... are you implying that the gov't spends us unconstitutionally into the ground?
  5. Businesses pay close to 5% to manage accounting. That makes up for the 5% tax by efficient standards of what businesses do, which is their business, management, marketing, rinse and repeat. The system beats the taxes business owners already pay, alleviate stress, increase freedom from scrutiny, and allow people to know how to expense their business before instead of after they are done. Are you in business or have you had your own business? I still do and it makes a lot of sense.
  6. Useful arts isn't what is spouted in museums if that's what you think it means. Useful arts traditionally speaking were pragmatic businesses
  7. Was that before or after his multiple fights with Mothra?
  8. The best tax system is a flat tax of 1% of everything bought, sold, or serviced. No exemptions, no write-offs, just a 1% tax on everything. The revenue would be roughly the same, but just below what we have. With that in turn the country could focus on their businesses and be more successful. It's not my idea or my figures. It was brought up during the election.
  9. If SS was privatized people could do whatever the hell they wanted with it. Who said they had to invest in Wall Street? Last time I checked there is no social security program for people 40 years and younger when it comes retirement age, and probably older than 40 it's going to be massively destructive. Let's do probabilities for Exiled since it may be difficult: -Pay in a lifetime and for most get nothing, and those that do will be destroyed by ravishing inflation or -Keep my money and let me screw it up rather than know the gov't will Seems like a hard decision... I mean what if I invested in ETFs of oil, I mean wouldn't the guy in the 5 million boat like company with my boat with the profits I made from intelligent decision making? Socialism doesn't work as more people will figure out they don't have to work and destroy the monetary policy and the country.
  10. I completely agree. What do we do? Extend him at $8 mil and then Peters at $8 mil and then how do you extend the rest of the team with $4 mil a year? The salary cap is just that, a handicap to signing your good players to spread out the wealth of talent. Then what do you do if Stroud wants to renegotiate or Edwards? Sit on your hands? This is a hard business. Screaming "sign'em" isn't helping.
  11. Absolutes work in reality all the time, but not in politics. It's absolutely true that 2+2 equals 4, but not absolutely true on the best way to run a government as it is a work in progress based on factors seen and unseen. There I agree.
  12. That's because the majority of the French are idiots. If the shoe fits... If you knew anything the Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad case solidified the income tax as a punishable offense whereby they could take property without due process. The 16th Amendment in 1913 wasn't considered that big of a deal until implemented. People thought they could fight against it. They were wrong. Judges began to fight for the power of the Feds to tax anything they saw fit (illegal) and then take property (illegal). Here is what Mr. Justice Butler argued in 1926: The plan was in 1913 with the 16th Amendment and to quote Woodrow Wilson: "I am a most unhappy person. I have unwittingly ruined my country." While that quote is disputed it has been verified to be mostly accurate.
  13. Never said they did. But go on thinking I was making a comparison of Dems in the 1910's and now. It's funny. Strangely though it was through the Dems that the most destruction came unto the country, and they became the springboard to the eradication of conservatism in this country as I don't consider 99% of elected Republicans "conservative" with a big taxes/big spending mentality while preaching the contrary.
  14. Well I said "big-ass" bubble as a preface. I guess reading fundamentals is part of my screen-name, so is contextual understand of what reality is. I guess it suffices to say that you live up to the claim.
  15. Russell had an awful game for other reasons, namely missing his receivers by 3 and 4 feet consistently. I watched the game alongside the Bills. He was terrible.
  16. That was awesome. Thank you and I enjoyed reading that. I guess I'm not patriotic then?
  17. It actually is a good idea. Last time I checked social security is going bust and we have 2 choices: 1st privatize our money and let us screw it up 2nd give it the gov't and know it will be screwed up I'll take liberty, you'll take enslavement to the system.
  18. Sadly, and the worst part is she is showing how malleable she is espousing neo-con positions so easily. The very fact she's open to fight Russia before discussing diplomacy first and foremost and our friendship with Russia frightens me. As Buchanan said about McCain and hopefully not Palin, "He'll make Cheney look like Ghandi."
  19. I'm a big fan of Thomas Woods, he had a great talk on Who Killed the Constitution you can find on Youtube. He's a bright youngish scholar with an incredible sense of humor.
  20. 1837 depression was caused in part by banks who were privatized acting as a central bank. All the other things you listed forget one thing that you conveniently left out of the historical parallel, namely, we weren't growing in debt and printing money whenever these problems arised. America could have a future when the changes in the market brought back stability. Also, local markets weren't affected in the same way they are now. When Ma and Pa Johnson wanted rice and beans as well as a hammer the local economy in many parts of the country were just fine and operated like normal. Now with a more globalized economy everyone will feel the pinch in every corner. Our country was still solvent in the face of depression, now it is not. All empires are destroyed more by their financial collapses in response to their currency than any other reason.
  21. You know that really impressed me about him (although I think he is a liberal buffoon out to destroy the country unintentionally or intentionally I don't know). Once I watched him take on Bill the one thing that stood out to me is that he is articulate and all this talk of a teleprompter is ridiculous. The guy held his own, although I think Bill avoided the real questions and went after him on the Fox issues of interest. I turned to my wife and said, "This guy is going to mop up McCain once debate season starts." Once I saw how he smiles to diffuse Bill O over and over again I realized he knows how to charm and how to articulate his thoughts. Pretty scary for a guy who will help exacerbate financial destruction upon the country with spiraling deficits.
  22. While I agree with most of your prognosis, don't you think cutting back spending, shoring up the national debt and reducing it is the solution? I know you are mostly of the liberal persuasion, but the liberal persuasion is bankrupting our country at a faster rate than bin Laden could have dreamed of doing.
  23. I would say most fit the definition if they are applied properly. I would say all those who ran for the primary, except Kucinich, was a liberal. I would consider everyone who ran for Republican office, except Paul, a liberal who favors soft-fascism (gov't and business in bed). I would say most people on main-street are not easily defined.
  24. The Demoncrats burned it 1916 and it was the conservatives who tried to keep it alive, but it is a nursing home on life support.
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