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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. Is he chair of any committees now? If he is he'll probably have it stripped.
  2. She's having her talking points downloaded into her head like in the Matrix. Who the hell needs so much time to prepare for a speech? How hard is it to read off a teleprompter?
  3. I'd actually of respected that choice, even though he's inexperienced his handling of the rebuilding of LA is impressive.
  4. Wow!!!!!!So impressive! She was able to waste both our federal tax dollars and her constituents local tax dollars! Moral of the Story- If you can get elected to any mayor's office, any county executive/manager position, or any governorship and if the city/town/state doesn't immediately spontaneously combust or devolve into a dystopian wasteland then you're qualified to be President of the United States! Because I mean Sarah Plain learned how to place her signature on a bill! Whoa!!!
  5. WOW!!! I can't belive you provided absolutely ZERO specifics about Palin's "executive experience" other than the fact that she held the offices of mayor and governor! Shocking!
  6. I'm still waiting for your response. Here, I'll repeat the question (again)- Can you tell me anything about Sarah Palin's "executive experience" or "commander and chief experience"? Why should a 19 month governor of a idiosyncratic state with a population of only 600K become next in line to be POTUS? Name one thing she did that was exceptional. Don't bother responding if you're just going to say "What am Obama be doing that am be exceptional"?
  7. Looks like Palin had zero effect and Obama solidified his support with Clinton's voters.
  8. 5 GROWN children.
  9. They haven't figured out how to crowbar any Obama "messiah" jokes into the Palin discussion.
  10. Check out Bristol Palin drinking and shooting guns!
  11. Looks like Palin can't even run a car wash correctly! I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. It's funny, Karl Rove thinks Tim Kaine is too inexperienced to be VP but Sarah Palin is the perfect gal for the job! "With all due respect again to Governor Kaine, he's been a governor for three years, he's been able but undistinguished," Rove said. "I don't think people could really name a big, important thing that he's done. He was mayor of the 105th largest city in America." Rove continued: "So if he were to pick Governor Kaine, it would be an intensely political choice where he said, `You know what? I'm really not, first and foremost, concerned with, is this person capable of being president of the United States? What I'm concerned about is, can he bring me the electoral votes of the state of Virginia, the 13 electoral votes in Virginia?'"
  13. That looks fake to me.
  14. Or even County Executive Collins, Erie County has 900k!
  15. I love it! Rather than nominate Tom Ridge, which would have been a total game changer, McCain just threw some red meat to his base! Good work Johnny!
  16. I think alot of them view the Palin pick as patronizing.
  17. Looks like Obama has solidified his support among Clinton supporters.
  18. Obama should make a McCain celebrity ad!
  19. 1)I've never been banned 2)You can't handle the truth that the Palin gimmick is the death knell for the McCain campaign? Go back to spouting off your "Bad Bounce" talking points!
  20. My 2 least favorite sayings- 1)Things of that/this nature 2)So to speak
  21. Congratulations! Your Republican war hero is only trailing a black man whose middle name is Hussein and whose last name is one letter different than that of our generations worst mass murderer in Iowa, New Mexico, Colorado, and Virginia! But at least you're TIED in Ohio, and up by 1 in Nevada, right? That doesn't matter because Obama's bounce wasn't as big as other post convention bounces, right? Never mind that all it took was to add the least qualified VP nominee in American history to the ticket, but hey who needs to govern when you can dominate the last weekend in August's news coverage! Vote Republican- The party of moral victories!
  22. I'm still waiting for your response. Here, I'll repeat the question- Can you tell me anything about Sarah Palin's "executive experience" or "commander and chief experience"? Why should a 19 month governor of a idiosyncratic state with a population of only 600K become next in line to be POTUS? Name one thing she did that was exceptional. Don't bother responding if you're just going to say "What am Obama be doing that am be exceptional"?
  23. I wonder if he'll have the nerve to try and protect Palin's daughter after trashing Chelsea in the 90's? The first lady was furious about that, and even angrier when Rush Limbaugh took this shot: "Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat," said Limbaugh. "Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?" And he held up a picture of Chelsea.
  24. What do you think? Obama so much as farts and the right wing goes berserk!
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