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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. I wouldn't be in a hurry to crown him. It's beginning to sound like Belichick is adjusting to the idea of coaching a few more years (or at least until Brady's arm falls off). I also think about the mediocre records of all his assistants who went on to become head coaches. I keep thinking that he teaches them all they know. But he doesn't teach them all he knows.
  2. From what little I've seen of the 49ers, that could be a good game.
  3. I used to take my leftover candy to work. But I've retired and my wife works from home. So I decided that I don't need the temptation hanging around the house.
  4. Here in the Washington DC suburb of Herndon, we had eight kids. All from our street (a short cul-de-sac). That's a bit light, but not by much. Our weather was rainy and windy. Seems like neighborhood kids pass our street in favor of the busier streets nearby. The leftover candy goes into the trash this morning so that I'm not tempted to cause my blood sugar levels to rise to catastrophic proportions.
  5. Once again, a thoughtful and sober analysis. Thanks.
  6. A minor point? It's only the second sentence in your post! Let me refresh your memory: Some are really going over the top and around the bend with claims like "Bills are the Worst 5-1 team ever. If you're too lazy to use the search function, why should I? And if you can't support your allegation, why should I believe you?
  7. Another great post, as usual. Sometimes I think your comments are the only reason I come back to this page.
  8. Gee. Thanks for the clarification.
  9. I'm curious. Who said the Bills are "the worst 5-1 team in the history of the NFL"?
  10. I have largely stopped listening to the show. But this afternoon I called it up on my computer and haven't heard a single caller. Granted, I have drifted in and out of range of the speakers, but I haven't heard any voices other than the hosts and Joe B. Maybe it's because it's Friday and they have their silly fantasy football nonsense to talk about, but it seems that here is no real interaction with fans. Is this an aberration? Or is this the new normal for the show?
  11. I also said, "let the court decide" because my personal feelings aren't part of this case. However, if it were up to me, I'd throw his fat a** in jail in a heartbeat.
  12. Aren't lawsuits part of the legal system? And according to the story, the woman did file a police report ... which, I believe, is also part of the legal system. Let the court decide.
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/10/10/so-who-would-want-redskins-head-coaching-job-well-rex-ryan-one/
  14. This Washington Post columnist savages the 'Skins organization. An excerpt, and a link. By the way, I love watching the Washington franchise swirl around the bowl. It doesn’t matter if Snyder hires a rock star with Super Bowl credentials. He lured Mike Shanahan. He brought back Joe Gibbs. It doesn’t matter if he hires an innovator on the collegiate level. He tried that with Steve Spurrier. It doesn’t matter if he hires a proven builder (Marty Schottenheimer) or ventures way out of the box (Jim Zorn). The new coach will fail. In fact, the new coach already has failed. That’s because the Redskins are failing him with their current power structure. As long as Snyder continues to employ Bruce Allen as the team president, the new coach will have a boss who has turned the Peter Principle into a depressing kind of performance art. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/another-redskins-coach-fired-and-his-successor-already-is-destined-to-fail/2019/10/07/f6d8f692-e913-11e9-9306-47cb0324fd44_story.html
  15. On June 12, 1970, Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Dock Ellis threw a no-hitter despite being high on LSD. At least that's what Ellis said.
  16. One of the comments on that story is a classic: "One way or another, the Patriots’ trip to Buffalo always leads to dildos on the field."
  17. Do what the tailgaters do: get sh*tfaced by 12:30 and pass out by 1.
  18. Since nuance seems to be beyond your capacity to understand, let me rephrase my answer: YES.
  19. If I had to choose between an exciting player and a Super bowl winning player, guess which one I'd pick.
  20. That pretty much sums it up. The teams have to split the revenue from regular seats, but get to keep all the revenue from the suites.
  21. Shouldn't this thread be merged into the "Allen's Town" thread?
  22. Plus, the current situation in Washington seems to be not very concerned about little details like monopolies. As seen by an Appeals Court decision to allow the AT&T merger with Time Warner. The Justice Department just rolled over and said, "OK."
  23. A hedge fund called Elliott Management Corp. has a small stake in AT&T and wants AT&T to dump several businesses it bought during a five-year acquisition spree. The activist investor specifically criticized AT&T’s purchase of DirecTV, which has been losing subscribers. It also questioned whether the recent $80 billion-plus acquisition of Time Warner made strategic sense. Oddly enough, that demand has led to speculation of a possible merger between DirecTV and Dish.
  24. One of the saddest songs ever written https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a3Jui4Kc7k
  25. Love this observation from the Washington Post about the Washington Skins' defense: "This, right now, is a bend-and-then-break squad, with its defense shattered all over the kitchen floor in tiny little pieces. Don’t walk through here barefoot. You’ll get cut."
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