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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. You might not want to believe this but Atlanta, Kansas, Oakland, and probably Tampa Bay have worse lines but better running numbers than us. A better example of how a player can look different with the same team is Pittsburgh. Moore and Parker are running much better than 1st round Mendenhall. I believe you can develop your skills, but right now Lynch doesn't scare anyone except with his ferocity. No one is afraid Lynch is going to break out with a 200 yard game and carry a game on offense. Top 5 backs do that, and Lynch hasn't done that once. Guys like Ernest Graham, Willie Parker, and (gulp) Fred Jackson can be better than the drafted player as vision is more important than combine and college stats. I'm not saying Jackson is better, but I think he would run better with this blocking scheme.
  2. McCain is a man of ambition, but admits it. Obama is a man of ambition without service but doesn't admit it. Who's more at fault? Who can honestly say a man without any experience in federal work should be president? His 1st term as a senator doesn't count as Obama himself said because he would be immediately campaigning without working his job. A man who admits he's power-hungry, or the guy who lied about his first campaign to campaign for a higher office. (Remember his promises in Illinois he wasn't running for Presidency?)
  3. Want to take me up on a bet that's it's not true? Evans would not have commanded $9/mil a year in the open market with TJ and Williams competing for #1s. Prices go up typically when there is a team that NEEDS a player, but not when there are several options.
  4. I believe a lot has to do with his vision and his side-stepping. His side-step routine doesn't fit well in the NFL when running behind lineman, but it's fine in the open-field. Part of the reason for his more carries for over 10+ is his desire to hit home-runs rather than doubles and singles. That's part of the reason why I want to see Jackson start a game. It's nice to see 6, 7 yard runs for 2 & 3 once an offensive series. It's hard to loosen up the O when they are always 2nd and long. Any great O in the league has this ability to match up well with 2nd down. They don't feel the pressure of missing a long ball to go for 3rd and 3. It's not hard to be a 1,000 yard rusher with a little over 60 yards per game. The difference between Barry Sanders side-stepping and Lynch is Sanders would side-step very quickly and knock you off the ground, Lynch's side-steps are slow and heavy, which is fine for open field jukes, but not behind a blocker.
  5. Bay is a neo-con, Pat is not, as he actually supported the campaign of Ron Paul. Pat's only reason is for abortion. I actually read his website and his books, something you might want to do. In a sound-byte world your point is corny, but in reality Buchanan's only push is because Palin is very pro-life because believes the future SCOTUS(s) will mean everything in the future in the fight against murder. He doesn't support McCain at all, he just hates Obama and sees this in the terms of ethics as the law of double effect.
  6. Exactly. Honest conservatives like Buchanan, Paul, Hagel, et al. would never endorse Obama or McInsane. As a matter of fact any conservative that supports Obama isn't a conservative. Oh, and blzrul, that comment that the father would endorse Obama is so ridiculous on it's face that you would have to reconsider your knowledge of politics.
  7. Yes to the first, and it was ridiculous to say he wish he did more.
  8. It wasn't just a board dummy, nor was it just once in a while. If it was just the board fine, but it wasn't, and he lied about it. Now if he lied about his association with this guy why not peg him on lying?
  9. Actually he never said he hated America. He hated what the federal gov't was doing to state land and usurping authority. I swear, if you guys read the founding father you would hate them too. The only federalist in the bunch was Madison, and look at how he turned out.
  10. Sorry, there is no rebounding like yesteryear. The entitlements of this country is choking it. We never had a huge choke on the economic system, and now universal healthcare? It's histarical. We owe $53 trillion in payouts not on the books yet. We have a 13 year window before we claim insolvency or China calls their notes due. We can't overlook that. It's easy to say we can bounce back like X decade, but we never owed so much, or we were on the hook for so much money owed. It's hubris to think we can eliminate manufacturing, go to consumption based GDP based on credit, then have millions of people say where's mine? Will this be the end? Nope, but it won't be long. It won't be China, or Japan, or Russia, but people stealing from the people who make money and produce. Savings are down, equity is down, and with higher inflation it going to soak the remaining equity here in short period of time.
  11. Actually the biggest fraud perpetrated right now is contingency attorneys. I can't think of a bigger scam ever. They know it's cheaper to settle even if you are right if the injury isn't big enough to fight. They make up whatever and you choose to fight it or settle. With law schools ballooning yearly in enrollment there will be more people getting sued than ever before. 30% of every American will be sued, that number will go up to 40-50% in the next 20 years. In most countries contingency attorneys are illegal for that reason. Sorry to hear about your losses. If you want a investment it's real-estate. You can still get a cash on cap return at 10-15% all day long everyday if you do it right. Great investment, best there is bar none. The real estate market is "crashing" in the big cities of appreciation, but the cap rates on multi-families in the Buffalo area are 20% and higher yearly with no appreciation, but you can do fantastic in states like TX, LA, and Missouri.
  12. I expect us to win the Superbowl before my death too, but the reality is reality. We are a 2nd half team, and I'd rather be a 2 half team with good leads that grinds out the last 1.25 quarters.
  13. Why because your ignorance doesn't allow you to understand this is a fact? Kelly, my question had nothing to do with Kenya, but Indonesia.
  14. I don't get it, where did any of these people unrepentant in their terror activities? Does not agreeing with your country make you a terrorist? Ayers is unrepentant and wishes he did more. What did this guy do to give him that label. Or are you just too dumb not to get the connection between terror and protester? Are you also aware that Iran is not all Muslim either, but also full of Armenians?
  15. Obama has multi-national citizenships. That disqualifies him unless he renounces his other citizenships which has never been recorded to a U.S ambassador. He flew with an Indonesian passport at 20, which is only possible with one citizenship claim with Indonesia. These are facts. There has never been contradictory, or supplemental information given how this is possible other than use labels like "smears" and "wacko fringe" to make your case. You cannot be a citizen of another country and run for office. While people may bring up the birth certificate issue, how do you get around his passport from a foreign country?
  16. Top of my head: Greer, Crowell, Jackson (may be RFA I forgot) are the only big ones I can think of
  17. Never implied it huh? What part of this isn't an implication: "This charge is made EVERY election (on both sides) and there is never any evidence that it swings an election." You are tacitly saying we should get over it because even if it does or doesn't happen it doesn't influence the election. I might not have time to review my grammar (because I work), but you can't understand what the hell you are writing. Second, I can't reply to every reply made, I actually run a business. Hard for a liberal to understand.
  18. Take your post, replace every McCain with Obama, and you are exactly right except it's 10x worse. The only difference is the "decades" you mention. Obama is the pinnacle of what is wrong with this country, and he's much worse than McCain. Obama is a man who lacks the experience to really know the role of what he is ascending to, even by his own admission, and he hardly knows the role of a senator as he has campaigned more than known his own job. What does it say that a man won his seat just to be president in his first term? The difference between Obama and McCain is the Devil we know (McCain) vs. the Devil we don't know (Obama). Obama's win, which will happen in IMO, will be one of the greatest shams in political history. As much as I don't like McCain he has experience in federal politics, Obama has ZERO as he never worked his job in any degree of seriousness. I don't like either of their policies in just about all respects, but this is the worst choice America has seen and he's being eaten up by the press and the world as a rock-star. It's absolutely frightening to think how dumb Americans are.
  19. So the most important say you have in this country should be marginalized because not enough dead people swing an election? You officially have lost all credibility if you think that's ok. Most people have large divergences of opinion in this country, and that's fine, but when you publicly admit the most important right as a citizen to influence policy is something to "get over" you're in the field of jackazzes.
  20. None of those people would be considered liberal today, neither would Nixon and ESPECIALLY Goldwater. The parties went from conservative ®, moderate (both), and liberal (D) to neo-conservative which are liberals in Republican clothing, moderate which means nothing since the line is pushing to liberalism every decade, paleo-conservative (Buchanan, Buckley), liberal (D) and wacko conservatives who are marginalized (Buchanan, Paul). No one in their right mind would ever classify Buchanan or Goldwater liberal today. They want to end entitlement spending, decrease motherment in all phases and push for state rights. Who would call them liberal publicly except by their foreign policy, which is actually the old school conservative position?
  21. Libertarian? People love motherment. Imagine a libertarian getting traction on this board alone: -He's going to kill X programs -He's planning on restoring freedoms that I'm opposed to in the name of freedom -He wants to slash taxes (oh the horror) I can go on... the horror of libs would be at a fearful pitch, and the neo-cons would be in epilepsy over foreign policy.
  22. People hate facts, but it's true. The same holds true in any neighborhood in which there is a change from white to multi-racial, with the exception of Asian nationalities. You guys make it sound that a comment that there is a much higher rate of non-Caucasians in prison or on welfare is racist. Funny how that one Doc who wrote the book that blacks and hispanics have genitally lower IQs was branded a racist, when he spent years in the civil rights movement.
  23. Strange thing is when blacks do move into neighborhoods the values do drop. No one wants to admit that anymore, but anyone in real estate who is honest enough about will tell you. Can you guess what field I'm in?
  24. Anti-semitism is no longer the hating of race, it's who the Jews hate and label. Tell me I'm wrong, but it's the truth. Speaking against Zionism is now anti-semitic, yet many hasidic Jews are against Zionism yet no one associates this basic understanding that anti-semitism is the biggest canard being thrown at someone.
  25. You know someone by the company they keep. If Obama did all those things with Ayers, who was unrepentant, it stands to reason that Ayers would only take someone radical by his side. Radicals don't befriend and work with anyone other than like minded people. The same goes for Wright. How Obama got the blindness pass on this is amazing to me. Its not like Ayers just donated to Obama's campaign, but they actively worked together and Obama LIED about it. Donated or simply fraternizing is something which can be excused without reason because it's impossible to know everyone you deal with. So the real question remains is Obama a radical and does he have many radical connections and therefore is a radical in centrist clothing? The answer is obvious with anyone with eyes, and then the it remains why those who know this deny the facts with belligerence and apathy. In all fairness I hope Obama wins as he will be "responsible" for the economy in 4 years along with the Dems as the public cannot think historically but only in the now.
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