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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. Coach Nick Saban gets peeved at students leaving routs early. An app ties sticking around to playoff tickets, but also prompts concern from students and privacy watchdogs. What's next? Fs for students who don't attend the games? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/12/sports/alabama-tracking-app.html?searchResultPosition=1
  2. So how many more weeks are you going to watch the halftime show in the hopes of seeing "the highlights" before you realize it ain't gonna happen?
  3. I turned off my TV just before halftime and went out to do yard work.
  4. I subscribed to the athletic in June. It was a $24 deal. I figured I'd give it a shot, based on all the glowing reviews from TBD. Nearly three months later, frankly, I'm not impressed. The stories don't make me shout, "Wow, I'm so glad I subscribe." I don't know if the business model will be a long-term success or if it's simply a ploy to strike it rich when or if the company decides to public on the stock market. And I will make sure I don't get sucked into the auto-renew at $60.
  5. I moved to the area about the time of the Joe Gibbs era and the team's popularity was at a fever pitch. I quickly realized that the best time to go grocery shopping was when the "skins were playing. Nobody was in the stores, they were all watching the game. It was like I had the store to myself!
  6. The Washington Post looks at the 20 years of mediocrity under the year reign of the 'Skins' short, meddling owner Dan Snyder. As a boy (according to his mythology), he dreamed owning the team. I hope that the Bills have turned the corner toward the promised land after their own odyssey through the desert. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/09/03/two-decades-later-nfl-peers-view-daniel-snyders-redskins-tenure-with-mix-worry-optimism/
  7. The album I play most frequently is Rubber Soul. But Meet the Beatles still gives me goosebumps, just like it did in 1964.
  8. Yes, Jimmy's. But I got DirecTV before 2010, so our paths probably never crossed.
  9. I used to go to a local Bills bar in Herndon, Va. But I got tired of the drunks, so now I'm content to watch from the comfort of my recliner.
  10. I wonder if this is just a ploy for Gruden to save face by cutting him eventually.
  11. Browns cut Britton Colquitt. Don't know much about him. What's the consensus.
  12. I'm all in for option No. 3. But my wife won't quit her damn job!
  13. Same here. If and when DTV loses its exclusive rights to Sunday Ticket, my dish is going into the dumpster.
  14. Reading through these comments makes me wonder where the game "wasn't" blacked out. I live in the Virginia suburbs of Washington DC. The game was listed for Channel 212-1 on DTV. I decided to record it. But no dice. I got a blackout notice. Was the game actually shown anywhere?
  15. August 17, 1973. First preseason game (and first game) at what was then called Rich Stadium. Washington Redskins were the opponent. Missed the first quarter and part of the second quarter because of traffic issues. Don't remember the score, but it seemed to be a one-sided game in favor of the skins.
  16. Gannett sold the Gazette in 1997. I'm pretty sure they don't give a flying f*** about Sully.
  17. Sorry. Can't imagine spending $24 just to read Tim Graham's BS columns.
  18. Coach John Rauch, for assigning OJ Simpson to blocking and receiving rather than running the ball.
  19. Thanks for your support. But we haven't seen anything from any of these guys yet. Let's see what they have to offer once the season starts. Until then it's all opinions and BS.
  20. I'll offer my opinion after the season is over.
  21. Sad news, but not unexpected, as other posters have said. I hope that someone from the upper levels of the Bills organization attends his funeral. It seems to be the only fitting way to honor such a consummate Bills fan. RIP Pancho.
  22. Been a DirecTV subscriber since the Bronze Age. Sunday Ticket (with its access to Bills' games) was the draw. But the past few years, I find that I've been recording the games while getting on with my life on Sunday afternoons. I check the final score. Bills win and I'll watch. Bills lose and I hit delete. I don't have any real issues with customer service, but if the Sunday Ticket package becomes available on another platform, I'm done with DTV. Their pricing is getting ridiculous, but my wife's employer partially subsidizes the cost (as well as the cost of our internet connection, Netflix and other streaming services, and her cell phone), so I can't grouse too much. But like I said, if Sunday Ticket goes, so do I.
  23. Don't put 'em on a pedestal, either.
  24. I occasionally called the Sabres post-game show on the now-defunct Empire Sports Network. My favorite reaction was when later in the show, they referred to me as "the gentleman from Virginia." It's been years since I called WGR for anything.
  25. It's not that I'm embarrassed to wear any team s**t. I just won't waste my money on that stuff.
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