My solution is to come up with a realistic business plan. What is your "program" other than to say BE BOLD? When I go to Niagara Falls, I want to see the natural wonder, not some ugly f***ing stadium. I've asked you a number of times, which of the other of the seven wonders of the world has a sports stadium on top of it. You haven't adressed that question, and I'll keep asking it until you do. LOL. Also, someone has to pay for a new stadium regardless of whether it's in Buffalo, Orchard Park, Toronto, or Tulsa, Oklahoma. Who is going to pay for it? If I were a taxpayer, I'd say F-You.
Show us a business plan. How are you going to pay for this stadium, how are you going to get the environmental impact studies to fall your way, how are you going to get taxpayers in New York to pay for yet another white elephant. Don't respond with juvenile platitudes like "get with the program," or "build it and they will come." I want to see some concrete data. If you can't provide that, go f**k yourself. Have a nice day.