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Everything posted by shoretalk

  1. Ed Sullivan? The Beatles first appearance on his show was 50 years ago next year ... the Sullivan from the news ... does he matter? Turn the radio off when he is on air and turn the page in the Sports section of the NEWS. He is not worth wasting my moments on and now I have ... shame on me but that Ed Sullivan WOW ... BEATLES come to AMERICA and the world changed!
  2. No, today's injury to Kolb is a reminder not to have wet rubber pads on the ground where players can slip and fall on them. We have been around and around on this board about Levitre. The dollar amount that Tennesee was willing to pay him was far beyond his worth (And, I am a Levitre fan.). Also, it is possible that the Bills' front office was fully aware of his need for off season surgery that would lead to a slow recovery. In an interview with the Titan's PR people that was recorded this week Levitre admits that he is still behind and not yet up to full speed. He says that he will need training camp to get where he needs to be. In addition, he sounds like he is having some difficulty adjusting to a new scheme, which he would have had to do here as well. Wishing him well but more concerned with the front office's delay on getting a contract to our center ... http://www.titansonline.com/media-center/videos/Andy-Levitre-on-Developing-Chemistry-Along-O-Line/5899e57d-8c30-45b5-b368-0ddb6385769f
  3. And we pause to remember the words of SUPER MARIO two days before his toes started to act up ... "It's just as realistic as us standing here right now," Williams said. "At the end of the day, we've just got to go out and we've got to do it. No ifs, ands or buts about it. No excuses." There is something about the last two words ... "no excuses" but yes, this is the beginning of camp but for those who questioned my posting this topic when the word got out about his toes I find it very interesting that Mario's toes have been a major part of the media's interviews with Marrone and an element of almost every commentary on the Bills. It is early ... I do have high expectations for Mario but as he stated there should be "no excuses" this time around!http://www.syracuse....ng_camp_do.html http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz2aYIKmCWY
  4. Ok ... my post was primarily regarding his not showing his face at practice, which is how the Bills blog made it sound. When I stated that he needed to show leadership it was to have a presence on the field ... of course if he hurt his little toes in that small bed on Saturday night we need to take care to insure he can go full force come September (Yes, I am one of those overly optimistic types who really believe that in our new defense Mario can become SUPER MARIO.). So, my post has generated some interesting thoughts as training camp begins but knowing that he did not hide in the dorms is what I was looking for from him. We will keep our eyes to the ground to see if those toes heal quickly.
  5. Ok, it always amazes me how professional athletes seem to get these issues by walking through college dorms. The report is out ... Mario Williams held out of practice because the poor multi-millionaire has a sore foot. WHERE IN THE WORLD did he pick that up? Were they playing kick the can in the dorms? So big Mario your toes are hurting you ... don't you think that you have an obligation to at least show your face on DAY ONE of training camp? Aren't there some drills that you can participate with your foot in an ice bucket? What about being supportive of your teammates? This is not a good omen ... his poor little footsy. My goodness ... how many of us go to work with some minor issues and then take care not to aggravate what ails us ... not Mario. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2013/07/28/mario-has-sore-foot/
  6. Definitely feel for the guy ... this is his last chance but as I posted a year or so ago ... I worry more about the life-long negative impact to his health that is occurring because he keeps trying to play. If he is truly healthy I do believe that this coaching staff will give him a fair shot. If he makes it great ... if it is time to hang up the cleats I hope he does that rather than becoming fodder for some other team in the league.
  7. Have to love this ... we finally have a coaching staff that makes conditioning matter and it seems that for the very first time since Rusty Jones was let go we also have a training staff that has its collective act together. Maybe this year we will not be watching exhausted Buffalo Bills' players at the end of the 3rd quarter and our injury list will be lessened because the players know that they are to be in shape to play.
  8. THERE is NO DOUBT at all ... this is all about MONEY ... RALPH IS CHEAP!!!
  9. Ok ... it is the Fourth of July and really slow times over at One Bills Drive because this poll's presence just proves how hungry we are to talk about our team. Frankly, until the pads come on, the hitting starts, and the preseason games begin we have absolutely nothing to base the new Bills' future on. We cannot count on the carry-over players all starting or playing the same type of game as they did last year (Well, at least we know that our defense will be playing aggressively and creatively rather than sitting back waiting for the 1990's to return so just with that fact alone they will be better.). Both the Patriots and Jets appear worse than last year as of today but will that be true when September rolls around? EJ or Kolb? An offense that flies up and down the field? A coach who lets our kicker kick from 50 yards out? I tend to be the eternal optimist and my glass (Including my Buffalo Bills' mug) is always more than half full but last year I went name by name over our defensive roster and was like WOW no one will want to face this team. As we all know, the D sucked so badly that their play prevented our offense that was truly a little better than average from getting enough time to win games or they just collapsed after the offense put us in a position to win. So ... 2013. The number of wins. For the first time in many years I am pretty sure we will win four of our divisional games and am really leaning towards a sweep of the Jets and the Dolphins so that would be five wins. If we start the season healthy and have a big at home win over the Patriots, which is very doable, then the Panthers come to town and lose to the Bills. I think we can beat the Ohio tandem so let me see ... that makes eight wins. Put the Buccaneers, Jaguars, and Chiefs into a mix and I think the Bills can come out of those three games (Again, that staying healthy matters and it appears that our weight/training crew is the most like Rusty Jones' group since Rusty went to the Windy City so we should be stronger and healthier.) with two wins and that gives us 10 wins for the season. Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and New Orleans are games that I cannot see us winning so there are three losses. Add in the two divisional games and the one loss to the group of Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, and Kansas City and there are our six losses. Therefore my prediction is a 10 and 6 season predicated on winning opening day against that Patriots in impressive style and staying healthy. The concept of a team that keeps moving with the aggressive defense we keep hearing about blended with Hackett's desire to put as many points on the board as possible will help us forget the era of keeping the score low and bending a bit on defense just don't break. We shall see! GO BILLS!
  10. Yikes two points in this post to reply to. SAFETY! 1. I really do not like Sully's whining anti-Bills' bias that is the genesis of everything he writes about the team. However to post something here attacking today's Sully commentary is really stupid because Sully while stating the obvious was doing his job. Commentators observe the world, take what might be uniquely out of synch, and develop the information into a story to get us wondering how many others are living out of the main stream while perhaps catching a reader whose thought process might be reversed through the discovery provided by the author. 2. Having had the privilege of knowing many members of the Philadelphia Eagles (No, I am not an Eagles' fan.) I can attest that the majority of players in the National Football League are competive normal guys with no inherent compulsion to participate in thuggery. Yes, there are players who clearly thrive on the violent edge of life and outlaw culture but they are merely the few who sadly gather the most attention. I suggest anyone who is suspect of how NFL players fit into society check out the recent discussion board on Moats. Many players are involved in faith related activities including the FCA. Reality is that these are young men who act like other young men away from the field (most in good ways but a minority in bad ways.)... they just happen to play football.
  11. Let me see ... Rex brought in a certain Aaron Maybe thinking he would help the Jets (oops, some other team did draft him #1) defense ... truthfully, it was not the Jets' defense that led to their collapse it was the Ryan-inspired offense that included messing repeatedly with your starting quarterback's head. Believe me I am not complaining one bit but to whine about the lack of blitzing from the DC is just silly. Others have said it here but the Jets' D and this season's Bills' D is not about the number of blitzes but it is tied to disguising the fronts so that the OL has no idea who is coming and who is dropping into coverage. A blitz is by definition increasing the number of individual players rushing a passing quarterback, which therefore decreases those covering receivers. Placing a Mario Williams over a center in a passing situation rather than having him rushing from one frozen line spot with a hand down (ala Dave W) is not a blitz it is a creative defense. Who cares whether we need Bradham or a safety or a corner on blitz 5 times a game versus are we creating such confusion with our creative use of personnel that the other team is forced off the field. The following stats show that nothing much changes after REX officially gave up the play calling on D.
  12. Knew who it was immediately ... nice bio and story "promo!"
  13. I do not think Carrington has to salvage his career because he did that last year. So, I did not give him my vote. This new coaching staff just might be what Aaron Williams needs to turn it around so I voted for him. I agree with another poster about the wideouts ... the rookie class may wipe out any opportunities for those needing to recover from being at the bottom.
  14. Ok ... I have been one of the biggest bashers of WGR especially Schlep and Bull in the afternoons but as an out of state Bills' fan and season ticket holder desperate for Bills' news I have to admit that it seems that someone at GR is finally getting it. It started with Murph coming to the station but Buscaglia is a major player there too providing insight into the Bills. Does this mean S & B have suddenly discovered professional football? Of course not. Just give a listen and you'll soon realize that these are the two least informed sports talk hosts in America; all too often one of them pleads a lack of knowledge about a key player or game when the rest of America knows the full story because we either watched the game, paid attention to ESPN, read a sports information source online or even went to the newspaper's sport section to read the events of the day before. And, yes ... I was listening when S & B went into a lengthy Tiger Woods discussion when clearly most true sports' fans really are not into the PGA. I have no complaints about covering the Stanley Cup playoffs because it does relate to the Sabres not being there. But, on Monday after sounding so foolish in their interview with Nix it would have been great to hear about the first day of OTA's. So, I am giving WGR some breathing space .. they still rank amongst the worst sports talk stations I have ever had to listen to but they are better than a year ago.
  15. This posting challenged me to again share my though even though I long ago realized that it is the negative poster and the classic anti-fan whose shrill commentary dominated these discussions. Although I have not contributed to this wall in a very long time I still open it up and appreciate those who have posted links that give insight into the team we are all supposedly fans of. And, that is what has driven me to respond today (And, to expose myself to the gloom that lurks in the corners of the wall.). THE BILLS LOOK PROMISING ... it is the expectation of every fan of a sports team. Fans are allegedly the individuals who year after year dream the dream that their football, hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer or NASCAR favorite will finish on top dismissing the reality that there are other fans of the competition who are dreaming that same dream. Truth is ... only one champion is crowned each year and the truth is most fans will again be waiting for another day. Being a fan is being the ultimate optimist while also being willing to toss in criticism and the obviously more knowledgeable insight fans have versus those in the profession when a team does not win. But, a fan has loyalty to the nth degree ... it is not a passing fad nor an opportunity to foam at the mouth like a rabid dog anxiously awaiting to devour the innocent glass half full fan who wants to enjoy the team. Those who unleash and plan verbal and written attacks on anything related to "their team," "their team's players," "their team's coaches," and yes even "their team's ownership" truly are not fans. They may have a loyalty to negativity and a celebration of condemnation but when they cannot even breathe in the fumes of possibility at draft time and yes sip of the Kool-Aid of dreams then they are clearly not fans. Come November 1st all of us may be wondering what went wrong again but ... but if we are fans then right now shouldn't we be dreaming of the moment in November when we may be saying my goodness no one ever expected our Bills to be this good. Each year's draft is a crap shoot ... no one knows how these young men will fare and most drafted players who have been carefully vetted by professional scouts (Not the Kipers of the world) who are employed by both winning and losing teams ... most of them will be out looking for a job in the very near future that is not at all related to professional sports. So for a moment ... if you are truly a BILLS FAN deep in your heart sip the KOOL AID and tell your friends who cheer on other teams that yes ... this year .. this year with our new coaching staff, our new game day philosophy, and yes our new collection of players ... will be the year that our Bills will be playing in the post season.
  16. Ok, first all those players cut were not NFL players. Every football season each of the NFL teams bring in guys who might have excelled in college but just can't cut it in the NFL. Some have cute names and others amazing video's but in the end the NFL takes the ability to process complex offensive and defensive schemes plus the talent to do everything at a much faster pace than college. Each team has success stories and other stories where the fan-base thinks management and coaches failed miserably in their analysis. What's interesting is that not a single one of us who posts on boards or who are fans have met the qualifications to be a college coach much less a professional scout or coach of general manager. I'll give credit to those men who have spent their lives doing something we all do as a hobby or passion.. Finally we have a Bills' roster that on final cut down day led to other teams taking our waste ... Carder, Heard, ASPER, etc.. Does that mean that perhaps ASPER will be a PRO BOWL center and we'll all point fingers? Could be but he didn't show his abilities here. As for Carder ... the not so good fit I take to mean that his ability to grasp the Bills' complex defense didn't match his college physical skills (I was one of many loving his story and wanting him to make it just like I was with Jasper.). As for Brad Smith ... there's no doubt that the Jets would grab him if we cut him and probably quite a few teams. Last year Gailey has said that there was not enough time to fully develop our Wild Cat and then injuries hit the roster. I can remember his talent from the Jets' days and am anxious to see if given the time to work on the Wild Cat whether the Bills have something special too. It's clear that neither Gailey nor Nix had any intention of letting him go. As for McGee ... Brooks injury really does hurt but McGee gives us that experience that is needed on the field and in the locker room at a relatively low cost. He is not going to start but he is better than Florence and if healthy is a plus on the field for us. I honestly did not think he was going to make the final cut because of his health situation. And, the final note ... the roster you see today will not be the one that is in the Meadowlands next week ... some guys are going to get the Turk's call and who knows we may all be surprised by those who aren't wearing Bills' colors this season. GO BILLS ... time to unleash what we have on those Jets! ** I don't know where I got Archer earlier today either ... thanks to all who called my mistake to my attention ... it's ASPER not ARCHER (Should never post things before the first cup of coffee.)
  17. We loved the name ... we loved the story ... but if you watched him in game action he struggled and seemed lost. Hopefully. he'll clear waivers and settle into the PS to develop for a year and become more of what we all wanted him to be.
  18. The second team defense just didn't seem to have any push and Edwards really is not a great fit in a 4-3. He is a quality player and will find a home somewhere.
  19. McLovin is playing the nickel and is in his contract year. Actually, the nickel might be the best DB position for him because it pretty much covers up his weaknesses and allows him to play to his strengths. Williams was beat on one play by perhaps the best wide receiver in football who had to extend his 6'5" height and make a good catch. I cannot think of any CB in the league who would have leapt high in the air to bat the ball away. Williams did not have a rookie camp last year ... he did not have OTA's ... he was injured early but by the end of the season he was showing that he can be a good DB in this league. During this preseason he has not looked great but our vaunted defensive line has not exactly knocked the socks off of every quarterback they have faced. It's clear that there has been some experimenting going on with the first team schemes (Don't want to say that this is the reason that Williams hasn't looked like Pro Bowl material but it might have impacted our perceptions from in front of the TV set.). There is no doubt that when you put two youngsters as your starting DB's they will get burnt but then again I look at the Philadelphia Eagles in 2011 when they allegedly had 3 of the best DB's in the league. I seem to recall them getting beat too. Williams is light years ahead of Florence and with playing time I believe the Gilmore Williams tandem will be one of the better two-some's in the league. Plus have to like Rogers, Brooks and even though he will be off to another team next year McKelvin.
  20. Uh ... We are concerned with DT? Dareus and Williams Edwards and Johnson I don't think we keep five and any of our four would start on other teams. We don't need retreads who started one or two games elsewhere.
  21. I cannot see us keeping 10, nine is the number. But, since this thread is saying if we kept 10 ... WILLIAMS, DAREUS, WILLIAMS, ANDERSON KELSAY, JOHNSON, EDWARDS (The Bills have salary room and this team is about winning so he stays.), MERRIMAN TROUP to injured reserve; I think they give him one more chance. MOORE makes it as the number 9 guy. I think that in the end CARRINGTON makes it if we keep 10 but he needs to show that he can put his game together. It's clear from today's story but also his invisibility in camp and the preseason that he has not taken the steps forward that many of us had hoped for when the Bills drafted him. Frankly, Heard has been hurt too much to really prove that he belongs so I have him on the outs if we keep 10. But, tonight's game may very well be the deal breaker for either HEARD or CARRINGTON plus any analysis of Heard's health condition. When I look at the rest of the roster however, I do not know which position we decrease the number in order to put 10 or even 9 defensive linemen on the 53. Edwards can slide over to DE if necessary and so can Johnson. So in reality in our top eight we have 6 guys who can play DE and 4 who can play DT, do we need more?
  22. I keep looking at this team and I can't help but be excited about the season. We are going to have to cut some really decent talent to make the 53. So, with one preseason game in the books and the team coming back to THE RALPH ... here's my current roster: QUARTERBACKS (3) - Fitz, Young, and Smith (We are definitely going into the season with 3 QB's and having Smith not count against the game day roster is a plus and there's no doubt he is in Gailey's plans based on the last practices in Rochester and his comments since we signed Smith last year. It does not matter that Young could run a Wild Cat hybrid, Gailey is building our Wild Cat around Smith.). RUNNING BACKS (4) - Freddie, CJ, Choice and Mac (His special teams skills are needed plus it seems that he has been worked more into the passing game this summer.). WIDE RECEIVERS (6) - Stevie, Jones, Nelson, Graham, Hagan, and *Martin (The Martin spot is up for grabs with Martin winning because of his special teams' ability but with Potter making my team it is possible that Martin will be cut to open up a spot for Roosevelt who catches everything and can return punts or Clowney who might surprise. Sadly (I was a big hopeful fan) Easely is not showing enough in camp to merit bumping one of these other guys. It is also possible the Bills might go with 5 wide receivers since Smith and Spiller both can be spread out.). TIGHT ENDS (3) - Chandler, Smith, and Dickerson (Smith is the classic blocking tight end for double tight end formations. Caussin is going to end up IR or an injury release because his time missed is almost too great now for him to compete. The mystery is Dickerson and right now I think he makes the team.). OFFENSIVE LINE (8) - Glenn, Levitre, Wood, Urbik, Pears, Harriston, Rinehart, and Asper (Asper is not having a great camp but we need someone else who can rotate between guard and center. Young looked decent at tackle but I am not sure if he can play guard. Zebrie has potential but I think he goes to the PS.) DEFENSIVE ENDS (4) - Williams, Anderson, Kelsay, and Merriman (All depends on the coaching staff's evaluation of Merriman's health. We might hold on to a Kyle Moore or Robert Eddins if Merriman is iffy but then again Dwan Edwards can shift over to the DE spot too.). DEFENSIVE TACKLES (4) - Dareus, Williams, Johnson, and Edwards (Carrington has a slim shot and Troup might go IR one more year. Heard has lost too much time due to minor nicks and I can't see him making it unless he really shines between now and opening day.). OUTSIDE LINEBACKERS (4) - Moats, Barnett, Bradham, and Scott (Morrison is popular with the coaching staff but so far in camp he really seems to be always a step behind.). MIDDLE LINEBACKERS (3) - Sheppard, McKillop, and Carder (This creates flexibility for the Outside too with McKillop and Carder). CORNERBACKS (6) - Williams, Gilmore, Brooks, McGee, Rogers, and McKelvin (Why have we not heard what Rogers' injury is? Can McGee really play any more? This position has so many maybes. Prince Miller looked good and I am not sure if they are looking at Green as a safety or a corner but in game one against the scrubs he impressed. If Rogers and McGee are both healthy I can see us trying to move McKelvin so we could keep Miller/Green. Every preseason it seems that teams lose starting cornerbacks so maybe a 5th pick and we say goodbye to McKelvin because he'll be gone next season any how.). SAFETIES (4) - Byrd, Wilson, Searcy, and Nesbitt (See comments about Green above.) SPECIAL TEAMS (4) - Moorman, Lindell, Potter, and Sanborn (We HAVE TO keep Potter, he is a game changer but Lindell is still a keeper too.)
  23. I keep looking at this team and I can't help but be excited about the season. We are going to have to cut some really decent talent to make the 53. So, with one preseason game in the books and the team coming back to THE RALPH ... here's my current roster: QUARTERBACKS (3) - Fitz, Young, and Smith (We are definitely going into the season with 3 QB's and having Smith not count against the game day roster is a plus and there's no doubt he is in Gailey's plans based on the last practices in Rochester and his comments since we signed Smith last year. It does not matter that Young could run a Wild Cat hybrid, Gailey is building our Wild Cat around Smith.). RUNNING BACKS (4) - Freddie, CJ, Choice and Mac (His special teams skills are needed plus it seems that he has been worked more into the passing game this summer.). WIDE RECEIVERS (6) - Stevie, Jones, Nelson, Graham, Hagan, and *Martin (The Martin spot is up for grabs with Martin winning because of his special teams' ability but with Potter making my team it is possible that Martin will be cut to open up a spot for Roosevelt who catches everything and can return punts or Clowney who might surprise. Sadly (I was a big hopeful fan) Easely is not showing enough in camp to merit bumping one of these other guys. It is also possible the Bills might go with 5 wide receivers since Smith and Spiller both can be spread out.). TIGHT ENDS (3) - Chandler, Smith, and Dickerson (Smith is the classic blocking tight end for double tight end formations. Caussin is going to end up IR or an injury release because his time missed is almost too great now for him to compete. The mystery is Dickerson and right now I think he makes the team.). OFFENSIVE LINE (8) - Glenn, Levitre, Wood, Urbik, Pears, Harriston, Rinehart, and Asper (Asper is not having a great camp but we need someone else who can rotate between guard and center. Young looked decent at tackle but I am not sure if he can play guard. Zebrie has potential but I think he goes to the PS.) DEFENSIVE ENDS (4) - Williams, Anderson, Kelsay, and Merriman (All depends on the coaching staff's evaluation of Merriman's health. We might hold on to a Kyle Moore or Robert Eddins if Merriman is iffy but then again Dwan Edwards can shift over to the DE spot too.). DEFENSIVE TACKLES (4) - Dareus, Williams, Johnson, and Edwards (Carrington has a slim shot and Troup might go IR one more year. Heard has lost too much time due to minor nicks and I can't see him making it unless he really shines between now and opening day.). OUTSIDE LINEBACKERS (4) - Moats, Barnett, Bradham, and Scott (Morrison is popular with the coaching staff but so far in camp he really seems to be always a step behind.). MIDDLE LINEBACKERS (3) - Sheppard, McKillop, and Carder (This creates flexibility for the Outside too with McKillop and Carder). CORNERBACKS (6) - Williams, Gilmore, Brooks, McGee, Rogers, and McKelvin (Why have we not heard what Rogers' injury is? Can McGee really play any more? This position has so many maybes. Prince Miller looked good and I am not sure if they are looking at Green as a safety or a corner but in game one against the scrubs he impressed. If Rogers and McGee are both healthy I can see us trying to move McKelvin so we could keep Miller/Green. Every preseason it seems that teams lose starting cornerbacks so maybe a 5th pick and we say goodbye to McKelvin because he'll be gone next season any how.). SAFETIES (4) - Byrd, Wilson, Searcy, and Nesbitt (See comments about Green above.) SPECIAL TEAMS (4) - Moorman, Lindell, Potter, and Sanborn (We HAVE TO keep Potter, he is a game changer but Lindell is still a keeper too.)
  24. One preseason game ... and RG3 of course is the next coming because he shined against the Bills ... you should see the reports in the Washington and national media. Although I think both Luck and RG3 have the potential of greatness ... but any 3 not so sure about it.
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