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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. Keep denying that Palin's academic history is at best shockingly mediocre, I love it. Just accept that your candidate chose a running mate who couldn't hack it at not one but two two-year vocational colleges. No wonder she is refusing to give any interviews! Reporter- How would you handle Russia invading Georgia Palin- Well this hockey mom would offer Putin some mooseburgers and if that doesn't work I'll just have "First Dude" talk to him!
  2. Here's my favorite Onion political article of all time!
  3. The NYG d-line looked amazing last night.
  4. Ya, white slot guys! I left out Tom Waddle.
  5. I noticed that, Cooley looked like a high school kid when we was trying to block. Maybe he'd be better off as a Wes Welker/Wayne Chrebet type WR.
  7. I think that they still have the right to refuse permission. I could be wrong though.
  8. I thought I heard he beefed up, or am I thinking of someone else?
  9. ...but by no means is he a game changer or even an impact player. He's an average to above average linebacker who since he became a starter has been a member of some bad run defenses. I'd definitely rather have him start than Ellison but I don't think the drop-off is as steep as some people believe.
  10. He said that he asked him about Ayers and Rezko and that Obama didn't dodge the questions.
  11. You really believe that O'Reilly has split the interview into 4 parts for any reason other than getting people to tune in 4 separate nights? By the way I'm not criticizing him for doing it, it's smart on his behalf. It's just annoying.
  12. I didn't watch the speech last night, was it really this bad?
  13. I hate how O'Reilly is dragging this out for ratings like he did with the Howard Stern interview.
  14. There were tons of protestors at the DNC. They ruined every Hardball show the entire week!
  15. That's why neither side wants to do anything about immigration. They'll become a permanent minority party.
  16. What, is pointing out that it took a person who wants to be one heartbeat away from the presidency 6 years and 5 crappy colleges to earn a Bachelor's in Journalism really that ridiculous? Or do you think that if you stick up for Sarah enough "First Dude" will be so ingratiated to you that he'll take you on a romantic twilight snowmobile ride where you can wrap your noodlely arms around his masculine torso. I hate to kill your fantasy but "First Dude" barely reads this board.
  17. I'm not attacking her on grades!
  18. That's the second time you've used my brilliant "Hamburger U" line without my permission. I guess that I "must have done good" right?
  19. At least Obama has educational achievements to trump, Palin went through 5 colleges in 6 years and only has a Bachelor's in Journalism to show for it. I'm still waiting for your proof that magna cum laude was somehow different when Obama attended Harvard.
  20. Are you really comparing Obama graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School with Palin's enrollment at Matanuska-Susitna College, a two year college? These conspiracy theories make you look silly. Link or STFU
  21. Isn't bringing up Barack Obama's Ivy League education to deflect from Palin's painfully mediocre record the definition of infantile avoidance?
  22. I'm talking about Palin, not McCain.
  23. We have no information on Palin's grades either. All we have are the dates she attended. Surely you're not making a comparison to Obama's acandemic record and Palin's, are you?
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