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Everything posted by Lenigmusx

  1. Joking or not this is the crap that this thread is about. Why some people on this board have to go above and beyond to belittle and contest others points of view is beyond me. I have been here for a long time and I notice the change as well. I don't post a ton but I read alot and the negative tone of posts has definitely escalated in the last two years. Its unfortunate and I think some of the agressive posts are non-bills fans the come on here and attack us to say "you suck". However, it seems the nastiness of some post has drivin away people of value to this board. In the name of civility people should really chill out.
  2. This is one of the many reason that I maintain we are not a 5-11 team this year. If we run the ball and are less predictable on offence, which will be the case, there is no doubt that we will hover around 8-8 and if we get breaks 10-6 could happen. We are not the worst team in the division as so many have stated though. I honestly believe the overblown JETS could be bottom feeders esspecially if Revis sits.
  3. Crayonz I am really starting to get you! I must admit I think you are on to something with ESPN as conspiricy theorist as it sounds.
  4. Maybe you right IDK. I thought it was a funny read and gave the author too much credit I guess.
  5. Dude, the articles title is a play on words. Addition is intentionally substituted for edition think about it for a second. Unfortunately, intelectual humor usually goes over peoples heads.
  6. It is good someone else remembers things as they really were. After all football takes a whole team and the circumstance that surround a player can greatly effect his performance.
  7. Too Far IMO.. I know its just a joke just sayin!
  8. Must agree with this one! The guy was a genius and he always knew how to come in and shred the opposition if called on. Then I would say Frank Reich is a close second.
  9. I think I agree with your synopsis of the team in terms of record and season outcome. I just don't believed the term F'ed was a fair assessment of those positions in question. I guess the jury is still out would be a much more appropriate assessment in my eyes that is all. 6-10 to 9-7 sounds very reasonable in terms of what this team is capable of but in two years 12-4 to 14-2 might be with in our grasp be patient as difficult as it is it takes time to build through the draft.
  10. I disagree with some of this. You are right there are plenty of question marks but we are OK at ILB, WR is much better than most are predicting Steve Johnson and Marcus Eaisly will be very good and Hardy may be Ok as well. TE I think will be very good Nelson may have a break out year. OL not good, QB biggest ?, OLB not good, DL on the bad side of OK but some talent if Dwan Edwards and Stroud play well together. I think it could be alot better team than most think but I guess the Kool Aid is starting to taste good on these hot summer days.
  11. I am not "drinking the Kool aid" or overly optimistic. I have noticed, without pads, the QB's all seem to have much better mechanics in practice. They seem to be centering thier feet and releasing the ball higher. Footwork seems to be very consistant from QB to QB as well. It is like the QB coach is working on mechanics!!! Every practice the throws seem to have better velocity and the accuracy seems much improved as well. I am aware that these are hand picked highlights but we are seeing routes, throws, timing, and pocket positioning that our previous offense didn't implement at all. I hope what i see is the begining of true development for all of these QB's. Brohm really looked good on Thursday!!
  12. Why do people have to be A-holes?
  13. Great Article! Thanks for the link.
  14. Your avatar kinda looks like Wade Phillips just sayin!!
  15. Yes, he had 47 catches but he droped another 47 screen passes that hit him right in the hands. I like Marshawn but he has Antwoine Smith hands!
  16. Sorry, I am not a gambler don't believe in it.
  17. I think that Gailey is siting back and looking at his weapons with a big smile! With Spiller and Jackson as a one two punch the team has unlimitted possiblities. T.O. was OK last year but I think our offense was predictable because once Lynch came back there was no screen option unless Fred was in the backfield! Face it Lynch is not a good receiver and that is his biggest weakness. With two backs that can catch I think the tight end routes will be open all day! Much like it was at the beginning of last year before Lynch came back and had to get his touches. I think this will free up Nelson who is a great talent. I say 60 catches 10 TD's!!!
  18. Leave our board you fairweather POS. You were never really a fan anyway so we don't need you thanks for the greenbacks when you came to the games though because at least you were good for something!!!!
  19. Anyone have anymore insight on this? I have been reading that Bradford is not going to go #1 and he may actually tumble down to us at #9. This would be the best possible scenerio in my eyes. What do some of you think and what have you heard?
  20. Lynch is under contract for 2 or 3 more years. Who cares if he wants out he's got no leverage unless he performs on the field! Running Back is the possition we should avoid like the plague in the draft. Drafting running backs high in the first round is what got us into the mess we are in now!!!
  21. Look the last egomanic who hated losing and played in B'Lo and was named Jim did pretty well for us didn't he? At least Claussen has the right first name to be a Bill.
  22. Sorry, I was just responding to the thread not your 2 cents. I shouldn't have attached it to your comment. I suppose it is not really related to your point. I just thought maybe you would get that from my post since I didn't really reference anything you said. Bulger could be a good pick up at the right price and if he has nothing left cut him.
  23. I thought this was a horrible idea until I looked up Bulger's career stats. He is really good when he has a surounding cast. I think he is worth a look. He could be a valuable veteran down the line when we bring a young kid in. He is much better than Cambell.
  24. sorry for the duplicate thread beastmode! I didn't see this one.
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