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Everything posted by shoretalk

  1. How can it not be Aaron Williams? He gets hurt and keeps coming back to play as a true team player with intensity and passion (If one wonders whether all safeties in the league are self absorbed individualists Williams proved that not everyone worries about aches and pains when it comes to helping their team.). With the Bills' new coaching regimen Williams has found a place where his skill set works and I can only see some incredible possibilities once Gilmore and McKelvin return to the DB slots. Yes, he has been overaggressive at times such as the Carolina game but we are seeing a young player continue to develop. Kudos Aaron Williams! Just do not think about signing with anyone named Parker because agents like that dissolve the spirit of being a teammate and in the end this is a team game not a game of individuals.
  2. And, from his quotes he has figured out (We should all hope.) that he is a better player when he can play as part of a team unit rather than as an individual. It is amazing how team players are capable to play well while hurting because they are part of the team.
  3. I think that right from the start the team's argument was valid. Byrd deserves to be paid as a top ten safety but not as the highest paid safety in the league. First, I am sure that they were fully aware of his persistent health issue and as many have noted this can go on and on and on. He did not aggravate this in camp, which probably means that all during those infamous negotiations Byrd and his 'oh so honest and upright' agent knew that Byrd would be unable to play to start this season. Byrd benefited from our prior defenses' poor play that often left him all by himself to gain stats. Yes, he is a highly talented player but put him with a good 'D' and those numbers will shrink (Giving him more reason to sign a big life contract before reality comes home to roost.). Although it is only two games we have seen a totally more productive Bills' 'D' with Searcy in Byrd's slot than we have at any time in Byrd's career. Yes, I know Byrd is better than Searcy (If Byrd's footsies ever start to work right.) but has anyone honestly spent either game thinking 'if only Byrd was in there?' So, will we see him out there Sunday? If we do I am hoping he will have to earn his keep by first playing some special teams to get in game shape. Let him be a gunner on punts. Let's see if he can chase down and tackle a kick returner inside the 15. Our team D has put together two decent games using the chemistry between players that began this summer. I see no reason to immediately upset the cart just so that Byrd can get enough snaps in to justify his financial future (Heck, if he wisely invests this year's salary he will be set for life earning more in interest than any of us will ever earn by working five days a week.). Go Bills! Go D Team! Play as a team and win as a team!
  4. I am in Jersey ... how much for the ticket? I would need to make some schedule adjustments or I may know of another Bills' fan who would be interested.
  5. As I watched the Wall of Famers receive their jackets on Sunday it just seemed that the team that has been created on the field for this season finally has elements that made prior teams winners. Booker Edgerson and Billy Shaw from the championship years ... Joe D and Fergie from the Electric Company era ... Kelly, Andre, and Thurman from the 90's. Teams that wanted to win and teams that played hard on the field. Since the turn of the century there has been one clear element missing from each team that has come out of the tunnel and that has been a hunger for winning. There have been players that wanted to win obviously and no athlete shows up to lie down on the field. However, the hunger and the commitment to winning just never has seemed as apparent as what I am sensing from Doug Marrone's team. Watching the veteran leadership in Fred Jackson as well as the exuberance of Eric Wood whose swagger has to energize his teammates and then there is EJ, just a kid. EJ has the "it" factor and every interviewer who has commented on their conversations with EJ whether local or national media all refer to how he controls the room. His teammates talk about his confidence and we are just beginning to see his abilities. Since my first Bills game the Rockpile in 1962 versus the Dallas Texans through this Sunday, I have always "bled Bills' red, white and blue" but I am so looking forward to more dancing and shouting post game moments like this past Sunday. We are headed in the right direction and I know that on home game Sunday's there is no other place that I would rather be at than THE RALPH to cheer my Buffalo Bills as a proud member of the WALL OF FAME!
  6. The penalty for holding by the "receiving/defensive" team on a punt if the hold occurs before the ball touches the punter's foot results in a 5 yard penalty with an automatic first down (Another incredibly stupid NFL rule!). If the holding occurs from the moment the ball touches the punter's foot until the end of the play the resulting penalty is 10 yards from the spot of the ball following the conclusion of the play with the receiving team having possession and a first down. There is no question that there was a hold on this play, the video clearly shows it. I never saw any replay that syncs the timing of that hold with the ball touching Carolina's punter's foot. However, there is no reason to hold like that on the interior of the line during a punt and it was obviously a non-thinking moment. One of the posters implied that the pass interference penalty at the end of the game was in exchange for the "bad call" on the punt but it is clear that Stevie was interfered with. And, the last thing I can imagine is any officiating team making up for a bad call by making another bad call at a crucial moment in the game. I am definitely celebrating this amazing win ... I still have no voice after shouting and dancing around the stadium for 15 minutes after the game was over. But, the BILLS still have work to get done especially related to those careless penalties that do not benefit the team.
  7. The friend who came to the game on Sunday's son had said he would never go to a Bills game because of the drunks and violence in the stands so we were watching for that the The only incident of any sort that I saw was on Southwestern Blvd after the game when three drunk teens gave the "royal" salute to any Carolina fan driving or walking by their location. They were giggling in their obnoxiousness. I spoke with several Carolina fans who were nothing but complimentary about their experience at THE RALPH! One woman in her early 30's said that the Bills fans around her were great and that she'd be back the next time the Panthers were in Buffalo. I did not see $9 beers being dumped on Carolina fans ... I only saw one incident where the yellow jacketed security team rushed into a section of the stadium and from my vantage point it seemed to be all Bills' fans in that area. When my daughter attended a game a couple of years ago there was one obscene boor seated near us and when he wouldn't stop screaming his clearly limited vocabulary of primarily one four letter word I went to security and they walked him out. The security staff I have watched and talked with always seem to be willing to take action. I have been to both games this season and have not witnessed any behavior that would cause me to label a Bills' home game as an experience to avoid. I have seen Pats fans and Carolina fans being teased but not abused and watched Bills' fans interact positively with those wearing opposing jerseys, hats, etc.. Philadelphia continues to be the one city where I would never ever wear Bills' colors to a game against the Eagles. So, I have Baltimore friends coming up for the Ravens game ... they will wear colors and they are non-confrontational types so we will see what happens. My advice ... always call security when something is happening and always talk with those from other cities to let them know it's just a game!
  8. It is funny but I remember people complaining about the Dumpster Diver Bills and other attacks when we picked up this unknown guard from the Steelers' waiver wire a couple of years ago ... now I will admit he was a 3rd round pick but still people were saying who is this Kraig guy whose first name isn't spelled right, Well, Urbik has worked out for the Bills so until I see them on the field ... I'll keep my fingers crossed that we are in a new era with Whaley and the players we discover are treasures rather than rejects.
  9. A taxi driver waiting at the airport sent me a veiled text message ... he thinks he saw Tebow or at least some guy named Tim ... well at least a guy who goes to church who said he has an interest in the Bills or was it that he has bills to pay? You see my source is usually pretty much spot on ... so if you put together church and Tim and the Bills and the fact that a Jet was involved but my guy keeps an American flag in his cab so he is very much the Patriot ... and allegedly this guy was told to check Williamsville out by a guy with a tight end? Or was that a tight end ... getting my calculator out and the results are TEBOW STARTS on SUNDAY and Manuel is cut. Our QB and TEBOW and TUELBOX.
  10. Have you watched the games? Attended or read the accounts of training camp? If you had participated in any of those options you would know that Hogan has been the most predominant receiver on special teams. In addition he has continued to be praised by the coaching staff while running well defined routes and catching difficult passes. He is a lock to be #5 in our receiving corps. The battle for #6 based on reports from recent practice sessions is between Easely, Rodgers, and Kauffman. Tough choices because someone will end up on another team's 53.
  11. Thank you so much Astro! I anxiously await reading your reports each day. They provide insight we need (BEN should take a hint) and are superbly detailed!
  12. First ... I was thrilled we signed him because I thought he had lots of upside. However, it seems that his attitude towards practice and in game situations may be his undoing (If you haven't listened to the Bills video of Alex Carrington in the game versus Indy give a listen to his comments after the fumble that are directed at Rogers http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Bills_Focus_Alex_Carrington_Wired_For_Sound/6666473d-a479-47fc-8094-b35a33578cb0). I doubt that coaches would underplay someone to hide him but right now the PS appears to be where he is headed because the other wideouts are clearly shining. I would hate to lose him to another team where with enough time he might be a star. Two weeks to go ... so let's see if he can turn it around! GO BILLS!!! What an incredible group of receivers we have and a QB in EJ who can get them the ball anywhere!
  13. My brother and I were there; teenagers using our part time earnings to buy upper sideline tickets and so excited to be Bills' season ticket holders. I think I still have the souvenir coin in a box somewhere. We were sure we would live in Buffalo forever and have those tickets forever. Times and life changed with us moving out of state after college but we are once again season ticket holders (last year was our first) even though we are in NJ and VA. Lots of memories from "Rich Stadium" and "The Ralph" and we both agree that this is one of the best stadiums to watch a game at (we own tickets for the game and want the best views at the most affordable prices). We do not need bells and whistles ... We need football and want our team to win; so we are both hopeful that 2013 will require us to buy a couple of tickets in January!
  14. Time to say it is EJ's team and let the season begin!
  15. Well, I am not sure which of the national media was not positive about EJ's performance versus the Colts. You and I must not be reading/listening to the same reports. First, the NFL network during half time of the game itself were praising EJ's drive (And, they knew it was against 2nd and 3rd stringers but they also knew it was his first game against NFL competition so unlike you they saw his ability to recover from his early nervousness and mistakes.). And, I heard Herm Edwards praise him this week and have read several stories (And, no I don't have the links handy but I am so frustrated by all of these attacks on Manuel that started with the post game show callers on GR and have continued all week long. What's up guys? Why the negativity on our first round pick and quarterback of the future?). The truth is he is learning to play in the NFL and will have to do so at some point in his career so why not now? I like switching starters for this week but certainly hope EJ gets time in with the 1's because otherwise no matter what he does the naysayers here will be saying it was against lesser competition than Kolb had. I am not annointing EJ as a Pro Bowl QB nor am I saying we will win Super Bowls instantly. But, it is clear that he is the future of Bills not Tuel and definitely not Kolb. Let's get him through his learning moments now so that our future can be brighter!
  16. He had one decent year with the Jets playing under Pettine. http://www.nfl.com/player/jamaalwesterman/2507638/profile
  17. Ok, I am really shaking my head at your list because first I think that Hogan/Brad Smith (Each gives us special teams' skills with one of these two making the roster and I do not seeing either being cut at the first cut down but I am leaning more towards Hogan actually making the team.), Moats (note correct spelling), and Robey have real shots at making the final roster; Troup is also still in the mix and has been getting decent comments from the coaching staff. Also, I think we will see the kicking contest go to the final cuts so Lindell stays until the last cut. I agree with you on Brown, Elliot and Heath. My other eight are: Tipoti (DT), Drew Smith (RB), Sinkfield (WR), Legree (DB), Cross (DE), Edwards (DB), Turnley ©, and Provo (TE - That Syracuse connection is there but unless he shows something special in this week's game I can't see this team needing many TE's.).
  18. After coming out holding his knee, he then "jogged" off the field after rubbing his lower leg. He later returned to practice but left again so his status is unknown. As much as the Patriots have replaced the Dolphins as my most hated team, I do not want to see one of the stars of the game injured and I want to beat Brady with our defense and offense rather than allowing a preseason injury to change the game. http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/9568132/tom-brady-new-england-patriots-leaves-practice-vs-tampa-bay-buccaneers
  19. I agree with the posting that the end times must be here .... such utter insanity! And, who ever said that Tuel was part of a "fair fight?" The quarterback competition to become the BILLS's starting quarterback has always been EJ versus Kolb ... end of discussion. What is with this small club of EJ haters that is making the rounds of GR call-in shows, the post game show (that was painful to listen to the first few callers who clearly will never support EJ as the Bills' quarterback (Mmm, I wonder if there is an underlying reason for their immediate dislike of him being the team's leader other than his use of initials for his first name?), and now here on this board. It's as if the bile has been accumulating since draft day and we now have found a nice plain bread kind of guy in Tuel who shines in a preseason game and the practice immediately following the game. I will admit, I am excited about Tuel's upside as our #2 quarterback (Maybe not this year but for years to come.). I can envision a Manuel-Tuel quarterback combo along the lines of Kelly and Reich. But, since camp opened Tuel has had some serious issues from all of the reports I have read and he does not have the skill set of EJ. I want him to do well but I want the quarterback of our future, EJ, to get all the reps he needs now so that when the season arrives he is ready for the real game! If the Bill's become a point producing machine with a defense that shuts down opponents then Tuel Time can be a reality too. GO EJ ... GO BILLS!
  20. What I started to realize last year and it became very evident through the post game calls to GR and postings on this board. All too many alleged fans of the Bills have trouble just having fun and enjoying moments of success. I really do not know what you're drinking or smoking but allow those of us who are truly fans to enjoy these moments without getting so wrapped up in having to be super negative whiners who start your 'troll' accusations rather than just letting people who are happy have their say. Yes ... we know this was a preseason game. Yes ... we know that Tuel was playing against 2nd and 3rd team fodder. But, we also saw a quarterback in control of his team with a true sense of the game plan and an ability to see the field and make throws. Does he replace EJ ... don't be silly (Even though some real naysayers were whining away on GR that EJ sucked when even the Colts TV analysts and the NFL network half time team were impressed by him.). So, if the only thing you have to say are words critical of someone who is happy with the game's outcome ... why don't you just find that dark corner of your cave and contemplate why you feel the need to rip people you don't even know for their moment of celebration. After all ... a fan is someone who wants his/her team to succeed and yes a fan is someone who has what can be at times blind loyalty to a team ... a critic is not a fan and if you live to criticize please do not think of yourself as a fun ... there's my rant ... GO BILLS ... EJ starts and TUEL TIME backs him up ...
  21. Yes ... It was only a preseason game but several things stood out that matter: 1. An attitude from the players (reflecting our coaches) that the game is to be played aggressively. The non-stop approach in training camp shined throughout the game and I do not remember any Bills team in regular or preseason in years that showed a high motor level throughout games. 2. This team is not going to stop trying to score no matter what their lead is until the game is over. No more trying to hold onto three point leads by slowing things down. 3. Players are being coached and trained to play full games (*see #1) and to get emotionally involved in their games! We will see what it means but right now feels so good and yes it is only preseason but doesn't it feel great thinking we have our #1 & #2 quarterbacks for the near future (the 2013 version of Kelly & Reich).
  22. A very simple NO ... Brad Smith has no trade value and in fact may be available on the waiver wire before the summer is over. Your partial explanation doesn't provide any sound reasoning so perhaps if you write some more then you might find someone on the board willing to agree but for now as you can tell ... your idea is far fetched with no value.
  23. BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE but we are in the year 2013 and moving forward. Out of the listed names CJ is the one until EJ proves himself. Frankly, I do think TBD needs a facelift but I wouldn't mind a collage of our championship teams from the 60's and 90's so that new fans can know we did have some winning teams here in Buffalo.
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