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Everything posted by StupidNation

  1. Bob Sanders vs Donte Whitner? Sanders does SOMETHING in the backfield and averages 2 INTs in a full season. Sanders tries to make plays on the ball. If you want to compare Sanders with Whitner show me how he changes the game, show me how he changes how offenses play him. Teams are throwing AT Whitner, teams are running AT Whitner. Sanders does something that few SS do, namely, make game changing plays. 2nd if you want to compare Whitner with Winfield, just remember that Winfield is a better tackler, blankets his defenders better, and defends passes. Seriously, if Whitner went down injured, as he did this year, how was the defense down-graded? Schobel it's noticeable, and if you took out Shroud it was somewhat noticeable. Whitner is a non-factor in a game, that's a fact. If Whitner is so good, as you love to stroke him, tell me what he does that is above what a median SS does in the NFL? I'd love to hear it. The other guy stroking your comment pointed out Polamalu, which is even funnier considering that guy is accounted for by the offense every play. When has anyone said that about Whitner?
  2. I've never seen a person improve from 0 INTs in 2 seasons to gang-busters in coverage if they played and started a bunch of games. Donte is not worth an extension and may be worth cutting if he can save us on the salary cap. What do we lose if we cut him? Call it stupid or crazy, but what do we lose if we cut him and what do we gain with an average starting safety? I say 2-3 INTs and 6-8 PDs instead of the 0 and 1 Donte has been sporting the last few years. If we save money I say we cut our losses with the guy. He's a bust, and he's not even good in coverage. He's not worth the liability in the back-field.
  3. He's a second year vet with a 3rd approaching when the season starts. How anyone thinks Flacco is better is beyond me. I admit he can be better, but he's not better right now. We don't even have a #1 WR let alone a Heap or Mason on our team. Matt Ryan looked great for a first round pick 3rd overall at a salary at around $12 mil a year if you count the bonus. He also has a #1 WR, something we lack. As a soon to be 3rd year vet and these guys are 2nd year vets let's give Trent a #1 WR and a TE. Somehow they help QBs and help teams. The idiotic stat that the QB wins games and the records are on them alone is so idiotic. I'm sure Trent Dilfer finds it very humorous.
  4. Well from I know, he knew that a bubble was created by over-stimulation, so his answer is to re-inflate it. He also campaigned on Hope and Change and yet we are getting Bush spend first save second, and Despair instead of Hope. Putting more money in re-stimulating a bubble is lunacy and we are going to go from a recession to a dollar crisis. Can anyone tell me which one historically is worse? If we really wanted "Change" and regulation for fat-cats where is the move to regulate the Fed and have oversight of what they do?
  5. If you think about it if all 50 states spend their way out of this mess under the name "federal" it will all make sense and no one will have to work. Isn't it funny that the big states that have "demand" side economics are failing? And they are all failing worse than every other state. I think the solution is to increase the cause of the problem, oh wait, we are already doing that. Maybe we should follow Hawaii and pay for everyone's medical expenses, or maybe we should make laws that benefit the insurance companies against the doctors to increase lawsuits. Maybe we should bail out colleges and universities, they produce so much and add so much to the economy. The only way out is to have more white collar employees and less production with increased regulation and taxes. I feel a recovery... California lead the way!
  6. I have an idea, why don't we all borrow money to fix our houses and hire contractors, they in turn will buy Chinese products from Walmart and Best Buy. Then when we have more problems we can turn around and borrow more money and do it over again. What happens when our creditors stop giving us money? Well we can counterfeit the money and decrease the value of the existing money, then investors would have even less confidence in our markets and run. Finknottle is spot on. Without production the stimulus is a lie sold to the people as a known lie that will turn a recession into a depression with a dollar crisis and loss of worldwide confidence in our currency. I'm very happy the Republicans voted against the bill in the House, if only they did the same thing when Bush was in office we wouldn't be in this mess. Republicans lost their soul to socialism and now they want to be free-marketers and the dems blame the free-market and we haven't had one of those for 80 years.
  7. They are being laid off as we speak moron. When the wealth is being tossed out, so are the jobs. I don't know how you missed the rising unemployment figures with the lack of wealth. Instead of supply vs. demand economics you should try to re-focus on productivity side economics... you know that thing we used to do called manufacturing that every politician has destroyed since the unions got too powerful and we lost being competitive, and the Republicans made laws protecting their big businesses. A marriage made in hell if there ever was one. Empires die off from over-regulation, over-taxation, and corporate socialism with each group having leaders not looking out for anyone but themselves. Why not ask what the union bosses are doing with their millions in dues as their constituents are losing jobs? That might be too hard for you to look at wouldn't it?
  8. 11.5 sacks in 13 games... All pro all right!!!
  9. Is his newest article online?
  10. Are we comparing the Cassell who passed for 78 yards yesterday as some kind of savior? Fans sometimes are just insane.
  11. I'm shocked you brought up Arias's name. Haven't heard that name brought up since 95'.
  12. This message was brought to you by "If JP starts our offense will be great." Your opinion was been reduced to ash with your bold vision of the team with JP at the helm. No, Trent is not a great player, but he's decent overall and has shown he can continue to improve. I don't think anyone expects him to be Manning, Brady or Marino honestly, but he'll be a solid top ten guy who will be consistent for the offense. My biggest fear is his inability to trust the WRs out of a cut in a route to pass the ball before they are there. Not a Trent-lover, but I like what he presents to the position, which is stability, certainly not greatness.
  13. What did Edwards do, other than the turnover, which wasn't on him alone, that makes you think he played poorly for the conditions? Should he have thrown for 250 yards and 2 TDs in 50 MPH winds? Tell me how the great Cassell played. Some here think we should get Cassell, so how did he play? Less than 90 yards is so stellar. The running game was great, but with the wind Edwards played fine. Bottom line is we need better WRs and a better TE. We are set at RB. We need to replace the O-Coordinator as well. This loss is not on Edwards. Secondly, you are a joke if you say he hasn't played his part for a season and a half. If you count complete games (notice I said complete games) he's played in he's top ten in QB rating, yards per game, and yards per attempt. He did his part for the offense when there wasn't a running game when we were 5-1. You need to stop putting on the sh*t-colored glasses.
  14. Yes the QB is the whole offense. If Edwards made plays and Whitner just doesn't does that mean that to you Edwards is below average and Whitner flat out sucks? Of course you won't say that because you're not objective. You've blamed the D-line on Whitner and injury. You're an idiot and a partisan idiot. Sure you and VOR can have your "Edwards sucks" fest without any evidence of it. Edwards played good as a QB, and the last time I checked he isn't the whole offense. To say zero points all falls on Edwards is a joke, just like you and VOR.
  15. Those guys aren't talent evaluators!!! Just ask the multitude of idiots who think he has to be top 5 to be any good. Will Edwards be top 5? Most likely no, but he will be top ten. Good but not great QB. That's enough. He's Mark Brunell without the running capabilities.
  16. I think you are upset because he pis*ed in your Dante Whitner flakes. Edwards played good and if Whitner played half as good who knows he would average 2 INTs and 5 PDs a year.
  17. Raiders game, all game long. St. Louis all game long. SD game to the point where Scott was used on TEs over Whitner. 1st Jets game he was toasted Denver game he was smoked sausage Go watch the games and watch him in coverage. Here's an interesting stat 1 Pass Defended all year. ONE with no INTs. Tell me one safety who is ok in coverage with those numbers. I've been calling him out in pass coverage all year. I put up the stats, show me him being a force in pass coverage. I'll wait.
  18. There is no debate whether Whitner is great or good without a Dline. Great players make themselves great without the supporting cast on defense. The question now is whether Whitner is any good at all, forget great. I'm leaning in the negative as I've never seen a safety so inept in coverage in the 1st round. The guy never plays the ball, but the defender. That's the right way to play 80% of the time, but you have to look for the ball in case there is a chance to break a play and be READY to play the ball. That "almost" INT last week is proof Whitner does not play the ball. He was ready to tackle and when the ball was sailing past you could see how late he is. He's constantly out of position to make a play and lacks ball instincts which cannot be taught.
  19. Chad Johnson has averaged over 90 receptions for the past 5 years. Torry Holt has averaged over 90 the last 8 years. This year has been bad for both of them and both are 30 or older. Lee Evans is not at their caliber. One poster pointed out Andre Johnson with no #2, same with Roddy White. Great players make their own way no matter who is around them, and good players stand out with other good players. That's why Peerless Price was a good WR in his day, but certainly not great whatsoever.
  20. It doesn't kill me as much as it's ridiculous.
  21. They are a lot alike except Wayne is willing to go over the middle. Many times people say "X" doesn't have a great supporting cast, but I have a different take... look and see if there is a playmaker and gives other players who were scrubs great opportunities on the new team, or helps create that good TE and #2 by drawing attention and playing like it. Sometimes it's clear that the supporting cast isn't that great, but look at Steve Smith and you'll realize what a great player does to a team with or without a good, forget great, QB. Mohammed looks 5 years younger, Delhomme still isn't very good but he looks much better than he is, and the running game is humming. Eric Moulds was/is a great example, so was Andre Reed. Both played tough, both played for the extra yard and made people better around them. Both played over the middle when asked.
  22. Women shouldn't be scouts. There, it has to be said. Men are men and it's just that simple.
  23. I would say overall it's Fred Jackson to the NFL. We Bills fans know who he is and know how good he plays. I still think he's under-rated to Bills fans because I do believe he's better than Lynch right now. To Bills fans I say it's a toss-up between Butler and Scott.
  24. I hope you are joking. If we did we would have a lot more scoring against us, a lot more missed tackles, and a lot more bad angles. On the other hand it would allow our offense to control time of possession with the other team scoring at will.
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