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  1. correction - it's not that the Bills failed to apply consistent pressure on Warner......they applied NO PRESSURE at all. We made Warner look like the second coming of that Arena League gunslinger who had recently been seen stocking grocery shelves.
  2. umm.....not funny. The lame Animal House joke has been dead for about 11 years now.
  3. you are joking. right? I'll have whatever you are smoking...there is a damn good reason why Cross is on the A team for CBS
  4. if you are going to try and defend Wilcots by claiming "there are some that are a lot worse then he is", you should at least try to use the correct word ("than")....otherwise, since Wilcots is pretty bad, you are setting the bar low with your comment...
  5. With the way you write, it look and sounds like YOU are the one high on crack, not the scalper....
  6. It's pretty lame when you call someone else out as a MAROON (sic) and can't even spell it correctly.....MORON
  7. Get off your high horse, you self-righteous lefty.....who made you the chief of the Nazi Grammar police? Last time I checked, in today's colloquial English, "alot" = "a lot"....methinks you are splitting hairs to pick a fight. Go Bills, Go McCain (in a rout....) !!
  8. Since we are talking about the forearm being Xrayed, there are no ligaments or other soft tissue to be worried about....and the rotatot cuff is in the shoulder. Let's not spread fear unnecessarily - a little anatomical knowledge would go a long way !!
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