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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. I thought the Niagara Falls air base had warplanes.
  2. But even Bruce took a season or two to get his act together. i remember him being a fat rookie with not a lot of purpose. But once he got his act together, WOW!
  3. I'm not up to date on military destruction. You know of something better? If so, I'll go for it.
  4. Nice post -- and my condolences to the Summer family. It's a shame he couldn't enjoy his retirement.
  5. Can he drop some napalm on the Miami bench?
  6. Yeah, it's a great idea. Buy the available land, come up with the financing and necessary government approvals, and let's see how it turns out.
  7. I hope the Dolphins are in turmoil. That just means the Bills' chances to win are that much better
  8. All excellent points. Not to mention that there is no place on the American side of the Falls to build a stadium that has a good view of the cataracts. Put the stadium away from the immediate proximity of the Falls, and you can't see the Falls, so there is no "view" to look at. I'm guilty of responding to an idiotic thread, but it's because I can't let this idiotic thread go unanswered. The Falls are truly a wonder of the world, and there's nothing man can do to improve on it.
  9. My solution is to come up with a realistic business plan. What is your "program" other than to say BE BOLD? When I go to Niagara Falls, I want to see the natural wonder, not some ugly f***ing stadium. I've asked you a number of times, which of the other of the seven wonders of the world has a sports stadium on top of it. You haven't adressed that question, and I'll keep asking it until you do. LOL. Also, someone has to pay for a new stadium regardless of whether it's in Buffalo, Orchard Park, Toronto, or Tulsa, Oklahoma. Who is going to pay for it? If I were a taxpayer, I'd say F-You. Show us a business plan. How are you going to pay for this stadium, how are you going to get the environmental impact studies to fall your way, how are you going to get taxpayers in New York to pay for yet another white elephant. Don't respond with juvenile platitudes like "get with the program," or "build it and they will come." I want to see some concrete data. If you can't provide that, go f**k yourself. Have a nice day.
  10. Shanahan's record from 2006 through 2008 was .500 -- 9-7, 7-9, 8-8. Hardly hall of fame numbers.
  11. After what we Bills fans have suffered through these past 10 years, I share your enthusiasm. New coach --- who looks like he can actually coach, for starters. I just hope it's not like that Peanuts gag where Lucy pulls the ball away from Charlie Brown just as he's about to kick the ball.
  12. I haven't been to Grevey's in years -- ever since I got sunday ticket. Don't know anything about the place on G st. -- only that it's listed on the bills' bills backers page. Personally, haven't had "good" wings outside of the buffalo area. That's why I am more than happy to visit the in-laws back in WNY!
  13. The Bills Backers page on the Bills site lists Laughing Man Tavern 1306 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Never been there -- and never heard of the place -- so I can't tell you yea or nay. But you can check it out beforehand. If that doesn't work, send me a PM and I can meet you at the West Falls Church metro station at 12:15 to 12:30
  14. Hey -- if we need "someone else" so be it.
  15. I'm using tonight's game as a "dry" run for Sunday. The beer's in the fridge, cooling, and I've got the pizza joint number on speed dial. Oh, by the way, the wife is out of town for a week on business (oh yeah). I've already succumbed to the siren song of the cold beer and am waiting for a respectable time to call the pizza joint.
  16. Don't know of any bars in DC although I'm sure there is one. There is one in Herndon VA, called Jimmy's Old Town Tavern. If you're in the District, is a bit of a haul -- about 23 miles or so. I live a few miles from Jimmy's -- and have DirecTV's Sunday Ticket -- and would be happy to be a host if you want. Just send me a PM
  17. That's the key, and I think Chan is (finally) the coach who can do that for the Bills (I hope).
  18. No kidding. I played football in high school (and truth be told I sucked) -- and I knew that I didn't have what it takes. If you make it to the NFL you're special -- even if you suck.
  19. A scenario like that certainly puts some doubt into the minds of the defenders. And that half-second to second of doubt is often enough to result in a positive play -- if Trent makes the right read. Let's hope -- GO BILLS
  20. Can't argue with the premise. Either Trent demonstrates he's the man, or the Bills will look for someone else. And I'm pretty sure that "someone else" is not on today's roster.
  21. excellent rebuttal
  22. Given Chan's reputation for getting the most out of what he's got, I've been thinking that's a real possibility. If successful, that will take a lot of pressure off the receivers. But then I catch myself and think, "if I've figured that out, won't all the opposing coaches have figured that out as well?"
  23. It's NOT hard to beat Dick Jauron? Nice observations, K. Regarding your statement about money plays, there were some notable exceptions: Lombardi's Packers had their power sweep and later Joe Gibbs' counter-trey. In both cases, the offense said "here it is, stop us if you can." Of course both teams had the personnel to back it up. Otherwise I agree, especially with Belicheat. He always had his defenses ready to read the offense.
  24. I just want the Bills to have at least 1 point more than the Dolphins.
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