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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. That's pretty much the way I see it. Nix and Gailey evaluating what is on the roster so that they know exactly what they have -- and what they don't have -- before they try fixing the problem. As for your Maybin question, I just wonder who's going to lead, himor his partner?
  2. I can't tell if you're being serious or facetious. Bowen has bounced around the past two years as a special teamer and emergency backup at linebacker. He has 1 tackle so far this year --- sounds Maybin-esque to me.
  3. Bingo.
  4. Formica® and the Formica® Anvil logo are registered trademarks of The Diller Corporation. WilsonArt International sells its own brand of laminate countertops. And, uh, no. I've never purchased a laminate counter top, regardless of the brand.
  5. A lot of folks on this board have rightly bemoaned OBD's lame drafting in the past decade. Well, it's cold comfort to know the Bills are the only team to be short-sighted and/or inept enough to produce a mediocre team for an entire decade. This column by the Washington Post's Sally Jenkinssays the Washington franchise with the racist nickname is suffering from "roster rot" thta has developed over the past decade -- much like the condition that has infected the Bills, especially as it affects the Offensive and Defensive lines. In short, neither team currently has a strong foundation on which to build. "They are paying for ... the organization's refusal to build good young quality depth on the interior lines, and that problem has defeated every single coach who has come through ******** Park," she writes. In fact if you were to substitute "Bills" for every reference to the DC team, you'd think she was writing about the Bills. She also tells her readers that it's going to take two more drafts to rebuild the team, not one. "It's going to take a two-class infusion of young talent to compensate for the poor management of the past few years. And that's assuming that Shanahan and General Manager Bruce Allen bring in prize classes, which is by no means assured. Regardless, the Redskins are probably going to be a three-year project before they reap the full results of Shanahan's plan. The challenges facing the new DC coach (lusted after by many on this board as well) are very similar to those facing Chan Gailey; let's hope the new Bills' brain trust has good sense and vision and can reward the long-suffering faithful with a good, competitive team in the next year or two.
  6. Makes sense to me, although we may never know the real details. I thought there had to be something going on behind the scenes for TE to go from starting to the bench and then to the street within two weeks.
  7. Having a bad link is not the reporter's fault. The links are most likely inserted by some numbnuts 20-somethings who are dreaming about hosting Sports Center instead of doing some mind-numbing entry-level job. Now, if the Bills don't re-sign Brown, that's the reporter's problem.
  8. According to the Bills' Facebook page -- they have released TE. Gailey will speak at 3
  9. My point is why is everyone bent out of shape because the Bills have not shown anything so far this year. It shouldn't come as a surprise. In 2000, according to your statement, the Bills had a losing record. Ten years later, they still have a losing record. I'm not suggesting the Bills stay mediocre, If, at the end of the year, the Bills show signs of improvement, then great. But until then, why all the hysterics? If you think I should get bent becuase I think people should get a grip and see what happens, then go F**K yourself.
  10. The Saints, unlike the Bills, have made changes to improve their chances of winning. Hey at the rate they're going, they might even win the championships!
  11. LOL -- but I think you made a mistake with that last "you're"
  12. Or the French -- who had more time to prepare for the inevitable attack from Germany. Or the U.S. thwarting the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
  13. I made a few adjustments to your first paragraph. However, I still don't know what your point is. As for your second paragraph, the past means a lot, as Santayana famously said. ("Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".) However the Jets are winning now and their fans have high expectations, so ancient history means nothing. But the Bills are not winning, and they haven't been winning for a while, and most importantly, haven't shown any signs of changing their losing ways. Nonetheless, I am tired of reading comments expressing "outrage" over the Bills mediocre performance over the past 10 years, because the Bills have been mediocre for most of their 50-year history. You are correct: Past performance does not guarantee future results. But so far the Bills have shown no real signs of change. Consequently, we can have no realistic expectation that the future will be any different from the past. I'd love to see the Bills win a Super Bowl before I die (I'm 59 so the meter is running). But unless the current management structure somehow learns how to turn things around for the better, I'm not holding my breath. What I'm saying is that there's no reason to go ballistic because the team sucks. We all knew the team would suck and many of us hoped to see some signs of improvement (and hope) for next year and beyond. But the team's 0-2 start should not be a surprise.
  14. That's correct, the Jets have sucked a lot over the years. However, there is one big difference between the Bills and the Jets. The Jets have a super bowl trophy. But my point remains, why are we surprised that the Bills suck? There is nothing in the team's history that suggests we should be shocked by yet another lousy season.
  15. Why are people surprised or angry that the Bills are losing? Look at their overall record -- it's under .500. I haven't done the math, but with a record of 354=396-8, it looks like the team's average record is 7-9 a season. Why would current ownership change anything at this point? The team we love is a losing proposition. We just have to deal with it, because none of us is in a position to change anything. Just my two cents.
  16. Wow -- this play happened 10 years ago. People are still debating it?
  17. Sad but true. We'll all find something else to do with our Sunday afternoons.
  18. Makes perfect sense to me
  19. Wow, that's some kind of conspiracy theory! I'd like to hear your ideas about the JFK assassination someday.
  20. Actually, if it weren't for the officials, the Lions should be 1-1. But you're right, they seem entertaining -- and appear to be headed in the right direction.
  21. Game. Set. Match.
  22. Buffalo Springfield was named for a steamroller made by the Buffalo-Springfield Roller Company
  23. Or if you want to show your kids what losers are like ...
  24. Personally, I don't care if a woman likes football. There are other characteristics and abilities that I prefer.
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