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Everything posted by Lenigmusx

  1. Hey I was just wondering how Hardy was progressing. Originally I thought he might be in camp in a week or two. I think he could really benefit from some time with TO because that is the model he should be following. If TO leaves after this year he will have to be TO next year. If not imagine the possibilities in the red zone. It could be like having Moss and To on the same team. If Edwards doesn't light it up we need to move on...
  2. One of Fitz's scrambles was ruled a "Sack" as he went out of bounds before the line of scrimage. I guess you can hang that one on our revolving door oline as well though. Come on guys give these kids a chance it already looks better than the mess we had last year. At leat as the game went on the inside run game improved. The kids just need to get used to the speed of the game it takes a little while.
  3. Well I agree about W. and at least you still root for the Bills. You probably live in Austrailia I hear that is the best place on the planet.
  4. 1988 was his 10th year as a head coach. He started coaching in 1978.
  5. Another point to add fuel to the fire. Examine Marv Levy's record pre-Buffalo and you will find a poor winning percentage as well. Marv was a whoping 31-42 pre-Buffalo. You do the math and draw your own conclussions. with Buffalo he was 182-112. That was 61.5% winning percentage but it took him a good 10 years of NFL coaching to figure it out 1978-1988. I remember people calling for his head in his first three seasons. Especially 1987 when he had "ALL the talent!". Let's see how this year goes before we throw Jauron out of town.
  6. Human beings like you are why this country crashed in the fall!! That is the attitude that lead to the demise of the banking industry. Dude, Jauron will be OK take a look at Marv Levy for cryin out loud. Have some F'in compassion that is part of being a community member bro! Whether online or in the physical world upstanding community members are the most patriotic (bad word on this board sorry) and fundimental aspect of what this country is predicated on.
  7. dude, your obviously a Pat lover! Get off of our board and go troll on the pats board! You know nothing about football as your earlier assessment of the Bills talent indicates. GFO
  8. TO, Evans, Reed, Nelson, Parish and Hardy! With an upgraded O-line look out! This team really did what it needed to. I think we will be a force in the division this year even with Brady back. Kudos to the FO. Oh yeah Maybin already has chemistry with Poz. I know there are nay sayers but I am psyched.
  9. Can't wait make him sit and rot? We discovered his sorry fat ass can't we tell him no more money and then if he holds out keep him the pup list so he doesn't get credit for the year. Couldn't we technically ruin his career if he refuses to perform. I would take that over the draft picks at this point because this guy has NO SENSE OF LOYALTY! I know I sound like a prick but to me it is one of those "I brought you into to this world, I can take you out" situations.
  10. It is rumored that Jauron is the one who suggested persuit of T.O.. If Jauron is will to deal with the consequences maybe the on field benefit to us for one year would be worth it. I think Jauron thinks that Hardy might be able to learn from T.O.. Remember When we signed an againg James Lofton? He was disgruntled where he was and released past his prime. Look what he did for our Offense. This is so "Crazy" it just might work!!!
  11. Dude, This year was a great disapointment. However we don't look like a minor league franchise. You guys can be such freakin drama queens on here! I remember 1984 and 1985 2-14 back to back. It was in those times that we looked like a minor league franchise. We are alot closer than many of you think we are. The needs possitionally are well documented. We also need to figure out why a 3/4 "D" destroys our offense. Outside of our division we were 7-3 this year and easily should have been 9-1. Even if we went 3-3 in our division that would have been 10-6. I can't remember another year that we were swept in our division except maybe 1984 and 1985. I'm simply saying that this is abnormal and I think you can expect a much better division record next year. With the right moves I think we can go 12-4 next year. Don't be so doom and gloom oreinted. The negative thinking by the fans can wear off on the team. Good karma really can create a possitive energy which will help the team.
  12. This guy is the next Gates or Ben Coats only faster and bigger! He would be a terrific pick for us and make Evans shine! Hardy will improve and Fred Jackson out of the backfield will become a more frequent option, i.e. the long catch in the Dever game. Gresham in addition to Matt Birk and this Offence would be a top ten "O".
  13. You are Wrong! He will be very good with the right players beside him. Maybe even 10 sacks good he just needs some others to take some of the attention.
  14. Look Everyone! You need to stop the insanity!!! I don't love Ralph but the man wants to win as badly as we do. He is just trying to break the pattern here. We have had 3 coaches in a row go 3 years and out and then we change the system. The only coach who had success was Wade and guess what he had been on the staff for several years. There was no change of systems when Wade took over!! It takes time to be successful. I know, look at Miami and Atlanta this year right? Look at where they are right now! HOME! When we finally get there we will be a much more complete team then these one year wonders!!! We will go 12-4 next year and Matt Birk is the answer at Center. Please give Ralph a break though. I am just as upset as the rest of you but he is on our side guys!
  15. Sad,Sad news. I always thought with a better surounding cast he would have been pretty good. The oline and coaching was terrible on those mid eighties teams. I can't believe he is dead at 49. God rest his soul.
  16. I am 33 and have been a fan for 28 years and I think we are only a year away. I am glad we stuck with Jauron and I believe that has been the mistake they have made several other times throughout this decade starting with Wade. Consistancy is a key to success. Remember this team is still young. They will win next year I predict 12-4.
  17. I wasn't suggesting moving Crowell inside. I think Poz will be fine inside with more help outside. Ellison doesn't cut it though. Poz has the right intellect for the middle and isn't fast enough to be outside anyway.
  18. What about Crowell and Digorgio. We are fine at LB if Crowell is healthy!
  19. The other injuries that really stung and are forgotten are Angelo Crowell and John Digorgio. Our linebacking core was missing a second pass rush threat and the put undue pressure on Mitchell. Crowell and Schobel alone would have created a great deal more pressure and disruptions. We need a space eater next to Stroud and a fast End and our "D" will doninate. I don't love Jauron but next year we will be really good . Unless we are devastated by injury. We will draft: DE round 1 (fast attacking Bruce Smith style) Round 2 TE (Big and fast) Round 3 2 picks (Ko Simpson trade) 3rd a. DT bigest guy we can find 3rd b. OLB fast and 260 ish (like Wrabel) 4th QB other assorted whatever talent is there Center will be addresed through Free agency offer a big contract to Matt Birk from the Vikings. Pay back for Pat Williams baby. Hardy will be good next year provided he heals well. Steve Johnson will be a great possession guy but Hardy will be our Moss type. The guy is good but he is a slow developer. He was uncoverable in college trust me. Next year is a 12-4 season. No I am not smoking anything good wine takes time to mature and we are still one of the youngest teams in the league.
  20. Look, not that it matters at this point and because of draft possition I hope that we do lose out in a way. However, I wouldn't be suprised if the Bills win out because they are desperate to save face. This team always seems to be madning in that way. Many of you said that we were a year away in August and I think you are right the recent woes are almost unexplainable but I still think we are going to pull through next year. We are young and very talented remember the 4-12 1986 season anyone?? Have faith we will get there again rebuilding really only started two year ago in earnest it takes time!
  21. Look, Donahoe let Pat Williams get away. Pat Williams is the best D tackle in the game. I watched him blow up 8 running plays single handed today. That is where the problems began my friends..
  22. A couple more female Tennis players... What can I say I like the way eastern europian women Grunt when playing tennis! Anna Ivonovic http://www.mensvogue.com/.../08/he...novic.jpg"]http://www.mensvogue.com/.../08/hear01_ivanovic.jpg[/url] http://tennisplanet.wordpress.com/.../21/next-pin-up Daniela Hunctova http://i107.photobucket.com/.../da...antuchova10.jpg http://www.virginmedia.com/images/hantuchova.jpg http://www.getfrank.co.nz/daniela-hantuchova/ http://www.virginmedia.com/.../tennis_babes/img_3. NICOLE VAIDISOVA http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8500/80398167vk1.jpg http://picasaweb.google.com/.../1W...M0MmkqKQvZqJNIQ IDK they are all hot!! (Sorry about the links before!)
  23. You are right about linebackers. I am just serching for a different look this passive defensive strategy is really bad. Maybe just some zone Blitzing and more of that formation where no one is in a three point stance. Just something that would confuse the offences a little. We severly miss Crowell, Schobel and Whitner.
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