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Everything posted by Lenigmusx

  1. He could play with instinct and just be an animal! Seems like his natural possition he weighs around 340 lbs I believe. Just a thought.
  2. OK I will give it a shot! QB - 1st string-Brian Brohm, Back up- Ryan Fitzpatrick, 3rd string 2nd round draft pick RB - Fred Jackson RB - Marshawn Lynch WR - Lee Evans WR - James Hardy/Steve Johnson slot WR - Josh Reed TE - Shawn Nelson LT - FA signing or trade/Demetrious Bell LG - Levitre C - Hartgartner RG - Woods RT - Butler defense 3-4 switch DE - Schobel/Johnson NT - ICOGNITO DE - Stroud/Kelsey (Trade Denney for LB depth) ROLB - Mitchell RILB - rookie McClain/Draft LILB - Posloszny LILB - Maybin/Harris SS - Whitner FS - Byrd CB - McGee CB - McKelvin Nickel - Florence/Corner K & P - no change
  3. I think we should hire Flutie as our HC and bring in Bruce as DC. This would break the curse and bring in people who know what it feels like to win! May not be alot of coaching expirience but hell what do we have to lose. I am all about throwing the hail mary and who better to do it than the man to complete the greatest hail mary of all time!
  4. Look it is in Carolina and Delohme (However the hell you spell it) the interception machine will probably be on the bench. If Carolina's "D" shows up I think they have a shot. How nice would it be to see the Pat's lose for a third week in a row?
  5. Look I liked J.P. when he was here and even watched the UFL games but dude your man crush is over the top! No true, bleeding red, white and blue Bills fan would ever support a cast away the way you are. If J.P. plays against us cool i wish him the best with his career but dude find some other boards to be on if you are going to spew MAN LOVE and an anti bills sentiment!
  6. "Buffalo, were Talkin' Proud!"
  7. Thank you! TO is not even close to a problem he exhibits fine effort you can't tell someone to play with no personality. Imagine if our 1990's teams went 100% on every play we would have at least 3 superbowl trophies. I love those 1990's players but you can not ask someone to be something they are not. Our O-line was horrid tonite the worst I have ever seen on an NFL team and I have tried to remain possitive all year but there is no way to win when the Offensive line is this bad. Fitz was not the problem if Edwards was in he would be in the ICU today.
  8. Well said but he needs a little more experience first!
  9. Pats have 3 more road games. If they lose to Miami, Us and Houston on the road and the big if..we win out its ours!!!
  10. He didn't call him out. He said he is a nice guy I like him personally but I don't think he has the skills to be the leader of this team. He didn't call him a glove wearing mary! He didn't call him out he was just honest.
  11. Maybe this is because they played to win. Meaning they played all out. My High School coach always said you are more likely to get hurt when you are not playing at 100%.
  12. He dosen't have to no football at least he can teach them how to WIN!
  13. Flame away but I think Brohm may have been the best aquistion this team has made in some time. I wonder if he will be promoted to second string this week as Edwards has fallen from grace worse than JP ever did. that is what happens when really don't have it. He is smart but the skill set is not there. Brohm deseves a chance remember Brady and Romo where both low on the depth charts before the stars began to rise. I think Brohm can be developed into a top QB.
  14. I think it is time to see if Hamdan has any skills at this point. We can't do any worse and at least he is mobile. Look mobility can do alot Vince Young proved that yesterday. He doesn't have great skills but he creates with his feet. Let's see Gibran!
  15. I am trying to share you're outlook! I have hope too and can't stand the prospect of rebuilding again. I will be pulling for this scenerio! Go Bills!
  16. Look, three weeks in a row I have seen the same thing. We don't disguise our plays at all. A huge playbook is not nessisary if you diguise the play call with a formational shift. This is high school football 101 or at least College football 101. It was best illustrated when we ran the wildcat. The first time we ran it, it was a suprise and it was successful. The second time we ran it, the formation was identical and so was the direction of the play right down to the hole Fred Jackson tried to run through. Result, Shutdown! You can have a small playbook if every play can be run out of 5 or 6 formations and you can still keep a defence on its heels. This is the whole premise of New Englands Offence. Hey, what do I know I just a Music Teacher who follows football but if I can see these short comings goo knows NFL Defensive Coordinators can also see them. You would think Perry would say something to Alex. I mean these guys are suppose to be pretty intellectual IQ in 120's right? Maybe I'm wrong and the collective intellegence level in the NFL is a lower common denominator than I would like to believe. I which case give me six figures to install an Offence I can do better than this. There are so many ways to help out or tackles and allow for a little time on pass plays but it is the same thing again and again. Ahhhhh... this is hell for the passionate fan. I however can not rout against them like some of you. I want it to be good every week even if it means the skeletor comes back next year.
  17. After watching these clips I can't believe that todays atheletes are really that much bigger or faster. It seems that I have read many times that today's Tampa Bay's and Browns would be the 1990's Bills because the atheletes are so superior and so much bigger, stronger and faster. That just doesn't seem possible to me. Those teams were so good and to me the game seemed a little faster then than it is now. Am I wrong?
  18. Look, last week sucked! Let's not panic though. The Saints had a much more difficult time with Buffalo than the did with Philly. I really believe this team is pretty good. I think Gregg Williams had alot to prove and he really did a good job. It would seem that Trent still has a hard time with the 3/4 when he hasn't planned on facing it. I think that is where Williams really deserves some credit. New Orleans is typically a 4/3 "D" but Gregg decided to make an adjustment and use the 3/4 because it has given Edwards fits so far in his career. I also believe the coaching staff wimped out on the 4th and 1 call. The Parish fumble really hurt as well. If clock management had been better it would have been tied at 10 late in the 4th quarter. Also I really felt the Zebra's changed the momentum of this game in the 4th quarter. The call that really hurt us was the 1st Bryan Scott face mask. It would seem that Scott grabed the receivers shoulder pad but was flag for a face mask. This then put N O in scoring position and they are the best "O" in the league. 17-7 was too much to recover from at that point in the game. All of these things aside Buffalo was in the game late in the 4th quarter even though the final score doesn't indicate that. This team could be 3-0 with a couple of breaks here or there. I think we will come back the next two weeks a do well! If we can be 3-2 going into the NY game we will be alright. do give up yet remember Philly is 2-1 and looked great this past week even though N.O. made then look like a JV squad.
  19. Dude, I don't know you and I don't know if you think your funny but you are way out of line on this one! I am warning you that the type of crap you are posting is in bad taste and wrong. I can only assume that you are a "LOW Budget" with no education, class or social skills. Violations of a atheletes personal lives are beyond wrong they are criminal. Get a life and stop posting this absolute garbage on here!
  20. Hey man! That is all the used in the 90's superbowl years. We had more than that in high school as well but the no huddle is a completely different animal. How many plays did you have in your two minute offence?
  21. Look, I had very little if any hope of a victory next Monday before we fired Turk. AVP gives a couple of things we didn't have before which may help against the Pats. He has no play calling tendencies that Belichek can view on tape (Unless he pulls out some Frankfurt Galaxy Game footage). Clearly as smart as Edwards and Fitzpatrick are (Woderlic scores) if they can't grasp Turk's Offence the was something wrong!! He can say all he wants about a "Pop Waner" Offence but Marchebroda's "K" gun wasn't rocket science. Hell we all know Jimbo is not in the 140 club IQ range and he is my favorite QB of all time. It is execution and play timing that make an offence work at any level including Pop Warner. If you have too many formation and plays you confuse your players instead of helping them. Receiver reads get so complex that a hook may be a curl with a different read and the QB throws to one spot while the receiver is in another. It is a throw back to the west coast philosophy the problem being it is overly complex. Philosophically it tries to confuse defences that have seen all the old variations of the west coast. This then turns into an ego game for coaches the whole "I outsmarted Belichek" game. If your offence has talent and can execute you will succeed. I believe AVP will go with about 20 plays. That is all you need with the talent this team has!! 12 pass play and 8 run plays. Then he will count on the players to execute a high tempo and beat defenders this will make the no huddle successful. In short I think we may just suprise NE next Monday. The loser in this whole thing is really JP because it sounds as though Turk's mentality may have been what destroyed him the rest of the way. Too bad because the kid has great skills he just not a rocket scientist.
  22. I don't think he is mad. I think he gets a kick out of screwing with the Bills FO because they refused to hook him up last year. Kind of like someone who wins but still likes to rub your face in it anyway! That is just who I think Eugene Parker is though.
  23. I think it is partially Eugene Parker f'ing with us again. He is Mrs. Crabtree's agent and I have to believe he is getting a kick out of the fact that he has some power over the front office that said F'off to him and his fat ass client Jason last year.
  24. I didn't see the game last night but in reading articles I was lead to believe Harris played in the first quarter. Does anyone know who he was in for (Please tell me Ellison). Harris just seems like the fit to replace Ellison I hope that Perry is thinking the same thing. The kid just seems to make plays. Thoughts anyone?
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