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Everything posted by santoro770

  1. Haha, I appreciate your concern - I'm sure things will turn out ok.
  2. Wow...sorry Sally..but come on get freakin real. I don't post often but you have got to be kidding me. That's really your response? You should spend your time doing something else because you obviously have nothing to offer here. I've posted very seldom but this might be the worst post I've ever seen. Might I suggest a Buffalo Bills nicey nicerson discussion board?
  3. I think they should start Byrd...he played pretty well last week.
  4. Was born in Wellsville, Ny. Converted my Mom and Dad to Bills fans by making them take me to games....not sure why I keep rooting but live in Orlando, FL now...what am I gonna do be a Jags or Dolphins fan? Nah...followed them all through college - always an adventure.
  5. I'm with ya, Wood is definitely a good one but he'll most likely be our center either next year or the following.
  6. I'd like to start a petition that every time this guy "major" posts anything, whether it be on this thread or another that someone post this thread starter in response to his post. Who's with me, ehh?
  7. I don't know how everyone else feels about this, and I don't really have anything to back it up but I really like this idea. I've said before I think April would be a great head coach for Buffalo - maybe he'll get his shot this year and you can bet that if he does even mediocore he'll get an extension...thoughts?
  8. Did he start with Tampa??? Exactly.
  9. Thank the Lord you are not on staff....although I think Dicky J. may have a spot for you. It will never happen because when you draft a quarterback and stick behind him you do just that.....stick behind him. John Elway wasn't good until what...4 or 5 years into his career...Brett Favre? Dan Marino? Steve Young is the only Hall of Famer I can think of that came INTO a good team. I'm simply amazed by the shere ignorance....Fitz is nothing but a big headed Rob Johnson....Weeeee let's get him back in here - isn't he a QB coach for USC??? haha...simply amazing. hahahahahaha love reading the idiocy.
  10. Again, I repeat, you should not be allowed to make posts. Absolutely ludicrous.
  11. That's true because if Fitz can't run the Bengals offense he can definitely run the Bills offense. This might be the most retarded post I've read in the year I've been visiting this site. You should not post anymore.
  12. That's really a great point that I haven't thought of previously....you know being that TO is old and what not, but wow - he hasn't really played with anyone has he? Philly, he was basically it....wait wasn't James Thrash there? Dallas they had Whitten at TE.....but yeah no other WR's really.... Nice one The Dean, I read this site all the time but rarely post.
  13. Huh? That just makes no sense to me...Delhomme come across as a d'bag? Delhomee gets my vote for favorite non-Bills QB, least favorite of all time....that's easy Rob Johnson - I couldn't possibly hate any other quarterback more than him...regardless of the fact he was on the Bills.
  14. obviously you're right, there's still lots of time left. I think what's going on is people wanted something to chase the awful tasete in their mouth from a lost season with a promising start and the retaining of Dick. Obviously it's not completely over with, but excitement and fanfare sells tickets and gets people pumped up. We'll see what the next 6 months brings but my guess is come September the same bridge jumpers will be bitching about the same things, and rightfully so.
  15. A couple people had mentioned this - but why does a top tier free agent want to play for a lame duck head coach? That and I don't think you're 100% correct though on the original post - the Steelers aren't huge players in free agency, they simply kept one of their own (granted not something we usually do) and they don't pay guys huge contracts - so it's not about the city or small market or whatever - players aren't excited about playing for Dick.
  16. Ok - point heard but the issue here is that those fans in the stands are paying for their tickets and their opportunity to see the game live. That fan with the long rap sheet isn't in the public eye, isn't being paid millions of dollars (most likely) and isn't looked up to by kids/teenagers and even adults throughout the country. Expectations, fair or not are a little higher than your average run of the mill retard.
  17. This just on the ESPN Free Agency chat: Question: I read Taylor was going to interview in Buff which could result in Lynch getting traded. Would that even be smart? Matt Williamson: (1:58 PM ET ) Sorta. Lynch is a smidge overrated and also is getting into a lot of trouble off the field, which might be all Buff needs to move him. Still, Fred T went to U of Flor and played at Jax-think he is going to be doing cartwheels to move to Buffalo? http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/chatESPN?event_id=25235 Couple of mentions of the Bills, nothing we haven't already heard.
  18. Any guesses on where he'll end up? Minnesota maybe??
  19. I think he looks like Adam Sandler....didn't the Bills staff know that The Longest Yard was just a movie?? Adam Sandler can't really play football, and so it seems neither can JP.
  20. Haha, yeah sorry - and hate to get ahead of myself but let's hope that if the Bills do in fact struggle next season that they don't winning the last three or four games.....we know what happens then.
  21. Sadly, my crystal ball tells me that the Bills will start out 2 - 6 in the first eight games and just as fans are calling for Dick's head the team will go 5 - 3 down the stretch all while winning their last 3 of the season....Yeah you guessed it, that's 7 - 9 but is also Wilson's dream come true.... That way he can say that he'd be crazy for getting rid of a coach that won 5 of it's last eight and the last three in a row! Dicky J in 2010.....
  22. I certainly applaud your dedication. I've never had the priviledge of having season tickets, lived in Rochester for two years but being just out of college didn't spend on them....so I can't say what I would or wouldn't do. I mean, I love the Bills I'm not gonna burn my jerseys or anything but it's that type of crazy devotion that keeps Ralph chuckling regardless who his coach is.
  23. This is awful news.....I hope that season ticket sales absolutely plummet! I'll be even more dissapointed if there is not a backlash from us, the fans over this decision.
  24. That's the key right there!!! A man who knows his limits but wants someone with the same thought process as he does. Good call ghosts.
  25. I completely agree, there are many many worse options than April - like keeping Jauron. However, I really like the idea of promoting April - I'm saying almost as much as I like the idea of going with Marty Ball. He always gets pumped on the sidelines, is jumping up and down and is very animated....I know I know that doesn't make a good coach. I don't really have any data or proof to back up how he would fare as a HC but for what it's worth, isn't hiring anyone else really just as much of a crapshoot?
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