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Everything posted by santoro770

  1. I would say take a look at your internet speed. 7 Mbps is not very fast at all, as a comparison I'm running at about 75 Mbps overall (not necessarily to the Roku but just overall internet download speed) and also using the generation 1 Roku. I have used the streaming service for several years and haven't had any issues. Good luck to you and Go Bills!
  2. Given that the story linked below is from the Bills website, you could be correct. The article is from two weeks ago but was a move I thought was very wise of Rex and not something he would have done if he didn't realize this really may be his last head coaching position. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Dennis-Thurman-to-continue-handling-defensive-play-calls-/4647e345-6bec-4a2a-9938-62e9a93edf41
  3. Is that true? That's interesting to say the least if that is the case. I loved the piece on NFL network this morning where they were talking about how, "everyone was sharpening their pencils ready to write about Rex and Rob being washed up and being the joke of the NFL; well they're gonna shut them up in LA" - or something to that effect. Bills fan in Denver - an excellent day for all! Granted it's only 5 games in, but a fun day.
  4. Sorry if this has been discussed - I don't post often and I definitely searched for any discussion on this (if I missed it, please do correct me on how best to search for a topic such as this). However, something that wasn't discussed s lot that I have seen is that when they promoted Lynn to O-coordinator, Rex also gave up play calling duties on defense to Thurman. Rex has been better (albeit not perfect) when talking about overall game management. Defense has obviously looked good; a thank you to the football Gods for Zach Brown!! - A gift from Mike Mularkey?? Thoughts on Thurman now calling the defense? Pointless discussion? #GoBills - I don't often #, but when I do - It's #GoBills!
  5. I posted something similar to an ESPN thread that trashed Rex in regards to having Enemkpali as a captain (I know..I know), but I realized something really starling. The comparisons between our Bills and the Pats current run are kinda...spooky? Firstly, since taking over the Pats, Belichick has been freaking unbeatable; we all know this..but did you know he's only lost 7 games two freaking times with the Pats (never lost 8, 9 or 10 - lost 11 games once....his first season there!!) This is not a kiss Belichick's butt thread, but rather a comparison. Let's first...kiss Bill's (Belichick that is) butt. Belichick's records with the Browns (I know it was the Browns, but he had Testaverde right?) were: 6-10 ('91), 7-9 ('91), 7-9 ('93), 11-5 ('94), 5-11 ('95). He was 5-11 his first season with the Patriots and the man hasn't lost more than 7 games EVER since then....yup, that's for realsies! Incredible stuff. Oh, that's right, he's lost (not counting that first 11 loss season) 7 (1 time), 6 games (twice), 5 games (twice), 4 games (4 times), 3 games (1 time), 2 games (3 times), and 0 games (twice including this season)....HOLY CRAP!!! That means more times than not he was at LEAST 12-4...wow. My point is this. Belichick spurned the Jets for that head coaching job because he KNEW what he had in New England. An owner in Robert Kraft that would do ANYTHING to win. Kraft knows how to empower the right people and put people in position to win. This is why NE wins...well that and Tom Brady (who I firmly believe is in that organization because of Kraft....Kraft let people do what they are good at, true businessman). Belichick can take his share of the credit, but it comes back to Org. Structure....putting people in position to succeed (Org. structure being my passion and educational background). I'm not saying that Rexy Ryan is Belichick, but let's let the man coach for at least a couple years in Buffalo before we pass judgement. Rex has been 9-7 ('09), 11-5 ('10), 8-8 ('11), 6-10 ('12), 8-8 ('13), 4-12 ('14), and 5-4 (currently in '15). AGAIN, the Bills are clearly not the Patriots (yet) and although Terry Pegula is not Robert Kraft, there has to be some semblance of hope for us Bills fans. Pegula has run very successful business as Kraft had done, and Kraft figured out a way to transfer his knowledge of business to the NFL. Kraft is the standard (maybe the Rooney family as well and very select others)...but someone else has to come along....right? Belichick had 41 wins in his first six seasons, and Ryan had 46? Both defensive coaches who have come to an organization that's revitalized (new owner) and ready to win? (Btw, Kraft bought the Pats in 1994 for $172 million bucks - the most ever spent for a team at that time. Kraft cited his passion for the Patriots that lead him to break his own financial rules in pursuit of HIS team - just another coincidence). Here's to hoping my comparisons aren't ill fated! Again, not trying to say the Bills will ever be the Patriots but at least there's finally hope and we can take solice in a head coach that, althought he may not be Bill Belichick...aren't we 5 wins ahead of the pace (with a coach that's hopefully in the right situation)? We have already won as many games as Belichick did in his first season with the Pats......and although we all hate the comparison, that's who we are chasing. Also, Brady came to NE in 2000 (behind Bledsoe, John Friesz, and Michael Bishop - #2 by end of the season and 1 for 3 passing for six yards) and he took over in game 3 in 2001, so wasn't ALL him. Can't sleep and thought these #'s between Ryan and Belichick and comparisons to Pegula and Kraft were interesting. Entering year #7 as a HC with a new team and new owner.... Thoughts?
  6. I got the upgraded ST Online package this year for $99.00 as I'm a graduate student. Any college student can get this. I think it works pretty well, I've enjoyed it much more than I did last year. No real issues with streaming. Been a few comments about streaming issues, etc. that I have read and I had these issues last year. I upgraded my router before the season and it's made a huge difference. Go Bills!
  7. Isn't this the number that Jerome Felton will be using? - Here's a fun little snippit from a Dolphins fan perspective. In the comments section from http://dailydolphin.blog.palmbeachpost.com/2015/03/17/miami-dolphins-gamble-with-charles-clay-didnt-have-to-happen/ "How about a little loyalty too, this is not only on the Phins, Clay is playing games, he has been offered reasonable contracts and has not signed. Let him trade South Beach for Buffalo. and the state income tax that comes with playing in NY. OH who is gonna be his QB? Clay may not be a favorite target there. Also the Dolphin's upside ids muchhigher than the bills" - Dophins upside higher than the Bills? - One more good quote from the comments section of the same source - "Rex Ryan will bury Buffalo in bad contracts. I know I am not the only one saying it. The reason Rex is in Buffalo is to sell tickets, not a because he wins, because it is like a circus.Let them overpay for Clay. We will pay a little to much for the right players like Suh." Can't wait to watch McCoy run right by Suh. Was he a factor at all when Buffalo played Detroit in 2014? Great stuff guys, good discussion!
  8. This is exactly what they did in Pittsburgh before Ben.
  9. Travis Henry go on that list as well?
  10. Gets to play for Dick LeBeau's defense though correct? Will be interesting to see how he does.
  11. The Broncos have lost 5 Super Bowls and have 3 of the 5 biggest blowout lossses in Super Bowl history. - Not defending the Patriots....should I even have to say that? Just saying, history was made last year. A repeat will be fine!!
  12. You couldn't be more wrong about this. Do you really think that EJ, anyone in the Bills organization or anyone in the NFL for that matter really cares at all what the media or FSU fans are saying about EJ now that he's in the NFL?? I can respect that you are probably a big college football fan, but sadly, who cares??? I as a Bills fan could care less if FSU fans miss EJ or if they say in the media or on twitter that he is the worst QB in college football history. I think most would disagree with you whole heartedly and say, who really cares what he did, said, played like or was perceived in college. He's not in college anymore, move on.
  13. http://www.nfl.com/n...rtedly-unlikely "One possible quarterback candidate in New York? Tarvaris Jackson, according to Schefter, based on shared ties with new general manager John Idzik. When he was with the Seattle Seahawks, Idzik was a supporter of Jackson, who spent the past season with the Buffalo Bills." Please no TJ, let him go to the Jets!
  14. Ahhh, nothin like a home game in the playoffs....ehh son?
  15. Thanks for that support BuffOrange. For everyone else, I saw the mention of possible blue pants for away games here, http://espn.go.com/e...-uniforms-1-122 (#33) "Meanwhile, the new two-tone collar will make the whole team look like it's wearing an old-fashioned neck roll, so that's a step backward for this season, but the new blue road pants are a big plus." Perhaps the information is coming from Madden?
  16. This may be a dumb question as we will be the away team on Sunday but can anyone confirm that we will be wearing white jerseys and white pants on Sunday? Just a curiosity question. I know at times the Jets have worn white at home and I know there was mention in a few places that the Bills were going to sport an alternate blue colored pants for away games (at some point this season), so again just curious.
  17. Thank you for posting this!
  18. You should definitely get a new bank. This is just not true.
  19. I was at the Broncos vs Raiders game last night and I can tell you there were a lot of Raiders fans there. A lot more than I expected!! If I had to guess I would say probably 5-8% were Raiders fans. The row I was sitting in was 6 Broncos fans, me, and then 7 Raiders fans.
  20. What if he wins a Super Bowl for Philly? A city without one??
  21. Would have to disagree with the poster, glad the red helmets are gone. I definitely like the new unis. Just saying, you probably own at least two of the old clown uniform away jerseys don't you loserlovers?
  22. haha. nicely done.
  23. Agreed, I mean...really? Let's go into the season without a quarterback!!! Really? Like, is this subject for real or are you just drunk?
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