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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. All that proves is that the American electorate is retarded. Only in America could guys like GWB and Marion Barry be re-elected.
  2. Oh right, like the KKK has members who's view range from only hating blacks to those who hate everything non-white. How can you be a member of the Alaska INDEPENDENCE Party (not Independent, Independence) without being for Alaskan Independence? That's like David Duke running for governor of LA on an "economic platform", yeah right!
  3. Read the AIP's FAQ please.
  4. I actually would have been impressed had he selected Meg Whitman or Carly Fiorina. By making this Palin pick McCain is giving the American public no credit whatsoever! "She's new! She's pretty! She has a baby! She eats mooseburgers!" I'm sure the "The Maverick" deep down wanted Ridge or Lieberman but didn't have the balls to take on his jesus freak overlords. What a "leader of men"!
  5. Can you tell me anything about Sarah Palin's "executive experience" or "commander and chief experience"? Why should a 19 month governor of a idiosyncratic state with a population of only 600K become next in line to be POTUS? Name one thing she did that was exceptional. Don't bother responding if you're just going to say "What am Obama be doing that am be exceptional"?
  6. Wasilla City Hall!
  7. By what week would Evans rather wait until the end of the season to test the market than sign an extension?
  9. Did you watch his speech?
  10. But I thought you said the veep didn't do anything? If that's the case how would Biden prevent change? I love this childish interpretation of change being nothing more than bringing in some new faces. Hell, a Stevens/Byrd ticket could bring change if they really wanted to.
  11. You're right, but isn't McCain's selection of Palin indicative of the types of people he will fill the executive branch with?
  12. Looks like you have something in common with McCain spokesperson Tucker Bounds -
  13. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! When J. Wright, Bill Ayers, or Obama's half-brother are placed on the Democrat ticket let me know!
  14. By the way, Palin never went to Iraq. She went to Kuwait. Oh and unlike Palin my parents were wise enough to tell me to wear a condom.
  15. So Obama's deadbeat dad's lovechild in Kenya is equivalent to the fact that Sarah Palin is the most underwhelming VP candidate I've ever seen? Even Tucker Bounds couldn't defend her resume to Campbell Brown today!
  16. A little touchy about McCain idiotic VP choice, aren't you?
  17. These VP picks tell you all you need to know about Obama/McCain.
  18. How patriotic! "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." - Joe Vogler, founder of the Alaskan Independence Party Nice job on the vetting McCain! Check our the AIP's FAQ Q: What is the Alaskan Independence Party? A: An Alaskan political party whose members advocate a range of solutions to the conflicts between federal and local authority; from advocacy for state's rights, through a return to territorial status, all the way to complete independence and nationhood status for Alaska. Q: Would I lose my U.S. citizenship? A: Depending on the form of independence, several forms of citizenship would be possible, including the retention of U.S. citizenship or dual citizenship. However, considering the moral, educational, and economic decay of the U.S., Alaskans' who hold themselves to a higher standard might very well decide to at least maintain an arm's length distance from a country in decline. Q: Didn't we vote for statehood already? A: The vote for statehood was invalid because the people were not presented with the range of options available to them. Further, the federal government has since breached the contract for statehood on numerous occasions in over a dozen serious and substantial instances. What's next, Randy Weaver as Secretary of Defense? Ed Brown as Secretary of the Treasury? Skrewdriver as the NSC?
  20. I hope not, if your opponent is drowning don't throw him a life preserver!!!!
  21. Maybe if some Buffalo Police Officers can pull Peters over and start smashing his headlights like in Porky's we can intimidate him into reporting!
  22. I hope that getting Obama's acceptance speech out of the headlines for one day was worth it!
  23. Let's make a list of all the stuff Sarah Palin doesn't know- 1)What her teenage daughter is up to 2)What a VP's job entails 3)Anything about Iraq 4)Who the Pledge of Allegiance was written by That's just off the top of my head, feel free to add to the list.
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