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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. Based on the team's record over the years, I'd says the Bills will probably be next year's Bills.
  2. To paraphrase a joke by the Sabres' Rick Martin: What do Billy Graham and the Bills have in common? They both can make 80,000 people stand up and yell, "Jeeeezus Christ!"
  3. There's a lot of truth to that statement. They probably can't even be demoted to recording Friday night bowling scores, either. They have a sweet gig, and they know it. Why would they go to a market that's competitive and require them to actually work! That said, I don't mind Vic Carucci. He almost seems to be a throwback to the Larry Felser-Phil Ranallo days. Tim Graham can be OK, but he is full of himself and quite thin-skinned. As for Sullivan, he's Capt. Obvious ... never provides any information that's new. The others aren't worth discussing.
  4. I'm from NVA, too. My thoughts about Cousins are much like my thoughts about Ryan Fitzpatrick. He's good until the pressure is turned up in a game that means something, then he throws a couple of interceptions and breaks your heart. I wouldn't want to toss a gazillion bucks at the guy, unless the team has a QB whisperer and an O-line that crushes everything in its path.
  5. Belichick is not motivated by money. He wants to humiliate the entire league. That's what drives him. However, for starters, you can tell Belichick that you'll burn Brandon and Whaley at the stake and that Bill can light the fire. Then you tell him he can pick the front office. Then he might consider giving you the time of day.
  6. I'm hoping his firing will be announced by the general manager who replaces Whaley.
  7. If we're supposed to keep politics at the door, why do you refer to him as a "lib"? Isn't that a political description?
  8. Because we all know how classy Bills fans can be. http://deadspin.com/tag/billspin
  9. We can only hope ... even though that means more short-term misery.
  10. I'm a Loser -- The Beatles
  11. Captain Obvious. Never read him for any real insights.
  12. The News is a poorly run organization. The editors should have been aware of both stories (in progress) and had the chestnuts to run one or the other -- presumably the story with the strongest source. Back when I worked in the news business, one of these reporters would be a candidate for singing in the Vienna Boys Choir.
  13. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but the fourth paragraph of the Carucci story says, "The News also is reporting that the Bills are working on a contract extension with Whaley." The News can't have it both ways.
  14. Beating the Eagles 20-3 late in the fourth quarter is a funny way of tanking.
  15. I'm happy to see him leave ... and take Hackett with him.
  16. As soon as I turned on the TV
  17. 6)Broken heart don't feel so bad, Ain't got half a what you thought you had. Rock your baby to and fro, Not too fast and not too slow. And I say row, Jimmy, row Gonna get there? I don't know. Seems a common, way to go Get down, row, row, row, row, row. Gotta love the Dead. Thanks,for the reminder. I'm listening to the May '77 Cornell show and life is much more mellow.
  18. "On the eve of the opener"????? Do you realize the first game of the season isn't until Thursday and that the Bills don't play until a week from tomorrow?
  19. The trust doesn't give a hoot about what happens at OBD once it gets the check from the new owner.
  20. I canceled NFL Sunday Ticket last week. I've been a subscriber for 13 years. Haven't got my money's worth in that time. I can follow the team by reading newspapers, watching TV or listening to the radio,
  21. If I were a Jets fan, I probably wouldn't be reading a Bills' message board to find out what I should think.
  22. I'd like to think it was the Mike Stratton hit on Keith Lincoln. But I'm afraid that's the exception to the rule. That hit was a game changer, though.
  23. Sorry if someone else said this, but I'd ask for a really long contract extension.
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