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High Mark

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Everything posted by High Mark

  1. Yea, even if they sit there with their thumbs up their butts for nine and a half minutes at least leave that door open please.
  2. Well then you are looking for something that isnt there.
  3. And the Rogue Scout from that article called him over rated at a reach at 3, so he is not the BPA on that dudes board. I'm just saying that there is literally never a time where every evauluator, even if they are professionals, agree that 1 player is BPA, so I would appreciate it if fans around here didnt drown you and I and everyone else with that post after the Bils draft ?????? tomorrow night. Nothing more, nothing less. My comments werent specific to any player, team, or media pundint in particular.
  4. I didnt say that at all. Stop putting words in my mouth.
  5. Green is high on most boards, but not all boards. I have seen people rank Julio Jones as better than Green for example. Miller is high on most boards, but not all boards. That rogue scout guy on his blog calls Miller “over rated” and a “reach” at 3, for example. Same goes for Dareus and Newton with Fairley and Gabbert respectively. Parcells has Amakumora over Peterson and Watt over all other Des and Heyward over Jordan. Im pretty sure I just discounted every potential top 10 pick from being a consensus BPA at almost any pick, thats all im saying. PS and if you dont want to be complain then you better hope Dareus falls to us.
  6. What do you call Bruce Smith? Or Seymour or Ngata for that matter. Every player on the DL has a huge impact on every game, win or lose, regardless of statistical output. Our O would still struggle because we continue to neglect the OL. The OL is more important to winning than all those jersey sellers you listed.
  7. I see this as awesome on two fronts. A) Denver cannot take Dareus at 2 if they trade with the Redsins who take Gabbert, which means we would take Dareus over Miller/Green according to NGU (assuming Newton is the top pick). B) they could fail to trade with Denver and offer us the same trade, which allows us to stockpile picks. The bad thing here is the Bills still would select the wrong player like they always seem to!
  8. I know most of you were watching the Sabres, but it was so bad I turned it off for The Parecells draft special last night on ESPN. Nothing too earth shattering, but he did have some cool insight into how teams draft rooms work on draft day and some different scounting techiniques and grading systems he experienced. He also admitted that he puts a lot into prototypical heights and weights. For example unless a guy is 6'5, he doenst project him to T but moves him to G. He expects all his 34 OLBs to be a minimum of 6'3'', QBs to be 6'3'', ect. The most intriguing part was his big board though. It was hard to see because they only panned across it at times, and he didn’t have every player up there. Unless I was reading it wrong, which I don’t think I was, his rankings are quite a bit different than some others we have seen. Amakumora he had above Peterson at CB, Peterson closer to the bottom of his round 1 slot, which indicates he has a later round 1 grade.. He had Nate Irving from NC State as the top ILB, and at the top of the 1st round slot (as opposed to the bottom or middle of the round I assume that makes him a top 10-12 pick?). The next highest ILb was M Wilson as a mid 2. He had JJ Watt as the top DE, Bowers as the 2nd best DE, and had Cameron Heyward as a mid-first round pick, rated above Cam Jordan and Quinn in that order, with Claiborne being the last 1st round DE. Brooks Reed was all the way down in the 4th round on his board. At OT he had Nate Soldier as the top rated LT at the top of the 1st round, Smith as a mid 1st , and Coztanzo as a late 1st. Sherrod was a mid 2nd, and Carimi was a mid THIRD rounder. He had Newton as his top QB, and had Dalton pretty low, mainly because of his lack of size. He had Phil Taylor has a mid 1 and said he was prob the only true 34 NG at the top. Rudolph he had as a late 1 and his next best rated was Stocker in the 3rd I think. At this time, I would like to ask that posters refrain from claiming our, or any, future pick was the “Consensus” best player available. A “Consensus” almost never exists (not even Suh was the consensus best DT available last year), and I think it’s very evident that teams have largely varying grades on players. So if we take Von Miller, or AJ Green, or whoever, I do not want to hear that he was clearly the BPA.
  9. My bet is more than 8 in 10 NFL players smoke. I dont really care.
  10. I guy I know said the doctors at the combine found that Cannon had cancer. Im not scientist but its some kind of limphoma or something? I think its teh same stuff Herzlich haD (I really want to add him) not sure if true, but if it is, ouch. I wish him the best.
  11. Well NGU didnt hint at any type of a trade in his thread, so i dont think the Bills have had many good convos with other teams. I dont think a team will come out of nowhere - they tend to do their homework. I think we will be selecting a player at 3
  12. ESPN bottom line is reporting that Steve Smith from Carolina cleaned out his locker and luxury suite (huh?) before the lock out and demanded a trade. maybe an indication they lean Green? Could mean Newton for us.
  13. Awesome NGU, it’s really appreciated. I guess there has little discussion with other teams about potentially trading dow, as you didn’t mention that. And I doubt you want to divulge anything in regard to the 2nd round QB rumors or trading back into the 1st rumors…. ? On another note, the only player I would be truly happy with is Dareus. I wouldn’t mind Green that much because I do think he is really good, but I just don’t think WRs are that important of a position when you have no DL no OL and no LB core. Newton is the best QB athlete maybe ever, but mentally I don’t think he has it. I don’t think he will be successful at the end of the day. That said, I admit that Buffalo is prob the best place for him to end up with a year behind Fitz and Gayle’s track record. (does anyone else think that them liking the mobile Newton is more evidence that they were indeed trading up for Tebow last year? I do) We all know my stance on Miller – I just don’t see his pass rush ability translating. I am really hoping that “Dareus is thereforus”
  14. Parrcells is also having some kind of Draft preview at 930 on ESPN. He is going to go through what teams go through in the war room, setting up the board, and going over his board this year. Should be some pretty cool stuff. Most of you will prob be watching the Sabres but if you can DVR it I’m sure it’ll be worth it. PS in the preview on ESPN last night they asked him if Kipers board was in the draft room and he responded with “Not my draft room” to which Kiper said “Well Parcells never used my board but other teams do, I won’t name them obviously but I have a few teams that are subscribers”. Unless Kiper is totally full of it, which he could be, some NFL teams actually use his board as a reference! I find that extremely funny, but also sad at the same time, Kipers board is more accurate than the Bills |-(
  15. 70% as good as Suh makes him an absolute stud lol. if you want to talk stats that equates to about 7 sacks and 2-3 more wins because of him alone next season haha
  16. I think a couple weeks back someone had a “your dream two picks for the first two picks” thread. Mine were Netwon and Miller (im pretty sure, or maybe Peterson and Miller, but Im pretty sure it was Newton and Miller). I could not be happier if this happened. That would leave us with Dareus or Fairley, I have wanted one of those two for a long while.
  17. Yea I know they have taken a lot of other positions, I just meant DL v LB. There was an article someone posted recently about how teh Steelers target late round LBs. I think their only 1st rounder in maybe ten years is Timmons, but they take late rounders all the time. maybe its jsut coincidence, but the article made it seem otherwise. I didnt think of it that way but I guess that could be what he meant. I guess I am assuming they think Fairley is a multi front player and maybe they dont. very good point K-9
  18. I would argue with some of your ratings of the players, for example how can Bulaga get a 0 when he played well and helped his team to a SB? I also thought Okung and Williams played well. And you left off players like Orakpo and DRC who have made the Pro Bowl.
  19. Yesterday the rumor was they were eyeing AJ Green or Von Miller. The player changes but the “Pats trading up” rumor keeps resurfacing it seems.
  20. This is the most interesting part I think. We know Buddy has said they want to play and draft for a 3-4, but we don’t know exactly if it’s the Wade Phillips type of penetrating 3-4 or the more traditional Pitt style 2 gap 3-4. By saying Dareus fits what they want to do more than Fairley, that pretty much indicates we are doing the 2 gap Pitt style. I wonder what the means for KW. He is our best player but he doesn’t fit the mold of a 2 gap NG. I am not just talking height and weight here, but how he plays. I think he needs to make the switch to DE to be the best he can be and help our team the most. I also wonder with Whaley on the staff, will we follow the Steelers method of drafting defensive players and tend to spend 1st rounder’s on lineman and later rounder’s on LBs. We did that last year and the Steelers have been very successful doing it that way, I guess we will see if it continues. He also laughed when you asked about Maybin hahaha. He was with the Steelers at the time and I bet they had him as a 5th rounder hahaha.
  21. I agree man – I have no idea where the work ethic questions come from. He never took plays off he was crushing dudes and played through the whistle. I too think that’s what we need. FWIW, on ESPN last night they had a Fairley v Dareus segment. They showed comments by the Panthers new coach Riveara and John Fox from the Broncos. Both guys comments where that both guys could play in a 3-4 or 4-3, but they both thought Dareus was more adaptable and more prototypical. Riveara said Fairley was as athletic as a DE but built like a DT. AKA I don’t buy the whole “fairley is a 4-3 only guy” excuse. Another knack on him I have heard is people call his body undeveloped or lacking definition. I tend to see the results, and weak people cannot toss around SEC lineman like ragdolls the way Fairley did all season. Besides, I see a striking similarity between Fairleys body type and Warren Saps. I also think that it is so rare to find a 300+ pound human being that can move around like some of the guys in this class. They are very rare. I don’t want to take an average sized very athletic human, I want a freakishly large and freakishly athletic human. There are mush less of the latter on the planet.
  22. haha I told you those were in jest. my point is/was we are going to draft a bust so take the most entertaining one- which is Newton. I guess I dont expect you to believe me, but if you read my posts I have been saying I dont want any QB at all this year. So I dont see how that means I wanted Newton all along? Besides, Im a racist and Newton is Black so he is gonna be jsut like Russel and Young, I think he could be a killer WR though.
  23. I would consider Spiller a reach and Miller too at 3. Thats because I believe there are better players out there at the time. By your deffinition Koa Misi wouldnt have been a reach at 9 last year because he went one pick before our 2nd round selection. Again its all relative to your board and everyone elses. You cant predict other peoples selections so you have to base yorus off your board alone.
  24. If you read the article, its clear this guy doesn’t care what anyone else in the media, or even his own draft room, says. He calls it as he sees it. If the article is true, he almost broke out in a fist fight with the former Rams GM about Alex Smith – if nothing else you can admire his confidence and conviction. Too me, that’s a breath of fresh air. To be able to go against the grain is something I would admire on my scouting staff. You say Spiller is in no way a reach. You then say he was regarded by many as the best offensive plyer n the draft. Well yea, to those people he wouldn’t have been a reach. But some people didn’t think Spiller was that good, to some he was a reach. I for one didn’t think he was a 1st round talent – that makes him a big reach IMO. I will admit I didn’t expect him to fall out of the 1st round, but at 9th overall its still bad value pick to me. Taking a player top 10 that isn’t graded in the first round is a reach, taking a player top ten who is graded as top 5 is value. It could easily be the same player on two different boards. For example, this is a quote from that dudes blog. Michael Haynes - DE - Chicago - Pick #14 Concerns: Effort, consistency. Grades were all over board on this player, from 1st to 5th round. When that is the case, watch out. Have to see “discrepancy” players vs best competition. This year, this guy calls Miller a reach at 3. Well, if you listed to Kiper or McShay or Walter Football, Miller isn’t a reach at 3. If this scout calls Miller a reach at 3, his statement is obviously based off of his own grade of Miller, which we can safely assume is not a top 3 pick. Its relative to the opinion/board you are referring to. besides, I dont think he was refering to last year only (Whitner/McCargo/Losman/Maybin/McKelvin/Troup/hardy/hell, maybe even Evans, who knows.)
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