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Everything posted by Coach55

  1. Other than Maybin, the only two remaining players are Andre Smith and Crabtree. At this point, Maybin should have all the data points necessary to sign considering Raji was at 9 (5y/28.5mm) and Orakpo at 13 (5y/20mm) are comparable positions. His contract should come in at 5y/24.5mm. The fact that he is waiting for Crabtree is rediculous. Crabtree has all-star agent Eugene Parker who ruins players reputations as he lacks capable negotiating skills.
  2. I'll agree that run blocking is a lot more damaging than pass blocking. But power running doesn't necessarily win football games.
  3. I'm not for or against whether or not he should be cut at this point. My point is posters who state just because he was drafted in the 4th round a year ago, he deserves to stay around. Where you were drafted should not dictate whether or not you should be on the team, performance should.
  4. I agree with that statement if you "hurry up". But if you just run a passing offense (ala the Cheatriots*) or run a no-huddle (without the hurry-up factor) you are indifferent.
  5. Disagree - If you have a better offense than your opponent, you ideally would want more possessions as it would allow you more opportunities to score. Example - the Colts are playing the Broncos. The Colts are favored by 10. The Colts, ideally would want to get as many possessions as possible as it would give them more opportunities to score. Thus by passing more, they can achieve this. Conversely, the Broncos would want to do what they could to keep the Colts off the field. By running they are able to keep the clock burning, thus even if their drives go no where, the Colts would have less possessions. Obviously, this strategy changes based on the score.
  6. In both scenarios the defense is off the field for the same amount of time.
  7. This is exactly the thought process. There are various scenarios to burn the game clock (i.e. if you have the lead late or a big lead early in the 2nd half). People complain that the "no-huddle" will not allow for the defense to rest, but statistical TOP as it is tracked is meaningless compared to real time.
  8. Not going to argue that, but people have this misnomer that TOP is everything and running the ball is so important, which is clearly not the case.
  9. 4th Round means good? We already discussed Wright 06 - Ko Simpson 05 - Duke Preston 04 - Tim Euhus 03 - Terrence McGee 03 - Sam Aiken 01 - Brandon Spoon 00 - Avion Black 99 - Keith Newman 99 - Bobby Collins I could keep going. Other than McGee, no one was better than a stop-gap and most shouldn't have been on the team.
  10. Bored at work and started thinking about the old belief that if you run the ball, you control the clock, thus control the game. This is not as true as one might think. Time of Possession grades how long you held the ball while the clock is running. However, if you compare the following scenarios in which the same amount of yards are achieved, which would you rather have Scenario 1 - Run, run, pass for first down, run, run, run, punt - TOP: 4:25 Scenario 2 - Incomplete pass, Incomplete Pass, Pass for first down, 3 incomplete passes, punt. TOP: 1:15 One would argue that Scenario 1 is better as you controlled the clock for over 3 minutes longer. However in actuality, you would be indifferent in these 2 scenarios as the actual time (not game time) would both theoretically burn ~4:25. In the latter scenario, the clock stops between each pass, thus real time still runs. Barring an unusual stoppage, you have 40 seconds between each play to call a play, regardless if the game clock is moving. End result - the time of possession statistic is not a valid judge on whether a team should win. Offensive plays run, I would think, would be much more outcome determinative.
  11. As this training camp rolls on, I am beginning to question which tight ends the team will keep. Travis McCall's injury has officially made it a 4 man race for 3 positions. Shouman, through camp, has positioned himself to be the opening day starter or at least make the team. I've been under the belief that Fine should be good too, however based on Stupar's performance against the Bears (who was on my cut list), he looked really good. Nelson is cut from a different cloth compared to the other 3 as he brings a different skill set to the table. My first thought would be that Fine is the odd man out here. But then again, Nelson has been playing a lot of WR in camp. I could see them keeping all 4 (cutting McIntyre for the roster spot), then ultimately converting Nelson to a WR permanently. Thoughts? Side Note - In two years, our starting 3 WR core could be Nelson, Hardy and Johnson (6'5'', 6'6" and 6'2") who combined are 20 inches taller as compared to last year's smurf set of Evans, Reed and Parrish (5'10", 5'10", and 5'9")
  12. I never heard a such thing either, prior to this discussion. As he is heavily involved with another NFL franchise, I discussed the rumors that Vick was in town twice in 2 weeks (per this board and articles on it) and he stated he had not heard this and the Bills were required to notify the other teams. Don't know how true this rule is, but he is a very credible source.
  13. Heard from an NFL insider that the if a player visits a team it needs to be reported to the league and the other teams need to be notified. Per this insider, to his knowledge Buffalo has not notified other teams that Vick has been into visit. The rumors are unfounded.
  14. Agree with you entirely. The only value of a FB is short yardage situations. What they should do is use a backup lineman (OL/DL) to plow out at the point of attack. Having McCargo as a FB could be devastating.
  15. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that about 95% of the roster is set already with just some players on the fringe with their jobs in jeopardy (Neill, Wendling, Simpson, Jenkins), most of which will be decided by who April wants to carry for ST.
  16. Question - can Hall be put on the practice squad after making the 53 man roster?
  17. I hear you with McKinney. I find it hard to see C. Harris making the roster given that he is acting like a wallflower in camp (practice squad maybe). I also don't think they will carry 4 TE's as April will want the 6th WR for Special Teams.
  18. QB (3) - Edwards (S), Fitzpatrick, Hamden RB (3) - Lynch (S), Jackson, Rhodes, Omon during Lynch's suspension then to practice squad FB (1) - McIntyre WR (6) - Evans (S), Owens (S), Reed (S), Parrish, Johnson, Jenkins (Hardy will remain on PUP) TE (3) - Shouman (S), Fine, Nelson OT (4) - Walker (S), Butler (S), Bell, Chambers OG (3) - Wood (S), Levitre (S), McKinney C (2) - Hangartner (S), Rodd K (1) - Lindell P (1) - Moorman LS (1) - Neill DT (4) - Stroud (S), Williams (S), McCargo, Johnson DE (4) - Shobel (S), Kelsay (S), Maybin, Denney OLB (4) - Mitchell (S), Ellison (S), Harris, Bowen MLB (2) - Posluszny (S), Thomas CB (5) - McGee (S), McKelvin (S), Youboty (N), Florence, Corner (Lankster to practice squad) S (6) - Whitner (S), Scott (S), Byrd, Simpson, Wilson, Wendling This is my current thoughts, however, 11 DB's may be one too many. They may add a 7th LB for ST in exchange for Wendling or Simpson. Also, they may only take 8 OL and cut either McKinney or Rodd (again for another LB on ST). The other 2 big question marks are what happens when Hardy comes off the PUP (if at all) and will Chris Ellis dethrone one of the heads of the Kelsay/Denney monster (not likely). I can't forsee too many surprises this camp.
  19. All teams run the same basic patterns. There are only so many types of routes that can be run. If you add too much complexity in the style of route, you won't have time to let it develop. The whole key is how the receiver sells the break. If you run a slant against a zone, you are screwed as the LB's drop right into the throwing lanes. The slant works great against a man, especially as a counter to the blitz, however if the receiver's break isn't good, the slant is easy to cover. One of the major keys for exciting football is how well the QB can read the coverage before the WR makes the break. If a QB can deliver the ball, so as the receiver makes the break the ball is already in route, he will have more separation from the DB and will be able to get more YAC. Good receivers can gain more separation, giving the QB more time. Good QB's can read the defense and do more with less separation. Match a good QB and a good WR and then you are dangerous.
  20. I'm sure we will find out on the TO show why she is dating him. Tune in on monday...
  21. But she is a Buffalo Native. It may have been a moment of weakness (for the money) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_White
  22. I have been convinced that TO will be a one and done in Buffalo, either being that he will play great and be auctioned off to the highest bidder in the non salary cap 2010 season or his age/attitude will get the best of him and this will be his last season... However... if he is dating an upstate NY native (not sure what part of upstate), it might be the x factor to keep him here. http://www.nypost.com/seven/07162009/gossi...eeze_179505.htm
  23. I would love for Mike Leach to come to Buffalo more than anyone, however, can he coach on a professional level. TE may fit his offensive system better than any of Texas Tech's historical QB's given TE's intelligence (which is needed in Leach's offense). The style could easily translate to the NFL level, however, as with great college coach's of the past, they can't make the transition. The one thing Leach has going for him compared to other college coaches is he wins with less as UT and A&M take all of the good local players. I have not ruled out DJ yet, but he is on a very short leash.
  24. They decided to buy Danny boy's house? http://activerain.com/blogsview/355574/Dan-Marino-s-House
  25. One matchup that will actually be very helpful is Maybin vs. Walker. Maybin needs the beat down of a large tackle when defending the run. Won't help Walker, will help Maybin. Walker needs a true speed rush end to practice again, won't really help Maybin, but will help Walker. Overall, I think the positives outweigh the negatives, but both are key.
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