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Andre Speed

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Everything posted by Andre Speed

  1. there appears to be some discrepancy here, depending on the oracle one prefers to reference. i see mr. spiller achieving a time of four point TWO seven, whilst traversing the customary distance, according to the normally reliable authority linked below. http://www.nfldraftscout.com/ratings/dspro...0&genpos=RB given the young man's acceleration evidenced on film, one might tend to believe the 4.27 figure. ~AS
  2. pix, pleeezzz ??? ~AS
  3. according to PFF, which is the only site i know that evaluates every single play of the year... Diehl graded out as the 63rd best OT last year, with a final score of minus 16.4. that was behind Cornell Green, and Kirk Chambers, and well behind Jamon Meredith. i get the feeling that Diehl's LT days may be over. as the man turns 30 in september, i don't foresee a lot of upside there, either. he may have played well once, but for the past three years, that no longer seems to have been the case. ~AS
  4. grief, misery and doom... OH MY ! LV, i share you're general view. but you are clearly NOT an optimist, and neither am i. an idiot would ask me, "is this glass half emply, or half full?" bleah! i know damn well that it's either both at the same time(duhhh), or neither one ! fact is, bro we're simply realists. don't let anyone tell u different, or shoot u down. i am as skeptical of any change as the next guy, even more so. shoot, i'm skeptical of a lack of change. but i know serious people when i see 'em, and they are now working for the Bills, and running the show. we know that, and so do guys like DeHaven, and Sanders. they wouldn't be here if Chan wasn't for real. i like the general plan. moving to a 3-4 makes sense in today's NFL; most successful teams seem to have done so. the dual conditioning coaches sounds like it should have been done long ago. in fact, every silly detail of the management and coaching shows that these guys have been thru the mill a "few" times, and learned a lot each time. NO, i don't know who will start at QB, no one does. but i'm glad we didn't draft one this year- after Bradford, what was there? i think Brohm, now that he's finally serious about the NFL has as much upside as any rookie would have. SURE, i wanted a 1st round LT. in fact, i would have traded down, and drafted 3 of them ! but i have no access to game film, nor do i have 99 years of experience as Chan and Buddy probably do, and i DO respect what they have to say. IMHO, there should be threads that are OFF LIMITS to doomsaying, mudslinging morons in here, and i will ask our leaders if that would be possible. peace............ OUT. ~AS
  5. sky, u can upload it to a site like photobucket, and they generate a link that u can place in here. i've used it, it worx, and it's free. looking fwd to it. ~AS
  6. i resemble that remark ! ~AS
  7. ok c.c., have it your way. you're a crazy genius goat ! yep, i definitely think buddy got brohm in here to play. they just didn't know when he'd be ready to contribute. agreed, he seems to have the "tools" to play. his deep ball rocks- ok, that only gets him to JP level.. but he seems to be accurate on crossing routes as well. only thing is, he's as green as cheektowaga grass, and that makes him more prone to mistakes. the thing that really stands out would be his throwing mechanics, vs. the other 2 competitors. Fitz- has to set fast and really PUSH off his back foot to get a throw where it needs to be. that said, he seems to set up pretty quick. Trent- just holds the ball by his ear and then tries to twist his torso fast and whip the ball out there. bit... Brohm- seems to casually invoke his entire body the instant he wants to throw, and makes it look so natural it's striking. haven't watched Brown that closely, but he seems to be a pretty natural passer too. the other thing that could give Brohm the edge is his attitude. like he cares, but he doesn't. i mean he'll work hard and give it all he's got, but in the end, not worry about it. Trent seems more like a worrier and that can really work against a QB. then again, anything can happen in camp and preseason. but it's not so bad being a goat. they had one on South Park, and everyone thought it was Stevie Nix ! (if it worked for her, why not Buddy??) ~AS
  8. oooh, guyzz..... i have the SECRET ! obviously, kool-aid alone is not enough, so..... you just add vodka. that'll make all the games easier to watch, no matter what. but not just any ORdinary kool-aid now; it has to be Cherry. t's true, cherry kool-aid makes a great mixer, and none of the other kinds come even close. in fact, they really don't work at all(yup, i tried). just be sure to add plenty of the sweetener of your choice. you'll all thank me later. ~AS PS: yeh, chan seems like he knows what he's doin'. if so, i may get by with a lot less beverage.
  9. cheers, beerman ! kudos to the OP as well. CLEARLY, for these ole boyz this is NOT their first rodeo. while it is possible to see experienced, yet clueless personnel... this guyz really seem to show that they have learned from everything they've seen, and they've both worked with some of the best. a neat side benefit for us fans is that both halves of the CHIX entity can actually talk. they even sound like they billieve in SOMEthing, and yeh, like they know what they're talking about. yup, we're kyna rebuilding. but things might get very interesting even now. ~AS
  10. he runs the freakin' draft... under ORDERS from his boss !!! WTH told u the man DECIDES WHOM to draft ?? never never never never never never never never NEVER ! "can the man for his SELECTIONS..." DORX ! ok, i feel better now ~AS
  11. i don't honestly believe that trading "price" is holding up a Gaither deal. rather, it's Gaither himself, and his agent Drew [Nut]haus. there is no way buddy can pull the trigger until a long-term deal is negotiated, and the player/agent just won't do it now. why should they? there could be 3 other teams to play off each other later. all can offer the same draft pick, but if the player won't sign, there won't be a deal. if he was already signed to a somewhat reasonable long-term deal, he would probably be in Buffalo(or somewhere else) by now. so, if it's possible, maybe we'll do it. BTW, check out J.Brown on PFF everyone: http://www.profootballfocus.com/by_player....p;playerid=2230 he hasn't been spectacular the last couple years he played('07&'08), and didn't play at all last year. that's probly why he didn't sell for very much, and the saints let him go. F.Adams has been much worse in recent times, and the consensus seems to be that he doesn't have much left to give. i'd love to see J.G. here at LT, for sure. he really is quite talented. but let's have none of that "ooh, i think i need a new contract this week" BS anymore. i'd plug in J.Meredith rather than deal with any of that. ~AS
  12. tommycat.... all in steps and complete with caveats, warm fulliez and encouragement ?? yowza ! u ROCK ! i almost wanna go try it.. an' i don't even live in the area anymore LOL. ~AS
  13. let's get reTARded HAH.. let's get reTARded in heeeere. ~AS
  14. uhmmm.... don't we have to like, GET that way first ?? (could be a stretch) ~AS
  15. question of the day: WTH is a "vuvuzela".. and does my GF have one? if so, i'm not sure i'm ready to complain about them as of yet. ~AS
  16. hey yawl, how'd this become the "hootchie" thread? for your excitement, peg bundy has changed a bit: http://www.ask.com/wiki/Turanga_Leela she now has one eye, purple hair, a raygun, and is HOTTER than ever ! ~AS
  17. "hi this is marshawn... i showed up for my FIRST practice, after everyone else was already up to FULL speed. managed to keep up with 'em, but today i cani't even WALK. i better chill a bit so that i'm ready for the real deal next week". OR... maybe THIS(or both): http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=114785 no WAIT......... let's look for the CRAZIEST explanation, since probable reality just doesn't suck enough. LOL it's a lonnng offseason, ain'it yawl ? hey now, it'll all be over soon, and "we" can kvetch about the losses, and write off the wins ! ~AS
  18. time for a shock... BRUCE SMITH (in ANY interview he ever gave while still playing). the sportswriters were glad when he left town. have u heard him now? why couldn't he be like that while he was still here ?? oh well, the cat DID show up a lil' bit on sundays, eh bro? ~AS
  19. y'know, most of the players we've got now, especially the younger ones, talk about working hard, and paying their dues, etc. i like that, but there's one notable exception to the rule, and it's actually on the positive side. who remembers the rookie video(it's gone now), where Troup was talking, with a big nasty grin, and saying "we GET to have another practice before we're done this week"? not we HAVE to practice, like it was a chore, but "yeah... let's go, baby.. more, more, MORE!" <- that's why he'll learn the D quickly, and pick up far more technique before the season than anyone else would have. then he'll apply it with enthusiasm once the season begins. i think that THIS is why he won out over any other possible 2nd draft pick, and i like it. combine this with Kyle, who has one speed: GO.. and we've got 2 guys in the middle that just might get something done. obviously, they'll need help from the ends, and who knows if Stroud can still play after last year. but that's why we added Dwan and Carrington. the D line has to be a rotation of capable personnel. that way, you don't depend on one "star" playing the whole game- they really can't anyway. we won't really know what we have for a few months. meanwhile, we can look forward to it, or cry like 2-yr-olds about what MIGHT go wrong. ... made my choice ! ~AS
  20. yo bro, miscreant stoners forever ! ...beat the hail outa them piscreant moaners we get otherwise. ~AS
  21. any time your wood's outa commission for awhile, it's natural to be anxious to get it back on-line. it's great news, cuz he's got 2½ more months to train before it counts. Bell might find himself more limited for awhile. bones heal faster than ligaments, especially when you're young. plus, Eric's got some metal in there now. could easily end up being stronger than before. but the biggest deal is, they're becoming veterans. (last year, Bell was also a rookie, under hockey rules!). Wood, Levitre, Meredith and Bell- with a year under their belts: that's the biggest news for this OL. now, they can only make VETERAN mistakes ! ~AS
  22. "the gloves don't fit, but i'm full of sh........" sheer brilliance in tortship. uhm... i like, meant that. ~AS
  23. they'll have to include subtitling for the southern-impaired: Nixy: "THENYA GOT TOOO GOZZZAT CAINT PLAAAY" ... this produces a situation wherein there is ineffectiveness at more than one position. ~AS
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