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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. I remember that game, although I had to give up my ticket because I had a big exam the following day. My girlfriend kept talking about what a great game it was. In fact she talked about it so much that I gave her the heave-ho 'cause I couldn't stand it any more.
  2. Great finish to that game. As I recall, they had a "decent" OL back in those days.
  3. Superbowl XXVII, when Don Beebe came out of nowhere and chased down that fat pig Leon Lett (who was too busy showboating to pay attention to what was happening behind him) to prevent that fat f'ing Dallas pig from scoring on a fumble recorvery.
  4. I'm a homer, so my guess is Bills 21, Raiders 20.
  5. no problems w/directv, but my internet connect sucks today
  6. I live about 2 miles from Jimmy'a Old Town Tavern and had no problems at all until a thunderstorm rolled in about 3:45. Fortunately, the game was not in doubt at the point and the signal came back in a few minutes.
  7. You are correct. He's paid to offer his opinions. But might I suggest that his opinions should be based on the facts. He never acknowledged the fact the bills tried to improve their defense or that perhaps the offense might be improved this year.
  8. Sully says he might have underestimated the team "just a tad." Well it goes to show that his negative schtick is just an act and that he is incapable of providing a realistic estimation of the team. It has become a cliche that when Sully writes about the Bills, it will be negative. He hasn't shown any ability to be a disinerested observer. He's a one-trick pony who can only say the glass is half empty. I guess his act serves a purpose, but that purpose isn't providing fans with useful information. I don't profess to know how the Bills season will end up, but I can acknowledge that the team has made improvements and will be entertaining this season.
  9. As far as I can tell, his specialty is high school basketball. He apparently likes to watch boys in short pants.
  10. But how will he explain his prediction (on the BN video page) that KC would win 20-13?
  11. For what it's worth, I just watched the BN's video prediction clip. Sully picked the Chiefs 20-13. I wonder how he's going to spin that prediction.
  12. Good post. A lot of good souls and fine people were taken from us because of that day. Let's not forget to say a prayer, or spend a few moments in silent reflection, today.
  13. Oh, I recognize jokes. Jokes are funny.
  14. Sorry you can't pronounce his name, but what does his name have to do with his opinion. I guess I'd take you more seriously if I thought you had a functioning brain.
  15. I think the rest of the league has already been making progress in figuring out the Colts (even with Manning). If he's out indefinitely, doesn't that conceivably put the Colts in the running for the Andrew Luck sweepstakes? Oh, the irony.
  16. I'm not questioning his accuracy. I asked him what his job is. After all. we know what JW's job is. I also know how to spell his name. It's W-A-W-R-O-W. It's only six letters. It's not that difficult.
  17. Sorry you can't provide your name. But please enlighten us -- give us the "post credible information" about your job (whatever that means).
  18. This thread has been amusing, kind of like watching a cat fight in the high school cafeteria between two cheerleaders vying for the attention of the star quarterback. But it has gotten boring and I'd like to respond to your question before I drift away. For starters, how about your real name and what you do? That way you and John Wawrow are on equal footing when it comes to integrity and credibility. And by the way, his name is spelled W-A-W-R-O-W. There are only six characters in the name. That really isn't too difficult to remember.
  19. Maybe Merriman was a victim of profiling. Or maybe he was being a wisea*s with the crossing guards and they decided to pull his chain.
  20. It's possible that any substance (assuming there was a substance) was not in its proper container. For example, it could have been allergy medication, or some other prescription meds, in a baggie. That's enough to pique the interest of a border agent. It's probably enough of a reason to be confiscated for testing. At least that's what happened to some friends in the late 60s-early 70s on the bridges to and from Canada.
  21. Although the TBD search function is clumsy and primitive, I saw a few threads that resemble the Maybin draft threads: some folks thought he was the saviour who would lead us to the promised land, and a greater number who said WTF?
  22. At the risk of elevating Bill Parcells to the Mt. Olympus of the NFL, wasn't he one of those guys who wanted his draft picks to have a 3-year college record at the minimum. That seems to make a whole lot of sense to me.
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