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Everything posted by Coach55

  1. You'll just have to wait until you get home.
  2. I know I posted this footage in the JP Losman thread, but a topic of this grandeur deserves its own thread...
  3. Available Quarterbacks I currently would rather have than JP Losman: Michael Vick Jeff Garcia Jon Kitna Tim Couch Uncle Rico This Guy:
  4. Everyone is talking about moving Wood to center and finding TWO tackles in the offseason. We have more pressing needs. Keep Hangartner at Center. Put Butler at RT (he's great - when he is healthy). Offseason Needs: 1. QB - clearly needed 2. LT - clearly needed 3. LB - I think we keep Scott at LB and keep Poz, dump the rest. 4. DT - Stroud has clearly lost a step - need a new Big man in the middle 5. DE - We have Maybin (I am assuming he comes around) and... we have Maybin - Schoebel is done and the Kelsay/Denney two headed monster needs to go.
  5. This tax is meaningless to 99% of Americans. The taxes are only the portion of an estate that is over $3.5mm. The interesting thing is the majority people who have that much at retirement are actually for the tax. However the majority of the 99% of the Americans who this tax doesn't affect are against it. People are scared the government is going to "take away the american dream". Personally, I am anti-gov't and against most taxes, so this falls in that category.
  6. I question whether Stroud has the speed. Schobel will be gone next year - he is too old - he was already totally ineffective this year.
  7. Williams has the speed of an end. Not as fast as a Bruce Smith type (who was only 270). He would have to play as your LDE as you would want a traditional speed rusher on the QB's blind side. As for size, most 3-4 ends run between 6'3" - 6'5" and run between 285-305. Kyle Williams is short at 6'1" - 305, but his speed makes up for his lack of height. Seymour and Warren are both on the taller side (6'6" - 310 and 6'5" - 305), but they are the exception, not the rule.
  8. Maybin is too small to be a DE in a 3-4. You may also consider moving Scott to OLB permanently and let Whitner start.
  9. 3-4 Defense (with who we have) DE - Williams NT - Stroud (but would need someone else) DE - 3rd Round Draft Pick/Free Agent (assuming we take QB/OL 1-2) OLB - Harris ILB - Poz ILB - Mitchell OLB - Maybin FS - Byrd SS - Scott CB - McKelvin CB - McGee
  10. This may be a fair argument if Jackson was performing as bad as Lynch. However, he is not, as he is averaging 1 yard more per carry. The problem is - Lynch plays as if he knows he is the starter regardless and Jackson plays as if he is one step away from being cut. In my eyes, talent wise they are both good backs, but Jackson clearly plays like he always has something to prove - every play. I feel that if you bench Lynch and give Jackson the starting role, even for just the remainder of the season, you will see a whole new Lynch next season. Besides, if AVP was any good, he would find a way to put them both in every play.
  11. Thank you for the clip....excellent.
  12. He is such a better return man than McKelvin. IMO.
  13. Meaningless only in the fact that we got no points out of the return. It was an absolute thing of beauty, too bad time had expired.
  14. If anyone has it, I am looking for the video footage of Terrence Mcgee returning the ball and falling down at the 4 right before the half (so it was meaningless) a few years back. I thought they played the Saints, but could be wrong.
  15. Ralph announced that he is bringing back the entire starting offense from 1990. He feels the extra 20 years of experience and know how to win will make up for the age issue.
  16. Rumor is out that Fewell was not the first choice, hence the long lag between the announcements. Odds are that April was who Ralph/Russ wanted and he turned it down for one reason or another.
  17. Ponder this - it seems most times teams have a dynasty, it is following a series of abysmal seasons. Bills had back to back 2-14 seasons before becoming great. Cowboys had a 3-13, followed by a 1-15 before beginning their dynasty. Colts - back to back 3-13 seasons. San Francisco - back to back 2-14 seasons. I am not saying that it is always like this, but most of the real good dynasties started as almost a fresh slate as the front office basically dumped everyone and started new and put together a strong core. I think if you are a team that floats between 6-10 and 10-6 for long periods of time, you basically get stuck in a rut and can have a "good" core, but never great. You may make the playoffs on occasion, but you'll never fully get there.
  18. Simple solution - the offense moves the d*mn ball, so the defense isn't totally exhausted by the 4th quarter.
  19. That's a whole other issue. Again, Coaches not creative. They need to put the best 11 on the field. period. And they can't do it. Nor can they utilize them. People blame the line (which is not great by any means) and the QB (again not great by any means). However, if they had a decent game plan which exploited the strengths (good interior run blocking, good receiving out of the backfield, 2 top tier receivers) and hid the weaknesses (weak tackles, QB lack of accuracy (Fitz) or lack of aggression (TE)), they could be a good offense What happened to the screens? How about a WR screen? Play action passes? Counters? If they want to run a no-huddle, how about setting up the 5 skill players as Nelson, Owens, Evans, Jackson and Lynch. Given Nelson and Jackson's versatility you could throw numerous formations to confuse the defense without subsitution - examples I-Formation - With Jackson as FB Pro Formation/Pro Formation Shotgun (they run this with little success because the playcalling has been sh*t) 4 wide with Nelson and Owens on one side (height) and Jackson and Evans on the other (speed). The offense can be simple and imaginative. Our coaches can't do either.
  20. That's because this is a mismanaged football team. I remember back in the early 90's with Walt Corey at defensive coordinater where they switched to a 2-5 defense due to injuries on the d-line. These are professional coaches, why they lack creativity is beyond me.
  21. Given the Bills current defensive state of affairs, I propose they go to a modified 4-2-5 defense (effectively a high school 4-4, but using Whitner and Scott as your OLB's and Byrd at FS). Our current LB core is seriously busted. Why should we be trying to start a banged up Keith Ellison and Chris "I missed the" Draft. Start Harris and Poz in the middle. This will put the best 11 guys on the field, plus you would have depth. And if you keep Whitner and Scott in the box except on obvious passing plays, you will have the bodies up front to stop the run yet have the speed to cover the TE's and RB's. You are giving up some weight, but the 8th man in the box will overcompensate.
  22. Not going to argue that. I also would not want to sit and watch a run only game. Just an observation.
  23. I know this is not Bills related, nor am I a fan, but just on observation with Navy this year. They have run the ball 596 times vs only 73 passes, that translates to 60 runs vs. 7 pass attempts per game. When they beat Wake Forest earlier this year, they ran the ball 61 times vs. 0 passes (not a misprint). At 7-3, they are not doing that shabby.
  24. Remember at the beginning of last season when everyone was thinking TE would be the MVP and then he got destroyed in Zona and hasn't been the same since... Maybe, just maybe, this concussion will reverse the first one. (I know there is about a 0% chance of this happening, but at least its worth the thought.)
  25. The real question is - if Flutie was given the "Outright" starter position and RJ was declared 2nd string from word go (so you didn't have a divided locker room), would Flutie have been better than 21-9 as a starter for Buffalo. Given this group, Flutie hands down gets my vote. (I would have loved to see Flutie in his prime in the NFL to see if he could reproduce his CFL success, ala Warren Moon)
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