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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. You might not have to wait that long.
  2. Other than the grammatical issues, you have a real point here.
  3. For me it's more like 40 years of frustration. But your point is well taken.
  4. And some of those teams are actually good. And some of the others are competitive. But we seem to be happy enough to wallow in our self-pity, talking about curses and what-not. As for me, I'll continue to follow the Bills (with not quite as much enthusiasm as I did in years past). If at some point they are no longer the Buffalo Bills, I'll stop following them. I might follow another team or I might not, because in either case life will go on, and I'll get on with my life.
  5. The team's overall record is: 366-419-8. That's not what I would call a winning franchise. Yes, they had a few years here and there when they did well. But by-and-large, this team has a history of disappointing its fans. And if the the Bills do leave Buffalo (and I'm guessing that's pretty likely to happen after Ralph Wilson dies ... unless there are some sports-addicted billionaires in Buffalo that I am not aware of) I guess most fans will shriek and howl for a few weeks. Then they'll realize that life goes on and will get on with their lives.
  6. Love the observation, but at least in the movie, they shoot the dog to put it out of its misery.
  7. I'd settle for Dickless Jauron.
  8. I want to believe that's true, but I don't think anything can alleviate the pain of being a Bills' fan.
  9. The only thing I can add to your list is that I'm a Pittsburgh Pirates fan.
  10. I'm thinking the 49ers will end up with a final score of Biblical proportions.
  11. Next time I'll bring the K-Y jelly.
  12. They might be dopes -- but they sure called this one.
  13. This column from the Washinton Post places the blame squarely in the lap of the NFL (i.e. the owners). If they wanted to lock out the refs, they should have made sure they had competent replacements at the ready. But then, the owners have proven time and time again (charging full price for pre-season games, personal seat licenses, and on and on) that they have no shame and no regard for the fans. http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/replacement-refs-incompetence-solely-the-fault-of-the-league/2012/09/25/93f3c7a6-0729-11e2-afff-d6c7f20a83bf_story.html?hpid=z2
  14. His grand plan is to hold the (widely recognized as dysfuncitonal) city hostage until he can make a gazillion dollars. Here's an excerpt from a 2010 Bloomberg/BusinessWeek story: "There's a litany of explanations for this, but for the last decade, through a boom and a bust, several mayors, and nonstop recriminations, a single constant has loomed over the city: the Manhattan real estate billionaire Howard Milstein. In the late 1990s, the municipal government designated a private group backed by Milstein as the "master redeveloper" of 140 acres of downtown real estate. Milstein appeared, at first glance, to be just the man to help the city finally capitalize on its natural potential. He had a hotel and other development interests in Times Square—a fabulously successful example of commercial reclamation—and he proposed to revive Niagara Falls along similar lines, as a casino-centered playground. It never happened. Today, Milstein is still sitting on an enormous swath of land, a ghost town of abandoned homes, shuttered storefronts, and vacant lots in the shadow of a closed-down factory where Nabisco used to make Shredded Wheat. "Precisely because the community was so excited by the promise of an enormous amount of development over a decade ago, I think today many people in our community feel let down by their inability to build something," said the city's mayor, Paul Dyster. Once hailed as a savior, Milstein is now maligned as a slumlord by many in Niagara Falls. "He's a big boa constrictor," said David Crapnell, a Presbyterian minister and community activist, who accuses the developer of "bad faith." To the pastor, the past decade of dithering and decay offers a parable of the risks any city takes when it wraps up its redevelopment hopes with a rich investor.
  15. Milstein owns something like 140 acres of prime downtown real estate in Niagara Falls. He's owned it for years and has done absolutely nothing with it. The Niagara Falls Reporter story is so full of maybes and possibles and mights that it reads like a pipe dream -- a crack-pipe dream.
  16. I have a box of Kelly Krunch, Flutie Flakes, the T.O. cereal and a bottle of Hasek hot sauce. The one thing I never got was a jar of Peca Pickles. Now if they had sold pickled peppers with Peca's name, I definitely would have bought a Peca Pickled Peppers
  17. Well, I still don't understand the fuss. If the product's value isn't worth the price, don't buy the product. I never found the D&C Bills coverage that compelling. So I won't buy it, and I won't miss it. As for your "buckets of sh*t" ... you know your product better than I do, so I'll accept your description.
  18. I don't understand what the fuss is all about. The $13-per-month subscription price breaks down to $3 a week. If that's a financial hardship, then you have bigger problems than the price of an online subscription.
  19. I try to check out the headlines once a day -- but if I forget, I don't lose any sleep over it. The Bills (and the NFL in general) just seem to be getting less relevant to my life with each passing year.
  20. Try ESPN
  21. Is it just me, or is it sad that all we have as bills fans is talking about a 19-year-old game?
  22. What's the phrase I'm thinking of? AMF? Yeah, that's it, AMF.
  23. That pretty much sums it up.
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