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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. I was not disappointed, or surprised, that they lost. I was disappointed in how they lost. They didn't play well at all. I was disappointed that they didn't go for it when they had 4th and inches. That tells me the coaching staff had no confidence in the players. I was disappointed that the special team play didn't look very special. The team show flashes of good play, but not often enough to make me feel confident for the regular season. It was only the first preseason game, but I was expecting better. I guess it is hard to overcome a decade of bad football in one preseason game.
  2. Really, now? If we were to get over racism and intolerance, the issues we'd have left would be more manageable.
  3. He's not a journalist, why should he pretend to be one? No one on the NFL network should ever be confused with a journalist.
  4. Well, I'm not a Native American. I came over on a boat, really. I find the name offensive as well. The logo is OK, but the name is not. This is veering off-topic, but it interesting to note that the team was owned from 1932* to 1969 by George Preston Marshall -- who was widely known for his opposition to having African-Americans on his roster. It's probably safe to assume he was a racist. * the team was originally in Boston and known as the Boston Braves. He moved the team to Washington in 1937, when he gave it the racist nickname.
  5. As a DC area resident, I'd like to see the Bills win, just so I don't have to listen to that hometown trash talk I get whenever a Washington team beats a Buffalo team. That said, I really want to see signs of cohesion and development by the Bills. I remember that in Marv Levy's day, he was less concerned with the final score than trying to figure out who were the best 53 players to keep on the team. Hope Chan has a similar mindset.
  6. Being in the DC area, the NFL Network broadcast probably will be blacked out in favor of a local station. The homerisms will be brutal and the level of the announcers will be abysmal. I'm thinking the only way I'll be able to maintain my composure and sanity will be to drink early and often.
  7. Afternoon thunderstorms are a regular occurrence in the DC area this time of year.
  8. Didn't bother reading his takes on the other teams, but his "analysis" of the Bills is just more of the same that we've been hearing and reading all along. He did get one thing right: "Meanwhile, second-year man Aaron Maybin — arguably the most disappointing rookie of the 2009 class— has a lot to prove in 2010."
  9. George Bush Jr. was an Ivy league graduate. So was Dick Jauron.
  10. What does the race of the owners have to do with anything? You bring up the subject like it was supposed to be significant, but fail to explain the significance. Was race a factor in Peyton Manning's last contract or Tom Brady's upcoming contract negotiations? Also, how many owners make $300 million or more from their football teams. Jerry Jones and Dan "the short meddling owner" Snyder, maybe. But you can't tell me that Ralph or the owners of the Jaguars or Chiefs make that kind of money. Granted, the players want to get as much as they can and the owners want to pay as little as possible. But Revis apparently was happy to sign the original contract. So if a player wants to hold out his services in order to renegotiate a contract that he signed (most likely under his agent's advice), then he should run the risk of not getting paid at all if the other party doesn't want to renegotiate. It's like signing a contract to sell your house then demanding to renegotiate two years later because the value of the house went up. (OK that example worked a lot better about three years ago, but you get the point.).
  11. For a second there, I thought I was reading a book by Jack Kerouac.
  12. Ditto on that -- plus he sounds like 99.9% of the naysayers on TBD
  13. Maybe he just liked teen-aged boys
  14. Think he's talking about two tight ends in the backfield for blocking and using the three RDs as wide receivers?
  15. According to the Houston Chronicle story, Cushing said: "Every individual is genetically different. I had a unique situation where something like this occurred, and we have the science to back it up. It’s really beyond what we ever thought, and it’s beyond a lot of regular medical doctors. We’ve got a lot of money spent on the research, and there’s a lot of interesting results that can help us.” Uh ... yeah ... sure. Next thing you know Iran will be claiming it's nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes.
  16. I, too, need a fix - even if it's the HOF game. Also, I've been watching CFL games that have been shown on the NFL channel and have gotten to like the CFL
  17. For starters, he doesn't say anything we don't already know or suspect. He fails to advance the argument. Are his comments the result of his attending training camp to actually observe the team's progress, or lack of progress? This morning's column doesn't offer a clue. Do his assessments derive from personal observations -- which would require actually getting off his duff and leaving his office -- or is he simply spouting "conventional wisdom." I vote for spouting off.
  18. That's what George Bush Jr. said, too.
  19. But he also said that even after nine years he never got to know Schobel. That speaks volumes to me. Sullivan is a blowhard prima-donna who can't be bothered to do a little legwork.
  20. Hadn't heard that theory expressed before, but that thought has crossed my mind. If it works, do it.
  21. I'm surprised that this view of the Bills comes from the Boston Globe. It's actually pretty straightforward, to the point and nowhere near as condescending as I expected. Some examples: "Feels like GM Buddy Nix and coach Chan Gailey are pouring concrete into the foundation right now – Very business-like, no-complaining, get-the-job-done tone. That’s good for this franchise, provided they give this regime time, since there’s been far too much upheaval over the last decade." "But it’s clear that the intention is to be a physically imposing squad." The writer is a little too gung-ho about McKelvin for my liking, but that's his opinion. The story is on the Two Bills Drive page under the heading Buffalo Bills News. Or you can follow this link: http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr...training_1.html Also, when you think that the Bills are the pits -- and we all do from time to time -- check out this play from the Washington DC team with the racist nickname under the Jim Zorn era: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdX1rdLcTk8
  22. I've re-signed. What are my options? In the Nother Va. area -- just outside of Washington DC I can watch the team with the racist nickname or the Ravens. I'd rather watch the Bills, no matter how much they make me swear. And, quite frankly, spread out over a 16-game season, the price tag isn't outrageous. Sure I wish it were $159, or whatever it was when I first got it, but hey, I wish gasoline was 99 cents a gallon, too.
  23. Here's a link to the Washington Post item on Haynesworth. Shanahan said he was the only one to have to do that drill, but that's the price you pay for skipping the off-season program. Sounds like Shanahan is trying to making a point with Haynesworth. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsi...esworth-wi.html
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