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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. Paul Brown for GM George Halas for coach. Oh, they're dead? They still would have done better than Marv.
  2. Agreed. Does anyone think that whining about mistakes made in the past are going to make tomorrow any better?
  3. It's going to take years for this team to undo the damage that Marv and his crew did to the franchise. Sounds like your vision of heaven is sticking your tongue up Marv's butt. Have fun, but don't expect us to watch.
  4. The "baby" these guys inherited was stillborn. They haven't started "assembling" anything yet. Let's talk after they put "their" team in place.
  5. I don't think we need a spreadsheet to make that point. The on-field product makes it painfully clear 16 times a year.
  6. I watched about an hour of the early game, then went out to mow the lawn and rake leaves in the back yard. Finished up with enough time to see the ends of the early games, then watched the late games. Didn't drop a single F bomb all day. You better watch out, Mr. Wilson, this routine could become habit-forming.
  7. I hope she has receipts backing up her "claims." Otherwise, she's just another drunk at the Ralph.
  8. The whole concept of "student-athletes" is so ridiculous and probably has been since the earliest days of collegiate sports. Back in the day (before the internet, cell phones, or even a well-developed cable TV infrastructure) I attended a college that had a well-known basketball program. The b-ball players got to register for courses before the other students, and we'd go to the registration area to see which courses the players signed up for. When our turn came to register, we zeroed in on those courses because we knew they'd be cake.
  9. The story I read didn't say anything about Reggie Torbor calling the meeting. Fred Jackson said Torbor "was one of the main guys talking." That suggests other players talked as well. But, at the end of the day, who cares who called the meeting. These "players only" meetings are what good teams do when they hit a bad patch or what lousy teams do when they stink like a truckload of pig s**t. The difference is that good teams can turn things around. Bad teams ... well ... are still bad teams.
  10. Sad but true
  11. In the case of Jack Kent Cooke: he left the Washington DC franchise to his foundation with instructions to sell it. Cooke's son, John Kent Cooke, tried to put in a competitive bid to keep the team in the family, but it instead went to Daniel Snyder and his associates for $800 million. It seems that the executor of the estate probably has a fiduciary responsibility to get the most out of the assets of the estate -- and that means the highest bidder.
  12. 2012? Wow, I did have a lot to drink today. I thought it was still 2010.
  13. I BILL-eive that the front office is aware that the organization is the laughingstock of the league. Unfortunately, we all know the front office is not capable of rectifying the situation.
  14. I think Ralph Wilson is beyond embarrassment.
  15. I trimmed shrubs in my front yard, and set a trap for a racoon making itself at home under my deck.
  16. This is admittedly a very pessimistic point of view. But it is an alternative. It’s time to check out of Billsville
  17. If I had to choose between the Bills and my liver, the Bills wouldn't even come in third place.
  18. The sad thing is that it was the player who ended up apologizing. It seems like football fans are morphing into soccer fans and the game is that much poorer for the transition: Green Bay Packers safety Nick Collins says he should have just walked away, no matter what a fan might have done or said to him after Monday night's loss at Chicago. Collins apologized to his team and his fans on Wednesday for drawing negative attention to the Packers after he confronted a fan as he left the field and threw his mouthpiece into the stands. Collins was walking toward the locker room when he stopped and got into a shouting match with a fan. Milwaukee's WITI-TV captured video of the incident, reporting that the fan spit on Collins and used a racial slur. Collins Sorry He Didn't Walk Away From Fan
  19. The sooner we all get to No. 5, the better off we'll all be, although that would spell the end of this board.
  20. Why should anyone on this (or any) board let the facts stand in the way of a post? If that were the case, there wouldn't be any traffic on this site.
  21. Can't argue with you: Fans want to see a reason for optimism, a reson for hope, some reason to look forward to the upcoming season other than the changing of the calendar.
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