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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. You make an excellent point. Last year he was taken out of many 3rd down situations and still managed 5 passes defended and 2 Ints. The year before that when he played on 3rd down he had 9 passes defended and 5 Ints. Compare those numbers with 1 PDs and 1 Int last year and the same the year before that. If Roy Williams is made fun of why can't we fans who are not homers see the obvious? The guy gets 1 to 2 plays that are for 1st down every game for more than 10 yards. At least that many plays, and I've seen as many as 6 against him last year. I kept saying, "Why in the world doesn't he try to break up the pass?" He plays soft in coverage with a big cushion and then then tries to drill the guy after they catch the ball. I would love to have a stat of how many yards were against him in coverage last year and this year. I would say at least 20-30%.
  2. Actually they cheated against the Jets, and it was aggregate cheating. They cheated to the point where good players would play for discounts for a ring. They stock-piled talent and pics because they cheated their way to victory. Last year was like a victory dance on other teams because they kept getting hometown discounts because they were winners*. Sorry, these next 2 years are still part of the cheating luxury of stockpiling that team with talent. They couldn't get that talent if they didn't cheat their way to it. In effect they cheated to get talent, and even though they aren't technically cheating, they are reaping the benefits of being perceived as winners. Let's see the Genius in 3 years when they suck.
  3. #1 I never said catch him, but make an attempt to get closer through natural burst. He ran with all his heart, but he physically isn't fast enough. Watch his interception against Miami where the offensive lineman is running with Whitner and almost catches him. He may have run X in the 40, but he's not football fast. You should watch someone fast at the SS position to understand this. Brian Dawkins, Polamalu, Sharper, Williams, etc. break up literally 10 times more passes. #2 I know his role, but he gets one big pass play against him a game. He gets a mulligan because he's decent-pretty good in the run game. If I actually recorded games of the Bills I could point out every game where he gets torched for 1 to 2 big pass plays a game, and probably a few more smaller ones. Don't let a good fiction get in the way. He's a liability and plays soft in the secondary in coverage, but hits like a bastard when he can get his hands on you. Problem is you probably already have the football.
  4. It's obvious to me you don't understand the game. Having 1 PD and 1 Int for the last 2 years is horrible. He gets torched once a game for 20 yards by a receiver. It may not be a touchdown, but when he's in coverage the ball goes that way and he plays so far off the receiver it's usually for a 1st down. You just think you understand, but you can't name me one safety who is so inept in coverage who is considered good. Not one and I challenge you. I watched him all his years here and he showed more in his first 2 games than he has the rest of his career in passing. He's so bend but not break in the passing game he just wants the opposing O not to score on him, but get them to the goal line to rack up tackles. You know if he did the good job of 8 PDs and 2 Int he wouldn't have as many tackles as the D would be off the field. I know you never thought about that, but changing positions in the game mean less stats.
  5. Have you thought of a strong safety who averages less than 2 passes defensed or less than 2 interceptions a year that is considered not a liability in coverage? You can't have 1 int and 1 Passes Defended (PD) in the last 2 years on your stat sheet and not be considered a liability in coverage. I know that doesn't fit the sentiment around here right now, but the guy is not good in coverage. Look at who was picked on in coverage the first 3 games for big passes. Hint: it's not our CBs. Part of our D scheme is that the SS has to protect deep on some occasions. He lacks closing speed and intuition on the pass. Don't believe me, believe O-Cord who see this and exploit it. Believe the fact that no safety which is considered "good" has less than 8 PDs and a minimum of 2 INTs. The elite guys average 8-14 PDs and 2-5 INTs a year in a 16 game season, and there are exceptions like Sharper in 2002 who only had 2 PDs BUT he had 7 INTs. I love his attitude, love his character, but he's a liability in the passing game.
  6. Here's the play: http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d...goryId=featured Simpson whiffs, Whitner takes a bad angle as Higgins just blows by them. If Whitner closed faster, or Simpson reacted faster than he's tackled at the Raiders 35, not a TD. Higgins gets the benefit of Simpson clipping Whitner's foot to slow him up after Higgins ALREADY burned by both of them, but he's not fast enough to even get close enough when the guy starts jogging at the Bills 35. You don't have to be Usain Bolt to snag that bastard whose jogging. Whitner could have cost the game with that tackle, so I'm not happy at the time, but now I think it's awesome he tackled him, but really he's too slow in football speed for the secondary. I burned my rose-colored glasses years ago. If Whitner closed faster or took a better angle he would have had him. That's reality.
  7. A good fraud if you ask me. He got paid!!!
  8. Not the point, but pretend a safety without one interception where he made a play on the ball is not a problem. The one in Miami wasn't because of his great sight and speed. If you think Roy Williams is great in coverage than fine you win. I just want someone who is good in coverage as well as on the run. I mean can't your rose colored glasses see the play? He wasn't close to the guy and Whitner is picked on in the passing game. If offensive coordinators expose this why can't I point it out? I know, I know because we're winning. Winning cures all things and if we get to the Cardinals game you will see what I mean. Our only chance to win that game is to blitz the hell out of Warner. I've been watching them play during Bills games and after the game and they will point this out. Call me out after that game and I'll eat crow like no tomorrow. Our pass D looks good because our CBs are playing great. Bottom line is I watched the play we are celebrating I can't see why Whitner couldn't have tackled him before the TD.
  9. All the perplexities confusion and distress in America arise not from defects of the Constitution, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation. -John Adams, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson in l787 If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. -Thomas Jefferson Of all the contrivances devised for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes him with paper money. -Daniel Webster The colonies would have gladly born the little tax on tea, and other matters, had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money. -Benjamin Franklin This is a favorable moment to shut and bar the door against paper money. The mischief of the various experiments which have been made are now fresh in the public mind and have excited the disgust of all the respectable parts of America. -Oliver Ellsworth, a delegate from Connecticut, who later became this nation's third Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. -Thomas Jefferson, at the Constitutional Convention (1787) Other quotes about what happened to our country: Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men. -Woodrow Wilson, three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. -Henry Ford It's apparent from the whole context of the Constitution as well as the history of the times which gave birth to it, that it was the purpose of the Convention to establish a currency consisting of the precious metals. These were adopted by a permanent rule excluding the use of a perishable medium of exchange, such as of certain agricultural commodities recognized by the statutes of some States as tender for debts, or the still more pernicious expedient of paper currency. -President Andrew Jackson, 8th Annual Message to Congress (December 5, 1836) I know this won't get much play because it doesn't promote the Messiah or the great Egomaniac
  10. You typify what my name means. You disagree with me so I'm wrong? Show me where Whitner was close to an interception by breaking a route in the last 2 years and I'll change my name. Until then shut your pie-hole because I'm not a homer. The guy got toasted and wasn't close to talking the guy until 8 yards into the endzone.
  11. I was hoping the same thing. Peters was a liability today and should have been pulled. I know his agent would have went into cardiac arrest, but fug the both of them. Time to put in the best players, and Peters looked bad for 2 games. Today he looked horrible. If Edwards was JP we would have 7 sacks today, and that's not a slam against JP, but a slam against Peters.
  12. I heard that guy doesn't know what he was talking about last year. Maybe those ol' legends know something we don't. Loved the game today, and I knew Edwards was a winner after the Jets game last year. The guy understands the game and he can only get better.
  13. I also disagree with Dean. Evans isn't the only read on the field. It may be the call, but you just don't throw to your #1 choice on a given play. There are usually at least 2 more options. JP just didn't see those and only trusted Evans to bail him out.
  14. Evans is above average but not elite, the same for Peters, Whitner and Marshawn. The only elite player we have is Edwards. The question is can we win against very good teams with above average players who are not elite. Fans may not want to admit this, but we have a serious problem with our #1 WR position. Evans is a 1b, and not a 1a player. That to me is a big problem, especially against better teams. He's on pace to have about 65 receptions and we need a good 90 reception type receiver, especially if he wants money like a guy who catches 100 catches. The only caveat is if we play like the O of the Pats* 03-04' teams with spreading the ball around and there is no dominant #1. If that's the case we don't need to splurge on Evans contract, just like the Cheatriots didn't splurge on Branch. The question is can the D step up for this team with turn-overs as it's our only chance against elite teams. I think we are consistent and deep enough to make the playoffs in a parity rich NFL, but Hardy needs to step up for us to have a real chance to win it all. Edwards has shown us that he's a pro-bowl caliber QB and certainly a leader. He demeanor is so quietly intense it's like watching a bull do his thing with a raging fire in his eyes. We play tough and that will lead to wins almost by itself with our overall talent and depth. If Edwards has a Brady 2003 or 2004 season where he just spreads the ball around enough to keep the offense scoring, and our D steps up we have a real shot and it feels great. Love the team, and I love winning. It feels great.
  15. Yeah, I mean it's horrible stupid to think a jackass could hold out, show up, and then say he was in game shape and we call him out after he plays like sh*t. It's just our fault for him getting manhandled today. I almost feel bad for the guy. Sorry, the guy is still unproven at LT. One good season isn't enough. I'm glad people like you and Pyrite who washed his jock every 5 minutes he held out are seeing what a good front office looks like.
  16. Should have been a catch. Evans was down with possession. You can't strip a downed man. Blown call that gave them a huge advantage.
  17. If Whitner was fast enough to snag the bastard we would be happier. Whitner lacks real speed out there. He got burned and the fuggin guy was jogging. If he pulled a Beebe on him I would have more respect.
  18. Anyone who even thinks he deserves big money should remember these 1st 2 games. The guy sucked bad today.
  19. Nothing this despicable or detestable. Let's change the name Palin to Clinton and tell me they wouldn't be asking for her resignation and throwing her off the air immediately? There would be over 100 stories a day, instead this gets minimal attention from the MSM. No bias here folks... As much as Coulter says detestable things, she has never gone this far which is not only racist (much worse than Imus) and atrocious violence. I don't see Jesse or the Rev going nuts on this. Care to guess why?
  20. If Reed has never been in a good system doesn't that tell you that Reed isn't that good? I've never seen him get consistent separation to be open if he was good and he's just too slow in the NFL to be considered above-average without the height to make up for this fact. Add the fact that he suffered from dropsies for the first couple of years it let's me know it's not a conspiracy against Reed, he's just not that good. He's a below average #2 and an ok #3.
  21. That's the problem with the bail-outs, it's out of Congress and the President's hands. How do you hold Bernanke and Paulson accountable? They can't be impeached and they can't be touched. This isn't a partisan issue, although it is indirectly since they haven't stopped the un-Constitutional power given to these institutions.
  22. You can't give Greer top 5 money, but he's worth some coin to keep if possible, but certainly not break the bank money. You are looking at extending/re-negotiating Stroud's and Edwards salaries along with Peters and Evans. Only so much you can do. Someone is going to leave.
  23. Yes he is. He lacks big play capabilities and the one against the Bengals isn't as common as you think. It only happened once. I'm waiting for Lynch to have just one McFadden game he had last week. That's with a QB who threw for 60 yards I think with 8 in the box.
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