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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. At the risk of sounding like a homer, the movie analogies in the blog (as opposed to a real story in the newspaper) were forced and that blunted their impact and frankly, made hime sound like a Jets groupie. While the writer was correct in his observation that, "You don’t need to be first class in all categories to win in the N.F.L.," he seems to totally dismiss the Bills as last year's team without acknowledging their changes for 2011. The writer (and you must understand this guy is from New York) points to weakness at QB, OL, receivers, running backs and linebackers and opines: "Competing with any of these limitations is difficult, but doable. Now … competing with all of these limitations? Borderline impossible." I'm sure that's his opinion, but opinions are like a**holes, everbody has one. My feeling is that the Bills will be lucky to win eight games this season. But they're not going to be pushovers and any team that takes them too lightly will be unpleasantly surprised.
  2. Sure, go ahead. Knock yourself out.
  3. Another insightful -- and instructive -- thread. Aah, the beauty of hindsight.
  4. I don't know, why don't you ask the poster who first broached the subject? He's gone. Turn the page.
  5. This is the best thread I've read in a long time. You are absolutely right about homers vs. realists (not that every critic is right, however). But as another poster said, time to let it go.
  6. As a previous poster said, corporate dollars are what drives sports today, not just the NFL but all sports. That is Buffalo's Achilles heel. Owners are all geared to the top and bottom line -- what generates the most revenue and how much of that do they keep. The passion of the fans doesn't mean squat unless it puts dollars -- A LOT OF DOLLARS -- in the owners' pockets. Look at the list. Buffalo is No. 11 out of 85 cities, even though it has only two major league sports teams. That's not a good place to be. It would help if there were more higher paying jobs in Buffalo. But it would be better if there were a lot more companies that were willing to spend money on luxury boxes. That's the gravy train for the owners.
  7. Just let the cursor rest on the link. In the lower left hand corner you'll see the url. If it says pixieland, you know it's that sad character in the Peter Pan outfit. I just wonder why so many poster on TBD are drawn to that web site. Unfulfilled fantasies, perhaps?
  8. NFL.com. $20 bucks buys you all the preseason games.
  9. Great perspective. It's not like they were trading Jerry Rice (or pick your favorite HOF receiver) in his prime.
  10. NFL.com has the preseason games for $20. Go nuts, spend the money!
  11. I'm not defending Shanahan, but it's probably not fair to judge him by last season because he was stuck with danny snyder's "fantasy team" roster. This year will be a better gauge. That said, I hope he falls on his face.
  12. Week 1 - Buffalo at KC (loss) Week 2 - Oakland at Buffalo (loss) Week 3 - New England at Buffalo (loss) Week 4 - Buffalo at Cincinnati (win) Week 5 - Philadelphia at Buffalo (loss) Week 6 - Buffalo at NY Giants (loss) Week 8 - Washington at Buffalo (win) Week 9 - NYJ at Buffalo (loss) Week 10 - Buffalo at Dallas (loss) Week 11 - Buffalo at Miami (loss) Week 12 - Buffalo at NYJ (loss) Week 13 - Tennessee at Buffalo (loss) Week 14 - Buffalo at San Diego (loss) Week 15 - Miami at Buffalo (win) Week 16 - Denver at Buffalo (win) Week 17- Buffalo at NE (loss)
  13. I'm not surprised. Who could smile about being married to him?
  14. I was talking with some non-Bills-fan friends recently and one of them asked what happens to the franchise if Ralph Wilson develops Alzheimers. At his age, a disease like that is not out of the question. It seems that such a situation -- without some sort of succession plan in place -- could just be as disruptive to the franchise.
  15. Too bad they didn't foreshadow the jersey numbers. It would have helped me win Powerball on Saturday.
  16. Can I get back to you in a few years -- once we've seen if this guy can dominate NFL players instead of college players?
  17. Good thing I didn't put money on your "guarantee."
  18. Sally Jenkins of the Washington Post wrote this interesting column on assessing QB talent in today's newspaper. It's much more thoughtful -- and so much more insightful -- then that POS that Jerry Sullivan wrote for the Buffalo News. One observation: "The draft experts watched Newton and the rest of the quarterback class as attentively as if they were carbon dating scrolls of papyrus, doing their best to act as if it was a science. But they might as well have been looking for water with a forked stick." It's a crap shoot, that's all it is. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/01/AR2011030106627.html
  19. +1 ... and if Norwood had made that field goal ...
  20. Ralph Wilson's failings as an owner are legendary and well known. But we should be thankful that we Bills fans don't have to deal with a money-grubbing egomaniac like Dan Snyder. Check out this storythat details Snyder's tenure to date. By the way, Snyder is trying to get the writer of the story fired. Here's a story about that situation in the Washington Post
  21. true. it's fascinating listening to the Bills' O-line coach tell the players what they're doing wrong.
  22. I know what I see. I'd like to know what the coaches see -- because I'm sure they see 1,000 things that I miss.
  23. good question.
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