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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. Many people who vote republican do so solely under the banner of pro-life positions, that is true. Your mistake is when you mistakenly believe that's all that matters. They believe that the main function of government is to protect the first principle of all rights which is life. They put principle over politics. It's a crazy notion to a liberal who thinks everything should be about how the gov't serves their needs. If you fix that problem they can address others, but when you condone baby murder in the name of convenience all other issues aren't as important. There cannot be true liberty without respect of human life. It's called putting your priorities in order, something a liberal could never understand since the government and the people are to serve their lives while they pretend they do it to help the poor. I can't wait to revisit such conversations with the same people in 20 years when all liberal discussions will be over when our dollar is destroyed, human life will be further eroded, and then the discussion of life will become important when someone decides your life isn't worth much since you are a drain on the gov't. It's starting in some countries in Europe with the expansion of euthanasia.
  2. It doesn't stop a doctor from helping a patient, it stops the public funding of such measures. Invasions from other countries are a clear and present danger and no gov't should be forced to fund their own destruction.
  3. I wasn't criticizing you at all, but was agreeing with you. If you took that the wrong way then I apologize.
  4. Sorry, but if you consider the official website to be a credible source of information then there is no use. I'm not asking Whitner for any ESPN highlights, but I am asking anyone to show me that he's credible in the secondary against receiving threats.
  5. That's incredible wishful thinking. Whitner has no pass deflections or INTs. I hope this doesn't happen because he will give up a lot of yards over a guy like Corner. Whitner is very good against the run, but he below average in pass coverage.
  6. So is our job as citizens best determined by fat-cat accountants who will determine how to get more money from other people to "take advantage" of the system? Well that's Change I can say yes to.
  7. Buddy I've spent more time helping the poor of every background than you ever have and I don't know you, that's how sure I am. Stop with the bullschitt racist thing because you aren't addressing the point. If I said most guys stealing the largest portions of money on wall street are white guys in suits people wouldn't find that racist, but say something about anybody but whitey=racist. Why not show me I'm wrong. I know it might take thought and character, but until then again I don't expect a liberal to think, just nod.
  8. But probably accurate. The better way to address the D was Ngata, and Mangold in the 2nd. Good SS are a dime a dozen. Even great ones really don't change games all the much or often. Guy like Brian Dawkins aren't found except once a decade, and usually never in the first round.
  9. This is a stupid decision that has more to do with pride than intelligence. I played lots of sports and even semi-pro, but I know when to call it a day. Sure you love your sport, but you have to put it in perspective.
  10. Facts are not racist. They become racist when they become politically expedient to scream a label rather than argue the point. Do you honestly think the majority of hispanic and black voters who vote D right down the line really care whatsoever about policies about the department of energy? I wonder what percentage could give me an educated answer on what that department does. They vote because as Obama recently admitted to, it's all about spreading the wealth around and giving loopholes so they can continue to vote for "D". Is that true of every black? Of course not, but the average guy in the line election time could not give you 3 specific policies of a Democrat they endorse, and while they may not admit it those are facts. Republicans could for the most part, although they do so out of fear of how bad a democrat would be mostly on moral and domestic grounds, not because their party does anything they want or agree with, but because of Democrat policies on morality in the public domain, taxes, security and abortion. Facts aren't racist ma man.
  11. Well most of those statements are true: -He affiliates with a terrorist and has done so for years -He was registered a Muslim at the Catholic school in Indonesia and lied about it, and now that the proof of his school registration publicly exists no one cares that he lied about it -He may have anti-white sympathies as you cannot hang out and adore Rev. Wright and think that he doesn't have the same beliefs but is not a "wolves in sheep's clothing"? Of course that may be a reality. He admitted to reading and writing papers on other Black extremists Some of course are completely false.
  12. I think neither of them should pay and it's unconstitutional. That's the fair tax I can live with, cut the size of government and entitlements, stop policing the world, raise tariffs and stop "Free" trade, and cut our debt in half in 4 years. That's change, not increasing or shrinking what we currently have.
  13. Blacks in this election are 10X more racist than whites. THAT'S THE REAL ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. Blacks always vote democrat at a rate of 12 to 1, and it has nothing to do with real issues other than entitlements. That's the real issue. Throwing the issue on whitey always sounds nice, but I've seen Obama signs in housing areas that are predominantly white, I've yet to see one in a predominantly black neighborhood. No contradiction there. Let's change the paradigm and go back to 1992. Did most every black vote Clinton? Sure did. Go forward 2008 in the primaries and the same Clintons they loved they turned on because a half black man was running. If that's not racist what is? People should pass a test on the candidates positions that are randomly asked in sequence so people couldn't cheat. I bet you it would stop the mess we are in. Many of the founding fathers were against democracy for what we are seeing today.
  14. I can't see any pro-bowl, because of the talent and team improvements, 1st rounders we have on the team this entire decade. The closest you get is Lee, but Lee is not a pro-bowler, let alone "star". We have a good team, but it's good all-around, not because of a single player that dominates their position that really stands out.
  15. He said he would never separate his connection from Wright or his church, he did. He said he only knows Ayers from a board of directors, which is a lie. Michelle and Ayers went out for talks, Obama was at his house. The man is a flat-out liar: In Obama's own wordshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxYmkjuTdDc
  16. Kelly, I've never in my life thought the media could be more biased for one candidate in my life. I thought Bill got more leeway than I thought possible, and even Hillary was given a past on a lot before the media discovered their love of Obama. Once it was Obama vs. Hillary it wasn't a contest. I can honestly say that one could not have more red-flags in their background from Ayers, to Wright, and still no one really cares and allows him to dismiss such affiliations with outright lies and then commentators rushing from all sides to defend him. I mean it's it strange when you go to yahoo main page and whenever they discuss an Obama McCain issue you always see the thumbnail pic of Obama? I agree with LA on everything, including the fact that McCain is not running a good campaign, nor he is a good candidate. I also agree with you that Obama is articulate, intelligent, and wins people over. I think he's the 2nd most charismatic candidate I've ever seen. All in all I think that Obama's victory is secure no matter what and his rise is a sad commentary on American politics.
  17. What in the world would Rudy do? Rudy is a disaster as a fear-mongering demagogue. The man was a mayor for crying out loud, and those in the city, from the fireman to the police, hate the guy. Rudy is a big-spending liberal. That doesn't mean I like McCain either. I wanted Ron Paul to win, and at most I could suffer through with the rest it was Fred Thompson.
  18. I think there are a few people here who understand. The rest are partisan hacks who occasionally acknowledge the truth no matter from what party. The best years of this countries existence were between 1860-1913. Those were the years we had incredible booms in the market, strong middle class growth from manufacturing, strong tariffs on imports, and no income tax. We were exporting 70% of goods made here and importing 50%. Cities and infrastructure could afford to be built, there was no debt, and we were becoming a creditor nation where countries owed us money. Those days are not coming back, nor will they ever again until we are brought to our knees and people realize not everyone can live on other people working. The moment you tell people if you don't work we will pay you those people will multiply and live like cockroaches. The moment you increase money to people who came here illegally while decreasing money to the elderly who paid into the system your country deserves punishment as it is a sin crying to justice to God as you stole from those who really need it. We can't stop people from voting liberal agendas as you are implying because people cannot look past their laziness and greed. It won't happen, and now there is class warfare. People love Obama for this reason. About 2/3rds of our country considers themselves conservative, yet they do nothing. If you want the honest approach buy a farm and live in the country and watch this thing implode. It will and it's a matter of when, not if. Peope on CNN and FOX sneered at Peter Schiff (watch him on Youtube) and now he looks like a prophet. You might be wise to read his new book on Bulls and Bears and Crashproof. His videos on Youtube are fun to watch as he's quirky, but honest.
  19. I'm not saying he can't return to his old form, but the "fool me once" theory for a grown man in a contract isn't just a fool, but men should be held to higher standards in their own decisions. I hope that Peters isn't extended this year or next year, and if he holds out again he should to his own detriment. He's not worth it at this point. As a matter of fact I would consider below average reason for a pay-cut. Everyone can have the one season that looks great. Look how Derek Anderson (except last night) was a one-year wonder and ready to be benched. Many players are one year wonders. The few people on here defending Peters forget this with sports amnesia because it's their team. Just like fans love 1st and 2nd rounders over more talented players because they are being paid more and with higher expectations.
  20. I also want to add that any country which cuts Medicare benefits to the elderly who paid into the system to increase them to illegals, and any country that burns it's own food and/or subsidizes it into inefficient fuel while simultaneously runs up trade deficits cannot last. We are living off the fat of yesteryear, and have no attempt to build up future fat for our children, and contrarily want to ravage the countryside of our children so we can continue to destroy the country with liberal policies that will fail. Most Americans have national hubris that we are too big to fall. It will happen if we continue to allow a failed foreign policy effort of international police that we can't afford, an entitlement system we can't afford, and an illegal invasion that is destroying this country of billions of annual dollars. Fat men don't know they are fat until they try to run. We might need to run soon, only to find out we are too fat to recover for the race.
  21. Yes, they would, and it wouldn't be close. No one seems to mind the national debt because it hasn't effected us yet. Bush got us in trouble for 2 reasons: war and medicade expansion. If you think that's bad try to kill those who produce and save with more taxes (real economy), with those who want tax benefit expansion to them at others expense (false economy based on credit expansion). That deficit figure, when it comes due, becomes the end of the U.S as you know it, just like the USSR. That's why liberals, and that includes most big spending Republicans, don't care about history. What you have to understand is that the Democrats, and all liberals, are clueless as to fix the economy. They want to push a stimulus package in the face of this mess, and Obama wants to give tax credits to those who don't pay taxes. That enforces the idea that spending is the solution, not production and savings. Strong economies are based on exporting, production, savings, and yes deflation from a strong dollar. We are a debtor nation, whereas when we previously rebounded we were a creditor nation. When we borrowed into deficits in the past it was to increase manufacturing in this country, and our object was to pay it back. Those days are done. Even the "Green Economy" that is being touted as a turn-around won't be enough unless we export and manufacture that stuff ourselves. More than likely it will be engineered here and made in Asia. This country has the 4 year election rule, which in essence means that people will only think for 4 years back and not think about the problems that preceded that official and blame the previous administration for what happened during their term. Also, people forget that Paulson and Bernanke have more influence as to our economy than the president or congress combined. We have lost control of the country to 2 unelected officials. If you know anything about world history, at least in the last 20 years, read the histories of Argentina and Chile on monetary policy.
  22. Proving one more time that ignorance is no match for education.
  23. I wouldn't give a 2nd and 5th, but definitely JP and a 6th. If not a 4th. I agree with everything you wrote, and I agree it will make opposing D's respect the passing game more since they don't feel threatened with our running game.
  24. Then reply to an honest question and insight and prove that you are one.
  25. Do you kiss yo mama wit dat mouf.
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